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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. OK. I’ll be off tomorrow then. Thanks for allowing me to stay this long. Shame it didn’t work out. At least you’ve kept your cool and didn’t get angry or anything. 🤣😂 And I won’t mention …are a fucking a fucking disgrace, as I know you’ve got enough homework to keep you busy tonight.
  2. RK I don’t really get why anyone else should be bothered if Roops and me have the occasional difference of opinion? The more I hear that I can’t win the longer it’ll go on. The majority of it is on threads that I’ve started anyway and if she insists on prodding me every day with her sharp stick then of course I’ll respond. It’s all bollocks anyway.
  3. Just when you’d nearly got the hang of spelling, grammar and putting words in sentences correctly so they make sense etc., you’ve undone all that hard work with…being fucking in the arse. Time for bed now. 😴
  4. I’d like to make a charitable donation.DC. Give her one up the wrongun from me. Make the poor wretch feel she’s welcome in what must be a very uncomfortable environment for her (Liverpool).
  5. Night night. We’ll say no more about your behaviour tonight. And there’s no need to apologise tomorrow. Forget about it. I have already.
  6. A strange statement from someone who was boasting an hour or so ago about all the fannies he’d been up. Are you OK? You can tell me.
  7. I hope he’s not. Or if he is he’s not taken his medication. Things could rapidly go down hill if he hasn’t read the warning on the box.
  8. Not bad. One of your better posts but slightly spoiled by saying ‘on a daily basis’ twice. Keep up the good work. One day you could be a contender.
  9. You seem very tense and irritable tonight. Is there anything I can help you with?
  10. That’s OK. If you need a cuddle I’m here for you.
  11. A touch over aggressive. Have a lie down and relax. Don’t worry, Billy won’t hurt you.
  12. That’s much better, and there were some even longer words in there. 🤣
  13. Don’t you think I enjoy logging in every day to see that she’s been Googling like a lunatic, frantically fact-checking me and then triumphantly debunking my latest revelations, in her unique self superior way, with the added bonus (for me) of several insults too. She’s finished DC. My rope a dope tactic has her almost punched out and I’m still on my feet. I’m starting to feel a bit sorry for her actually. I do hope that doesn’t last as I’m nowhere near done with her yet.
  14. Me too. For a minute I actually thought he might have what it takes.
  15. I’ll let Kind Billy know if I bump into him. Seriously? You went to the bother of making this and then fucked up trying to spell a four letter word correctly? Feeble minded twit. 😂
  16. The one you fell out of, weighing about the same as a peri peri spatchcock chicken, is the last Fanny you ever got close to, or ever will again, you female repellent, feeble minded twit. Lol lol etc. and fuck off.
  17. I saw what you did there DC. You nailed it.
  18. OK then Ape. How about if we meet halfway and totally ban guns and abortion? No dead babies. Everyone’s a winner.
  19. At 5 weeks the heart starts beating. At 8 weeks the foetus starts moving in the womb. At 10 weeks vital organs are functioning. At 11 weeks the diaphragm is developing. At 12 weeks the foetus has taken on human form in all relevant respects. If it looks like a baby, it’s a fucking baby. You may agree with exterminating babies, I don’t. Nothing personal as we’re constantly at loggerheads about everything.
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