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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Something no one’s ever said about you.
  2. Not strictly true actually. Foreigners (mainly E European) are the best at the job in my line of business and that’s why they get the job. British birds have forgotten how to get their cunts out properly.
  3. You’ve got a better view than everyone else though Gypps. Oh and be careful up there on the roof with all that lead under your arm.
  4. I hope you choke to death slowly on Punkapes shit encrusted Yfronts.
  5. King Billy

    Monkey Pox

    I’m sure that as soon as Frank can extricate his Monkeypox ridden maggot from Punkapes gangrenous rectum, he’ll be making what he thinks is a triumphant return here, in a sort of self imagined post war De Gaulle fashion.
  6. Fair play to you Stubbers. I think around half a minute is my personal best, but that was a while back when I was channel hopping and noticed that Ann Widdecombe was on Newsnight with no knickers on.
  7. Sheep buggering is the least of your worries if you live in a typical English country village. The imminent arrival of thousands of 6’ bearded children to your peaceful haven will quickly see child rape, beheadings and blasphemy top the crime list.
  8. No matter what the ginger supreme leader might insinuate about me Stubbs, I’m no antivaxxer weirdo. If that was the case would I have pre booked my first jab for the day before my 82nd birthday? I’m not taking any chances once I’m in the Covid ‘at risk’ age group. I just hope I live long enough, so I’m not remembered as an NHS no show.
  9. The speakers will be in the Transit in the car park. The one with loads of blokes fighting beside it.
  10. Calm down Ape, Elton will be on stage soon.
  11. King Billy

    Monkey Pox

    As you well know Withers, us Orangemen are renowned for our pragmatism and willingness to change. So it won’t come as a surprise to you I’m sure, to learn that I’ve sold my bowler and flute on eBay, purchased a very fetching fez and the only musical instrument, pink or otherwise which passes my lips presently, is a beautiful antique Moroccan pungi which I’ve been enthralling the public with and who’ve been extremely generous, I might add, snake charming outside Finsbury Park mosque every day. Allah Akbar.
  12. You’re actually a lot worse than that.
  13. King Billy

    Monkey Pox

    All I’ve ever done is try to be nice to you and this is the sort of hateful abuse you hurl at me. It’s OK though. I know you don’t mean it. If I thought you actually knew from personal experience what a twat was I’d be disappointed to say the least. No need to apologise this time though.
  14. King Billy

    Monkey Pox

    Yes to all three. No need to apologise. That’s Goobers job.
  15. King Billy

    Monkey Pox

    Like the missing f? Didn’t the deviant teachers at your imaginary private school have the time to teach you to spell 3 letter words correctly, or was bumming your backside the only subject on the timetable? Lol.
  16. King Billy

    Monkey Pox

    I’m really worried that I may have Monkeypox. I don’t have any blisters, or any of the other telltale signs but I’m frightened in case I’m asymptomatic. I don’t know if I could survive another couple of years under the bed watching Sky News telling me I’m about to die.
  17. Yours is a jumbo sausage.
  18. King Billy

    Piers morgan

    The fat cunt is taking a six week break from his new Talk TV prime time show, which was hyped massively to the tune of millions for weeks, with his pig ugly mug on the side of London buses and billboards. It’s reported that Morgan is contracted with the Murdoch owned Talk TV to the tune of £50m for the next 6 years. Not a small sum even for the Murdochs, but it looks like they’ve fucked up with this two faced, lying, fake news cunt. It seems that the target audience aren’t remotely interested in watching any more of this fucking puppets self indulgent nonsense. This cunt who was shouting and screaming for 18 months on ITV for more lockdowns, masks and all the rest of the Covid fearporn, and now that a lot of people realise they weren’t ever in any danger, Morgan and the other cunts in the fakestream media who knowingly and gleefully aided and abetted the destruction of their lives, the future of their kids, are now claiming that they were against all of these criminal measures. This is the Cunt who regularly referred to Jonathon Van Tamm as ‘JVT the rock star of science’ who along with Whitty, Vallance, Johnson and Hancock succeeded in doing in 2 years what Hitler failed to do in 6, namely the total destruction of Great Britain. I say hang the fat slimy bastard before he fucks off to Antigua again and hopes people forget what he’s done.
  19. Yes. You’re a lucky man indeed (and so is Hayley)
  20. The address will be on your lifetime membership card, underneath a thick layer of that salty, protein rich crust that you like to ingest.
  21. Schofield is the only Phillip you admire.
  22. I’m sure you’ve been on intimate terms with most of the ‘members’ at several clubs. The Blue Oyster Club amongst them.
  23. I see Dame Arlene has been honoured for her lifetimes work on the frontline in the war against Catholicism and similar demonic entities.
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