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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. I’m a little puzzled here RK. If you find it so detrimental to your entertainment then don’t read any of my ‘boring repetitive shit’. I wouldn’t waste my time poring over the phone book or the yellow pages and then demand BT stop printing them. I’d simply STOP READING THEM. Anyway I must go because I’m waiting for confirmation about something I learned this afternoon which is absolutely unbelievable (probably).
  2. Yes. Do you think a couple of Covid jabs and half a dozen boosters might help? And how many masks should I wear while I’m swimming tomorrow Dr. Hillary?
  3. The sort of place all Neil’s lady friends end up after their first date.
  4. Another revelation from St Billiam last week. ‘And then, at that point we didn’t really understand the fatality rate. We didn’t understand that it’s a fairly low fatality rate and that it’s a disease mainly of the elderly, kind of like the flu although it’s a little bit different.’ Thanks Bill. Pretty much exactly what us crazy tinfoilhatters have been saying for two years while you ‘experts’ have been destroying the lives of almost everyone on the planet, never mind the futures of those not even born yet. Fucking evil to the bone monster. The thing he forgot to add was that Covid 19 has helped his personal fortune increase by over 100 billion dollars. So all the know all cunts like Roops who’ve been defending the indefensible carnage inflicted in the name of ‘public health’ are equally as fucking guilty. Fuck the lot of you. The vaccine you all queued up for like the cunts you are will undoubtedly shorten your miserable existences aswell as having added to Paedo Bills billions.😂 Fuck off.
  5. Headline from Daily Mail Australia 8/6/2022 ‘Healthy young people are dying suddenly and unexpectedly from a mysterious syndrome - as doctors seek answers through a new national register.’ What on Earth could be causing this? 💉🤭 Nah that’s a ridiculous conspiracy theory. It’ll be climate change, the male hierarchy or racism of course. The worlds no1 expert on all of these subjects will clear this mystery up within a couple of days. You can bet your life on that. Imagine life in the 21st century if we didn’t have St. Billiam of Gates to solve all these mysteries for us? (like if he was in jail for his antics with Mr Jeffrey Epstein).
  6. We’re you planning to drop your pants and launch that huge rocket between your legs?
  7. That’s cleared that up then Sue Gray. Not that I give a flying fiddlers fuck anyway. You’ve apparently not understood the context of this nom. Do try to keep up please.
  8. It’s that consistency she keeps telling everyone she’s renowned for (consistently.
  9. I m not going to report you for quoting out of context. There’s enough grasses on here already. And it’s only Roops’s latest dubious interpretation of the rules anyway. If I’d done it however?
  10. It was a West Indian Duck wot did it so the filth will probably be frightened of being accused of institutional racism and take the easy option ie say I was wearing a mini skirt and soliciting.
  11. It’s a police matter so I can’t comment about it at the moment.
  12. We can only hope and pray that Micky Mouse suffered a direct lightning strike and the entire Disneyland/World (can’t be arsed to check which is right) shitshow has been reduced to ashes along with the thousands of paedo wankers who worked there.
  13. Now that the matter of whether Boris should be put out of office has been settled and the Ginger Overlord has ended that topic of debate, the obvious question must be, Should Boris stay in office? A change is as good as a rest as they say, whoever they are.
  14. The fucking creepy cunt was lurking around all day on Sunday, sticking his beak in and no doubt creaming his filthy pants when it went a bit mental. He’s a fucking pile of shit.
  15. No worries ProfB. I’ll make sure Goober apologises for the silly cunt as soon as he clears yesterdays backlog.
  16. If I ever bump into you begging outside Legoland or see you in a pair of ‘Kylie’ gold hot pants around your ankles, with your tongue superglued to the pavement outside Boy Georges house, expect to have your skull caved in with a shit covered paving slab.
  17. That depends on whether you have a can of petrol and a box of matches too.
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