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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. The free and totally democratic paradise known as Ukraine, which the world has been told we must not criticise or even question in any way whatsoever, step aside in the queue for housing, school places, NHS treatment and all the other services which we mistakenly thought we were entitled to, just because we were paying through the nose for them all our working lives, two days ago banned almost every opposition party in the country, including the largest of them, the OPPF with 39 elected seats. Democracy in action? I thought it was only that evil Putin chap who did things like that? Not to worry, I’m sure Bono will sort it all out, next time he drops by for a singalong with the coked up, fake actor Zelensky puppet cunt, and his backing band of lizard people, sorry world leaders. ’Nostrovia’
  2. I’m considering giving it a like now. Please talk me out of it.
  3. If you mean the one in Punkers gob at the glory hole then the answer is yes. The one sliding in and out of his arse is too. The Mtembe brothers relaxing after a round of golf in rural Cheshire.
  4. ‘One death?’ One of many caused by the rushed out experimental MRNA vaccines and recorded on their death certificates and coroners inquests. Even the fake news media are now reluctantly talking about the adverse reactions and deaths which they’ve wilfully ignored until they can’t anymore, even the Boris Bullshitting Corporation. So I don’t think you need me to post a link as I believe you are well practiced in the art of Googling. Vicky Spit is all you need to type in. You’ll also find the names of many other victims of the ‘totally safe and totally effective’ wonderjab and the tragic events which occurred when they did what the ‘science’ told them they should do. Fuck off.
  5. We’ve been doing it in Ulster forever. The first one feels a bit strange but after that it’s just another day at the races.
  6. Vicky Spitts deceased husband might disagree with that if only he hadn’t been jib jabbed (unneccesarily) and died from the side effects of it shortly afterwards (as certified by the coroner). Vicky has now, after being ignored by the fakestream media, the incompetent and criminal Government, and every other Covid addicted normie arsehole she tried to talk to about the experimental poison jab, she’s finally become the first person in the U.K. to be told that she’ll be compensated for her and her childrens loss. Probably just a coincidence that her case has been getting some publicity on GB News for the last few weeks and suddenly the fucking wankers who’ve been totally ignoring her now want to help. Fuck off.
  7. Any more of that and you can forget what it was like to have kneecaps.
  8. By Officer Derek Chauvin ideally.
  9. I saw that Frank. Singapore wasn’t it? She was fucking abysmal. He should have just brought her thawed out fanny in his hand luggage, and then chucked it in the bin with all the shampoo and deodorant, at the airport security when he was going home.
  10. Eee aww eee awwlways calls the police.
  11. King Billy

    Love island

    Feel free to jump immediately.
  12. I don’t think it’s his nose he sticks them up.
  13. According to reports the chartered plane that predictably didn’t take off, cost half a million quid, from the bottomless well of taxpayers cash that these fucking entitled maggots help themselves to daily. The half dozen or so greasy, piss taking fuckers were probably traumatised for life at being politely asked to disembark, having settled into first class, gang raped the cabin crew between main course and dessert, and not even sampled the halal goat cheese board yet. If that’s not proof of Britains institutional racism I’ll eat my tinfoil hat and apologise to Roops immediately.
  14. Almost as interesting as the shite you used to post, about your amazing adventures as a maverick BR ticket collector, on the railways in the early 20th century, but not quite. Give it a rest ffs, for your own sake if no one else’s.
  15. King Billy

    Love island

    In the ‘Hideous, boring, freak with the largest cock’ category, you’re way out in front. The Caster Semenya of Cunts Corner. Fuck off.
  16. King Billy

    Love island

    Mr. Dickhead to you Cuntflap.
  17. I spelled spelled right though Buddy. Y’all have a good day now.
  18. King Billy

    Love island

    Has she ever shouted ‘Let me go you fucking mong’, or something similar, while attempting to escape from you? If so just accept your condition and kill yourself.
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