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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Reported for attempting to entice a member into rule breaking.
  2. Now why would he do that? Surely not because Ofcom at the beginning of the Covid psyop warned all the broadcast media about straying from the Government narrative, and the consequences of any such misbehaviour. Needless to say, the fakestream puppets, all receiving millions of taxpayers money to run the 24hr Covid scaremongering adverts dutifully obeyed. That was then, this is now and at least GB News have the courage to reveal the extent of the dishonesty which I believe you and many of the sheep are starting to see at last. If not then you’re actually thicker than I thought. Finally, if you had a 6 month old baby would you have it injected? I ask this as you haven’t disputed any of the statistics that Jamie Jenkins stated, just more of your usual deflecting and whataboutery.
  3. Are you ‘Cadfael the 12th century monk’?
  4. Make that thrice. Her self professed ‘consistency’ should ensure a lengthy period of reflection in her own dungeon.
  5. Douglas Bader always kept one in the pocket of his flying jacket, to wipe his goggles with if the weather turned bad.
  6. The US Supreme Court ruling, which overturned Roe v Wade, and contrary to the fake news narrative doesn’t ban abortion, just allows the ‘elected’ legislatures of the individual states in the US to decide what is lawful within their own state boundaries, as written in the constitution of the USA, has been condemned by the usual suspects (Johnson, Trudeau, Biden, Macron etc. etc.) at the G7 ‘Who’s got the biggest private jet?’ party today, is laughable. Now I can understand Blackface Trudolfs stance for once, as Canada which still strangely thinks itself a civilised nation, is the only country on Earth which legally allows abortion ‘at any stage of pregnancy on demand’ is a long lost casualty to the ‘woketard’ liberal cancer and is probably too infected to ever recover. Once the first few hundred thousand dead babies start piling up in the dumpsters people begin to not even notice them anymore. But hypocrites like Bozo and Emperor Macron really need to take a look at their own domestic baby killing laws before jumping on the latest SJW bandwagon. I find it rather odd that the pro choice/murder lefties who shriek the loudest about poor verminous little foxy woxy being chased by a pack of hounds seem to have no problem with the mass butchering of the unborn babies of unemployable, illiterate, slack fannied, trout lipped, fat arsed slags who wouldn’t know Basil Brush from a 9” black cock.
  7. Deep fried Marx bar.
  8. An interesting thought Judge. Two ‘ginger growlers’ snarling at each other across the House of Commons at PMQs would be worth watching.
  9. Never mind a Zimmer frame. I’m reliably informed that in preparation for a forthcoming medical examination, Lord/Lady Penelope (he/him, she/her) currently has more scaffolding round his/her enormous appendage than Grenfell Tower.
  10. Tucker Billy? says the freak who spends an hour ‘tucking’ his humongous cock between his varicose vein riddled legs and adjusting his fake Velcro vagina before he goes out in public pretending he’s a female.
  11. King Billy


    Evening ProfB. I am well but alas the world is not.
  12. The last time she saw 57 was on a tin of Heinz beans.
  13. It’s what they put their actual twinkies in that’s a lot more disturbing. Nano Nano.
  14. Shut your Fixadent filled mouth you vile old pretend hag, or I’ll come round and flush your hormone blockers down the bog. Your beard, hairy back and hands will return within a week and the local teenagers can have a field day throwing shit at you every time you venture out. 🏳️‍🌈Fuck off🏳️‍🌈
  15. Don’t even try ProfB. Your brain will explode.
  16. King Billy


    38 mins and not a single person has disagreed with you Frank. Read the room ffs.
  17. King Billy


    How many were crushed to death attempting to get out?
  18. The roads in most US cities run N/S or E/W and the buildings are separated by the criss crossing roads into similar sized ‘blocks’. Which makes navigating through these cities very easy. Like a giant crossword really.
  19. Smack has never really taken off in the North Pansybobo. You guys in Dublin are the biggest consumers per capita of that particular poison in the whole of your beloved EU. Up in the six counties we prefer a happier buzz. Lying unconscious in the gutter, soaked in piss, vomit and shit, with a needle hanging out of our veins, just doesn’t get our flutes whistling or our lambegs booming. 🇬🇧NO SURRENDER🇬🇧1690🇬🇧
  20. Jamie Jenkins, former ‘Head of health statistics’ at the ONS. He said exactly what I quoted, along with his analysis of the latest official Covid statistics on Wed. 22nd June on the Mark Steyn show on GB News. 39 mins into the show to be precise. Just look it up on YouTube and then tell me you know more than him. Secondly, there are more than half a million reported cases of severe side effects in the U.K., almost 1.5 million in the US and the numbers are growing every day. More than 1300 people in the US have ‘officially’ died as a direct result of the vaccines. So yes I believe that for the vast majority of people the vaccine was and is a totally unnecessary risk. It puzzles me that you, who claim to possess a modicum of basic intelligence , still insist that these vaccines are safe, and calling anyone (me) who genuinely disagrees an idiot and conspiracy theorist more an indication of your ego driven character. I have no wish to keep getting into stupid mudslinging matches with you, but slagging off everything I post will ensure that keeps happening but Hey Ho, that’s up to you. I’ll keep on doing what I do either way.
  21. You’ve got me all wrong Panzybottom. I’m just a happy go lucky, regular guy, much like yourself. How did you celebrate Britains Armed Forces Day? I took an open top bus tour around The Bogside in Londonderry. It was quite an emotional afternoon, remembering that Sunday afternoon and our brave Paras heroism all those years ago. The place is still an unfit for human habitation shithole though. But luckily it’s still only inhabited by taigs and immigrants, not a human in sight.
  22. King Billy


    Would you advise just one Cornetto DC?
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