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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Against my better judgement I decided to have a brief look at Question Time on the BBC. Imagine my shock to see that the audience and the panel in Inverness (a very pretty looking bunch) were giving their opinion on whether face nappies should be mandated and lockdowns brought back again, due to ‘rising cases of Covid19’ 🤣. Once I’d stopped fucking laughing at the question, I couldn’t help noticing that the virtue signalling lefties and other assorted fat cunts, retards and spastics, both on the panel and in the audience were unanimous in their view that these failed and devastatingly damaging measures should be reinstated to save the NHS (really?) The other 30% (probably less, BBC impartiality ) of the people who were sort of normal looking and speaking calmly were firmly against any more of this bullshit ever being forced on them again. As I’ve said before, we haven’t seen the last of the Covid addicts and their clownworld agenda. They’re getting all horned up in anticipation of another winter of face nappies, lockdowns, multiple booster jabs and Dr Hillary’s daily dose of ‘scientific’ advice for the remaining few dozen spasticated fucking idiots who haven’t killed their granny yet. Fiona Bruce has probably got a half decent cunt, for an annoying fucking fake news slag.
  2. 🎶Don’t you wish your boyfriend wasn’t a little black poof? Dontcha?🎶
  3. So would you say “me gigantic cock” or “my gigantic cock”?
  4. You state that your 3 children are all adults so I reckon you must be around 45. Assuming that to be correct, for arguments sake, that means you’ve had 5 experimental vaccinations in 17 months or quite possibly much less than that time period, as they were only made available to your age group from early Feb 2021 and in some regions as late as April 2021. Pretty effective eh? Just the ‘totally safe’ bit of the propaganda garbage left then. But that’s falling apart too with every day that passes. Good luck. You’re probably going to need it. 💉💉💉💉💉
  5. And Nigel Mansell looks like a scouser. Fucking hell Raas. We’re in big trouble now. Thank fuck I didn’t say Michael Schumacher looks Tanny Grey Thompson, Jenson Button looks like a gaylord poof, Damon Hill probably has Downs and Bernie Ecclestone is definitely a fucking smurf though.
  6. I like DC and I’m glad that you 2 have ‘calmed down’. See what I did there? But I’m a little bit concerned about something I’ve just seen. Apparently Los Angeles has seen a surge in Monkeypox cases (currently 22) which has definitely got nothing to do with the Pride events over the last week or so as Monkeypox is no longer a ‘cock to arse’ transmittable virus, as it always used to be. I just hope the participants at this weekends bumfoolery parade in Liverpool have got the memo and DC if he happens to be out and about in the vicinity of the parade doesn’t through no fault of his own catch a heavy dose of it in his bottom.
  7. Spot on. The Met Police have become an embarrassment, and a disgrace to the public they exist to protect and serve. Politicised and corrupted by the top brass and politicians, who have no interest at all in tackling real crime, but are fanatical about enforcing imagined hate and racism infringements, even if not actual crimes, and stamping out lawful protest unless it’s ‘leftwing poofery’ or ‘climate emergency’ disorder which is OK and to be applauded. They could learn a lot from the Victoria or the NSW Police I reckon, who’ve showed the world how to protect and serve the public properly for the last couple of years using nothing more than tear gas, batons, tazers, attack dogs and water cannons. Lol.
  8. DC is a changed man since Frank did his well practiced Judas routine on him. And he seems to have gotten stronger from his near death experience at his first AA meeting, when he was set upon by everyone in the room. Tbf he can’t have been thinking straight when he introduced himself by saying…..’Hello I’m DC and I’m a scouser’. Fair play to the lad.
  9. I’m sure Dr Hillary and The Scofe will discuss the pros and cons of this if you phone in and ask if it’s a good idea. I’m not sure myself.
  10. I’ve heard that Donald Trump has a wet suit made from a scooped out African American that he shot from the balcony of the White House. I think I heard it on CNN so it must be true.
  11. I’ve just chucked up my dinner and a bottle of Mateus Rose all over the missus and her mother while reading this. A mental image of Pen in a pair of hot pants asking to see my train ticket, bell end dragging along the floor behind it and up it all came. Thanks.
  12. It wipes off pretty easily. You should try it. There’s probably some underneath that stubborn dried up smeg if you wipe hard enough.
  13. The Roops creature, whether male, female, non binary or whatever the fuck it identifies as, is at least ‘consistent’ (from its own mouth). Consistently blind to its own complete lack of self awareness. I sometimes find myself checking down below for the early signs of a stiffie imagining her/him/it as an uglier and much more annoying Susan Boyle type with leprosy and genital warts spreading upwards towards its flaccid, out of date tits. Im sure I’m not the only one to have had such thoughts though.
  14. Don’t forget the massive boa constrictor lurking in your bloomers.
  15. I would in the case of anyone other than her, think that she may tragically be suffering from a series of multiple Covid jab adverse reactions. Possibly a number of huge clots on her equally huge brain, but her delusionary antics predate Covid by a very long time. My prayers are with her.
  16. Siegfried Sassoons last words if I’m not mistaken.
  17. Our PM is currently preoccupied with Trudeaus maggot in his gob and Macrons garlic butter greased dick in his gaping arse at the G7 summit.
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