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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. No imaginary woman will ever drive my imaginary M4. It’s a hill I’m willing to die on.
  2. Harsh, even brutal some might say. Are you OK CBB?
  3. Or Wayne Rooney. Any spunk covered, wrinkly old slapper, still cognitively able enough to make an allegation against him, would almost certainly be pushing up the daisies long before the case could ever be put in front of a jury. I bet Colleen has nightmares every night about the battering her klunge is destined for when she hits 70 and Shrek starts coming home early every night.
  4. Ann Widdecombe for PM! Get your money on Doris Karloff now. Ive had a tip from one of my reliable sources. Happy days are here again. 😀
  5. I was just about to say that Ape. My arse, even if I allowed such an unthinkable act (which I would never do) could not be stretched enough to accommodate Freaky Penelope’s disgusting enormous weapon.
  6. Your unequalled knowledge of every subject ever discussed is unarguable Ma’am, so I was hoping you could enlighten me with your thoughts on which species the next deadly virus and its now successfully tried, tested and obligatory round of MSM fearmongering and government tyranny, sorry ‘science’ may emanate from and mysteriously find its way into the human population? It’s just that we have a couple of dogs and much as we love them, the BBC haven’t let us know yet if we should have them put down to save the NHS, and poor Granny who’s been locked in the spare room for two and a half years now.
  7. True, but if they’re all destroyed I’ll have to go back to being normal. That really scares me Eric.
  8. The days when Frank could make or contribute anything worthwhile are a long distant memory Withers, if they ever even existed. I hope he’s finally done the right thing and died horribly.
  9. I reckon that if these fucking geniuses up in the cave, wanking about with their fucking high tech catapult just fired Klaus Schwab at Bill Gates, at somewhere around ten million MPH, at least one unsolvable mystery could be finally put to bed, ie ‘How to get rid of 2 absolute cunts?’ The LHC could then self destruct after a 2 minute countdown, blowing up Switzerland,Italy, France, Austria, Germany, Lichtenstein and Slovenia, but leaving Monaco totally unscathed as the GP there is one of my favourites.
  10. On closer examination they turned out to be the rolled up rental agreement for Michael Schumachers skis, which incidentally were never returned. Something the media never mention.
  11. Probably not to the police DNA lab Neil, or some nerdy six stone trainee technician with Coke bottle specs, who until now had zero chance (or less) of ever having sex with a living female, will become the super hero who caught the ‘Rascal Ripper’, and have every female in England wanting to thank him by sitting on his spotty face, safe in the knowledge that they can thumb a lift home afterwards.
  12. Tell her you work for Pfizer and it’s ‘totally safe and totally effective’ and you won’t be able to keep up with her orders for weekly boosters and pallet loads to stock up her new drive in freezer that Jeff Bezos would stare at with open mouthed envy.
  13. ‘Open ze door Frau Merkel or ve vill be forced to enter by ze cat flap’.
  14. Fucking hell! The Guardian are anti Brexit? I’ve suspected this for a while now but I’ve been too busy with all the Plandemic ‘conspiracies’ to let everyone know. The Telegraph on the other hand are just preempting the Tory Coup de Grace on Bozo, looking angrily at the millions they paid the fucking clown as a columnist in the past, when he was was still pretending to be a Conservative, not the woke eco warrior, feminist, pseudo socialist, authoritarian cunt role that he’s playing currently. I’ve always thought that Australia was headed on an unstoppable downward spiral the day they killed the great Ned Kelly. Even Chopper Reid couldn’t stop the inevitable, despite his best efforts. G’day mate.
  15. Higgs Boson, in my opinion manufacture the finest bathroom suites in the world bar none. It took me a while to admit it to the missus, but our Higgs Boson toilet pan (from the ‘particle collider’ range) made our previous avocado green one look positively cheap and outdated.
  16. That’s not really that impressive as the BBC have apparently discovered 154 different human genders with only a fraction of the LHCs budget. Hopefully the Beeb will build on this success and start launching the likes of Jeremy Vine and Emily Maitless at each other at extremely high velocity. Who knows what dark secrets of the Universe would be revealed?
  17. I thought Pen was something to do with it at first, till I realised it wasn’t called the Large Hardon Collider.
  18. I’m playing hard to get.
  19. Just asking the question. I am a thicko after all.
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