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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Not even the first one you wrapped your lips around?
  2. I hope so. He’d keep Roops on her toes fact-checking 24/7 and I could get back to work uncovering the evil deeds and future plans the Lizard People have for us all.
  3. Is it getting hot in here? What’s happening to my special purpose?
  4. He won’t last long at the BBC then.
  5. Take that you everyday run of the mill random bastard! Die gas pumper!
  6. Removed VAT from wellies, donkey jackets, wheelbarrows and shovels, those ‘diddly Dee’ fiddle things you always hear in Paddy pubs, U Boat spares, Nazi memorabilia, and sent grovelling begging letters to the EU, The Whitehouse, Downing St. and lastly The Vatican promising to suck more cock in the future.
  7. Nothing new in that LCS, but I reckon you should be more concerned about your new commie government mate. Albo and his bestie Jacinda fawning all over each other today on the Oz fakestream media and Donkeychops letting you all know that ‘climate change is a far more serious threat to the Pacific region than China’. Ah yes, that pesky climate change that made Covid and set it loose, and that pesky climate change that’s locked up millions of Uyghurs in concentration camps and that pesky climate change that’s threatening Taiwan and Japan, and that pesky climate change that’s infiltrated almost every western society from the government downwards. China however, nah they’re OK.
  8. I used to feel the same until I was contacted by a General in the Nigerian military who’s going to transfer 53 million quid into my bank account and split it with me. I’ve checked and the 95 grand I’ve sent him for admin fees has gone through sweet as a nut. I love Nigeria now so watch your mouth you racist goose botherer.
  9. 75% of whom were 75 and above and 2% were under 44. From The Guardian lol. 17 Jan 2022. who then spent the remainder of the article emphasising that ethnics, poor working class Northerners, blah blah blah have suffered more than the usual culprits….‘white males’ who actually make up more of the so called victims, but as usual, according to the Guardian deserved their fate because they were more likely to not follow the tyrannical lockdown and face nappy rules etc. etc.etc. That’s without even considering the ‘died from or with Covid’ and ‘tested positive within 28 days of death’ nonsense. 🇷🇺FREE THE AUSSIE COSSACK🇷🇺
  10. How did you get in here? You won’t be so cheeky when my big brother gets back. He’s on his way home from work now. I like peanut butter. My names Billy I think.
  11. The huge telescope in The Vatican which only a tiny number of the Head Fiddlers closest cofiddlers are permitted anywhere near is called, guess what?….Lucifer. According to Pope Francis when he was asked why? ….’It’s just a name and doesn’t mean anything bad’. Right o then. Just asking.
  12. Ape and I have applied to adopt Roops and hopefully teach her some old fashioned traditional values, such as corporal punishment, total obedience to ones parents and failing that sending her up chimneys to pay for her keep. It’s what she’s probably always wanted.
  13. Pen occasionally plays for his village cricket team. Only when they need a spare middle stump though.
  14. Your last 2 posts have included the statement ‘we read’. Something I never imagined I’d hear from you Panzytank. I find it impossible to believe that you’ve suddenly mastered such a skill, based on the quality (lack of) of everything you’ve previously contributed. However the fact that you said ‘we’ has confirmed to me that you’re clearly mistaken, as this would mean that there were now at least 2 of you in the former colony who can now understand the written English word. and that’s just too much to comprehend, even in these crazy times we find ourselves in.
  15. Above the entrance to the LHC cave in the Alps is a large no.33. These cunts don’t even try to hide their demonic agenda anymore.
  16. I’ve come over all hot and flushed reading this. I’m off to take my hormone blockers before my bottom surgery starts playing up.
  17. I’m not sure the Reverend Ian will endorse this sort of foolishness either if he’s looking down on the current insanity.
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