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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Wake up DC. The BBC don’t have the time or the resources for such minor tittle tattle. Auntie is leading the charge against the evil forces of ‘racism, trans, Islamo, homo and every other ‘phobia’ currently or not yet even invented. All this and employing Lineker, Norton, Alex Scott and hundreds of other broadcasting geniuses, on close to minimum wage. The days of Jimmy Saville coming in on a Sunday unpaid, and auditioning scores of adoring school kids for Jim l fix it, after everyone else, (especially their parents and the security staff) have gone home are long gone. A few thousand delinquent white teenage girls, groomed, gang raped by hundreds of savages and then having the audacity to moan about it afterwards is the reason these heroes carry on marching fearlessly into battle against the ‘far right’ threat to humanity every day (after a Starbucks soy latte and a vegan wrap) of course. Laura Kuensberg (sic) is a cunt. Her mouth and her fanny seem to have got mixed up and attached to the wrong location when she was assembled.
  2. Roops is ‘Team KB’ now. She’s at this very moment being initiated into the fold, wearing a pair of open crotch Bacofoil drawers, a pair of size 14 thigh length Union Jack stiletto heeled boots and a Frank Spencer multicoloured ‘peephole’ tank top. I’ve no idea why she turned up dressed like that but I expect it’s connected to her obvious mental difficulties. She actually looks a lot less bonkers than I imagined though, so we’re all quite impressed that she at least made an effort to appear slightly normal. She’s going to be a huge asset to us imo.
  3. These so called ‘vaccines’ which are not vaccines at all, as they neither prevent the guinea pig from contracting or spreading the virus, simply therapeutics which were prematurely launched with wildly exaggerated claims about their efficacy and safety, and have proved to be anything but efficient or safe, less than 2 years later. Your totally predictable response ie try to smear whoever speaks out, rather than tell us what exactly you disagree with them on, is quite frankly pathetic, but reveals more about you than all the boasting and blowing your bags about your lifetime of non stop success and your vast knowledge of every subject ever discussed. You’re an absolute joke.
  4. I’m not sure, but I think I may have commented on the MSMs penchant to completely bury any real news and promote the narrative which their overlords decide that the plebs should be allowed to hear about. The 30 to 40 years the Pakistani grooming gangs scandal was ignored by the MSM is a perfect example of the treachery of these vile anti British lowlife cunts who infest the fakestream media from the top management all the way down to the bespectacled, anorexic gimps they hire straight from the University of Poofland with their degree in gender studies or bottom reconstruction surgery. I wouldn’t believe a single word of anything reported as news on the MSM nowadays.
  5. Count me in. I’ll grow a beard though. Fucking mask wankers. If we pretend we’re giving all the dosh to immigrants or cripples the fucking sheep might even clap out their windows for us before killing Granny and pissing their girlie pants. Stupid fucking brainwashed gutless cunts. I hope every cunt who puts on a mask gets run over by an out of control Pfizer lorry with no MOT during their daily one hour of permitted exercise and dies horribly at the side of the road covered in dogshit and discarded face masks.
  6. Donald Trump would be blamed, and probably executed before you’d even signed ‘Eric Cuntman woz ere’, took a couple of selfies, and put your felt tips back in their box.
  7. David Lammy fits the bill but claiming to have always been a Tory might be a step too far for even our fake news media arseholes to explain, in between the latest Covid death predictions and the countdown to climate Armageddon.
  8. No comment. I ain’t a grass. Just someone who looked very similar probably.
  9. Why the fuck would anyone of sound mind marry a cunt named after a horror movie anyway? What possessed him?
  10. The Judas cunts who were so outraged by Boris’s Partygate shenanigans and couldn’t continue supporting a PM who’d been fined for breaking his own rules will be the very same hypocrites who vote for Sunak, who, oh yeah got fined too for the same ridiculous offence. It’s almost as if Bozo had outlived his usefulness and the puppet masters have decided that there needs to be a duskier tenant in No 10 to make it more like the Britain depicted in every TV advert recently. ’Bleedin Alf Garnett innit’
  11. I think you’ll find it was Gary ‘Rastaman’ Lineker who said that. The more I look at old jug ears it becomes so obvious that he’s a dusky chap. I want him dead. (Thrashed with the whip first of course).
  12. Maybe you should try a day off the magic mushrooms and see if anything seems different. If not then you won’t need to bother eating them anymore.
  13. Bad Wiffy, naughty Wiffy, picking on poor ickle Carl. Fuck off.
  14. ‘Lord Kamall’ Health minister in the Lords 2 days ago when asked by a female Labour panicmonger…’What is the government prepared to do if rising Covid cases start to impact the NHS backlog?’ That would be the NHS backlog which quadrupled because of the insane Covid response presumably. And Lord Kamall replied ‘If it gets to the point where rising cases are affecting the NHS backlog then measures may well have to be reintroduced’. He later stated that ‘If that gets out of control, then of course we will stand up the measures that we have previously’. What was that old ‘definition of insanity’ quote? ‘Doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result’ 🤣
  15. Sort of thing a ‘wannabe gangster’ would come out with.
  16. ‘Squeaky bum time’ just isn’t the same without it?
  17. Probably the ‘Lionesses’ Googling ‘what is the offside rule?’
  18. You’ve spelled flid wrong ProfB. And it isn’t a gender anyway. It’s a syndrome.
  19. I’ve been expecting the Daily Sport headline writers to get back on form with ‘Doris claims Boris did her up the Arris in New Forest’ or something similar before he packs his bags and fucks off into oblivion.
  20. I listen to lots of different peoples opinions. I’ve just watched something on YouTube which I’d like you to watch (only 11 mins). Darkhorse Podcast Clips ’No jab, no job……..’ No doubt you will disagree with the views of Majid Nawaz, but surely you must be aware by now of the dishonest narrative and the unprecedented coercion inflicted on billions of people across the world, to get unnecessarily vaccinated with products that are and were from day one experimental, and rushed out under a cloud of secrecy, and with legal indemnity?
  21. It sounds like you need to stop leaving the 4lb lump hammer in the car Fends. Maybe get one of those toolbelts that I’ve seen a lot of loutish looking men wearing, near Greggs around mid morning.
  22. Now that you’ve finally crossed over and joined us critical thinkers, I’ve mailed you a free top of the range tinfoil hat to get you up and running. Sorry it’s taken a day or two but I’ve had a hell of job finding one anywhere near large enough. No need to thank me. Looking after each other is in our DNA. I just hope yours isn’t too damaged and altered by all those jabs and boosters and permanently beyond repair.
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