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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. At least we now know what Panzy looks like now. I’ve watched the video again frame by frame and he actually appears to be slightly less spasticated than I’ve imagined, which was working purely on the quality (lack of) of the absolute spacker shite he posts on here. IRA (I ran away) Some things never change lol.
  2. Nothing going on with me and Ape. Just having a laugh. How did you know I was pissed? No need to answer that Eric as I’m always pissed and off me nut, but only on days that end in a y.
  3. Surgical castration with a rusty teaspoon and lashings and lashings of vinegar perhaps?
  4. He didn’t turn up because he doesn’t need to pretend that all this ‘climate emergency’ bollocks is actually real anymore. The fake news MSM propagandists have been creaming their panties over this bullshit ‘National Emergency’ that is going to kill granny if she goes outside. I’m sure I’ve heard that somewhere before during the last 2 years. The usual suspects at the BBC, Sky Fake News and the rest have had their ‘green screen’ technicians in the weather dept. fiddle with a few knobs, (no pun intended) and ‘hey presto’ the weather maps, instead of showing a Sun logo or a cloud logo over the various regions of the U.K. as they always used to until recently, now show almost the entire country as a bright red premonition of our imminent incineration. The regional temperatures pictured however , compared to the previous happy, sunny logos are no different at all. Total fucking fearmongering propaganda from the globalist controlled traitors who govern us, aided and abetted by the overpaid vermin in the Fake News Media who are equally to blame and should swing in the wind from the nearest lamp post for their complicity in the tyranny which is spreading like the plague right now and washing straight over the heads of the sheeple who still think they’re living in a free society.
  5. You haven’t thought this through before you posted it have you?
  6. Will you be getting your rocket out of its hangar?
  7. ???? Sorry Ape. I was with you there until this.
  8. Serena Williams said exactly the same thing the other day when she was standing at the next urinal to me having a piss in Witherspoons.
  9. I’ve been hearing rumours about people playing tennis over at Wimbledon. Wtf is going on?
  10. Has this got anything to do with something I’ve heard about called ‘ball tamponing’?
  11. Have you got to the bit where Harry meets Meghan yet? Or was it Sally?
  12. Northern Ireland experienced its highest temperature ever recorded the other day…14 C or thereabouts. Some idiots have even been spotted outside without their bowler hats and umbrellas. 🇬🇧NO SURRENDER🇬🇧
  13. The fact that the US, Canada and some other countries are now vaccinating babies 6 months and upwards, who are statistically at as close to zero risk from Covid possible, should alert anyone with a brain that something is seriously wrong, especially as it’s pretty clear now that the vaccines aren’t preventing infection or onward transmission of the ‘busted flush’ Covid 19 virus which has now ripped through the population and become less and less dangerous as natural immunity has increased. I expect the U.K. will follow suit soon. The perfectly timed and totally predictable return of hysterical MSM fearmongering in the US, has of course nothing whatsoever to do with the mid term elections coming up. Who could have guessed that the Covid would reappear right on schedule to justify the same smoke and mirrors skullduggery ie mail in ballots etc. as 2020? Roops is a massive cunt.
  14. An experimental mRNA flu vaccine was tested on mice in the 1990s, and an experimental rabies vaccine was the first mRNA to be tested on a small number of humans in 2013. There have been hundreds of different mRNA vaccines developed and then abandoned during the last 30 years or so. By the way, you have previously stated to me that mRNA vaccines aren’t new, are safe, and have been around for years. Please tell me the name of one mRNA vaccine that has been trialled and safely used on human beings prior to the Pfizer Covid 19 vax in 2020? No doubt you’ll find some experimental product which was tested on 3 human guinea pigs and then given to a dozen confused Africans who all died for some other reason lol the next day, at which stage the program was hastily terminated and the Big Pharma ghouls hightailed it to the airport at high speed. (Pfizer 1996 Nigeria) ‘You can trust us. We’re Pfizer’ The Pfizer vaccine was the first mRNA product to receive FDA approval in the US ever. Johns Hopkin in the US must, along with me and others be wrong in stating that the Covid 19 vaccines in 2020 were the first mRNA vaccines ever marketed? Yes or no?
  15. Excess deaths between 1400 and 1500 per week (ONS latest figures using previous 5 year average) in England and Wales currently, (not related to Covid) is slightly alarming is it not?
  16. Most of the old snuffers will keel over on their way to the Post Office to tax their 1964 Hillman Imp which has only done 2000 miles from new, or the jewellers to get a new battery in their travel clock, ready for their Saga coach trip to Clapton next August. Six layers underneath their full length woolen coat, scarf, sheepskin hat and mittens in case the weather turns bad mid journey.
  17. Mmmmmm?🤔 Did you get the matching leather cap with chains on it aswell? 🤣
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