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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Of course I haven’t. Why would I?, now that it’s surely apparent to even the most hard line Covid fear addicts like yourself, that I’m not going to die or even get ill from this so called killer virus.🤣 The hoax is unravelling and I don’t believe for one minute that you believe there hasn’t been a huge crime against humanity committed. You’re just like the majority of people who fell for it and can’t now admit that you were caught napping, like a vast number of otherwise seemingly intelligent people. Two years ago you scoffed at me when I said that Covid 19 came from the Wuhan lab. How’s that going now for you? You scoffed again when I said that Ivermectin was being used very successfully to treat Covid19. How’s that going for you now?Now that the FDA have admitted that (through FOIA requests which were denied and only successful when Project Veritas sued in Federal Court), that to facilitate EUA (emergency use authorisation) for the ‘experimental’ mRNA ‘vaccines’😂 which requires that ‘no adequate, alternative or suitable alternatives are available’, the documents show that they (the FDA) were actively engaged (with the CDC and of course their puppets in the leftwing media) in the propaganda war (Horse medicine etc) to shut down any possible way forward except the preplanned vaccine rollout, prompting the medical authorities in many states to ban Ivermectin completely, a safe and effective drug which has been administered billions of times for a variety of conditions. Suddenly Ivermectin had become dangerous and not allowed, even for lupus patients and others who’d been prescribed it for years. Just give up with your looking down your nose Miss Jean Brodie act. I believe what I believe so you’re just wasting your breath and the more ridiculous ‘fact-checking’, which you seem to think proves me wrong lol, (but even you must know proves the opposite) you insist on doing, just shows how desperate you are. You could have had me at one time baby but now you can only dream about it. I wouldn’t have turned up anyway😘
  2. Watch it. Talking to my bird like that.
  3. I hope Frank doesn’t read this and take your advice.
  4. I will expect an apology for that comment (in the unlikely event that you ever sober up). Stephen Hawking wouldn’t have been seen dead living in a bungalow. Lol.
  5. I bet you’re bouncing wall to wall in you’re padded cell at Rampton, hoping for a sniff of Nurse Ratcheds gash when she brings your medication later.
  6. I’m still waiting for you to tell me about these mRNA vaccines which have been used safely for years (ever) prior to the ‘experimental’ Covid cocktails?
  7. I’d let her plate my arse. I’d just close my eyes and pretend I’d never seen how hideous the fucking little goblin cunt is.
  8. Are you pacing your stroke till half time, then furiously shoot your load over the screen when Gary Lineker comes on?
  9. Probably not, bearing in mind how fucking thick they had to be to line up with their sleeves rolled up in the first place. 🐑💉😷
  10. I passed away earlier this afternoon. I’m OK now.
  11. She’s been found wanting and imo not a worthy foe RK. But she is ‘consistent’ lol. Every time I log in she’s fact checked my latest revelations 🤣 and posted some ‘You’re a mug/ thicko/ Sid Slackjaw/ tinfoil hat weirdo’ nonsensical response, which once I’ve finished laughing at, just spurs me on to enlighten her a little more. I feel it’s my duty now.
  12. King Billy

    Mo Farah

    Hi ProfB. Sorry I was just dropping the kids off at the pool.
  13. Im always pleased with myself. I’m a goddamn marvel of modern science.
  14. I agree Gypps, but you could have just said ‘Mask Wankers’ and I’d have known what you meant.
  15. Thanks ProfB. It’s good to know you’ve got my back, but HoC is OK. He’s not Frank or Pen.👍
  16. I’ve had so many family, friends and acquaintances get on their high horse with me over my opinions regarding Covid, vaccines, lockdowns, masks and basically my refusal to participate in the mass hysteria over the last couple of years. I used to try to explain my reasons for not participating in the mass insanity which they embraced but which I’ve questioned from day one and still never found any reason to join in with. I realised after a while that I was wasting my breath as nothing I said would alter their opinions. Nowadays if it’s someone I respect telling me in good faith how crazy I am, I simply say ‘I’m sorry you feel that way’. If it’s some one I have little or no respect for I say ‘ I’m sorry I feel this way, but I guess I’m just not as clever as you.’
  17. This heatwave can’t be doing your knobrot any favours you smeggy weird looking freak.
  18. I had a couple of friends over visiting from Ulster last month during the last hot spell. We went into London on the tube for the day. After a cracking lunch in Chinatown, my Doris and my mates bird fucked off for a bit of shopping in Oxford St. and Regent St. etc. while we got pissed up at a couple of Covent Garden pubs in the sunshine. On the way back we found ourselves sitting opposite a fat, daft looking cunt wearing a fucking ‘rainbow’ suit and matching pork pie hat, reading a book titled ‘Male White Fragility’. As if that’s not bad enough, on either side of him/her/they/them/whatever was what I assumed to be a pair of lesbians, one with pink hair and the other with green hair. Im sorry but there’s no fucking way they’re getting away with this shit when I’m fucking pissed, so I’ve said to the Timmy Mallett looking freak… ‘What’s the book all about mate?’ The fucking thing slowly lowered the book, and totally for the amusement of his audience on either side replied….’If you don’t know by now you never will.’ I said to him ‘Sorry I asked. It’s obviously fucking amazing’. At which he scurried off up the carriage as far away from me as he could get. The green top however decided it was her time to get involved and asked me loudly…‘What’s it got to do with you? sitting there with your big man tits’ (I had no shirt on). I was quite proud of myself because instead of telling her to fuck off, I looked at her and replied….. ‘Yeah, you got me Luv. They’re definitely a lot bigger than yours’. At which point she got a lot angrier, stood up and came out with…..’I bet you’ve got a tiny little dick too’. To which I replied….‘You got me again Luv. I’m sure it’s a lot smaller than yours. You’re too good at this game for me’. Her friend (pink top) or whatever she was then grabbed her by the shoulder and ushered her up to the safe end of the carriage and left us with no one at all to vent our bigotry and hatred upon.
  19. Is that the John Smith who creeps into peoples gardens and pisses in their paddling pools?
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