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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. OK you got me there. You’re too good at this malarkey by far.
  2. Reported for inter member acrimony. Please stop bullying me.
  3. Ape. I know that our friendship trumps any chance of either of us becoming enraged due to a perceived (wrongly) sleight while conversing in an adult like manner, so I must ask if you had any technical difficulties yesterday, such as ridiculously fast drying propellor paint or brushes becoming too hard to use in order to conduct your business proficiently? The only reason I’m asking is that the alleged record breaking, life threatening temperatures which the fake news media were so ecstatically coming in their pants about were both allegedly recorded at first Gatwick 12.30 and then Heathrow 4.00 Airports. I’ve been meaning to ask your opinion on whether hundreds of aircraft engines could have any effect on the temperature of the surrounding area?
  4. Did the Fire brigade ask you to attend any of the fires with your extended hosepipe? Fuck off.
  5. I’ve no idea what you’re talking about Eric. I got rid of my TV two years ago when I found out it was spying on me and sending everything back to Silicon Valley so they could play it back, eating their vegan quiche, and smiling like weirdos with their willies out and their glasses all steamed up.
  6. You’d have to extract it from your arse first.
  7. It’s been PMing me photos which I posted on the Gallery and following me for a couple of hours now. I’m confused about its intentions and also it’s Username which is a Roops favourite. Fuck knows, time will tell.
  8. Oh sorry I thought you would have realised pretty quick that PV don’t file FOIA requests or rely on gov documents for their stories. The fact that you’ve admitted to searching for proof for fuck knows how long to debunk what I said has amused me no end. I genuinely thought you would not have been so fucking dumb, but I’ve obviously overestimated your intelligence and underestimated your egomaniacal tunnel vision. Now that you’ve been put right on the Project Veritas thing, I feel it’s only right that I steer you in the direction of Judicial Watch. No need to thank me.
  9. Pity he’s not a female as it would be attributed to Neil and filed away as not worth investigating.
  10. You’re no multi. You’re a proper one off, like Harvey Price, John Merrick, Pen and Mrs Roops in their own fucked up individual way. There’s only one Carl Sway.
  11. Have you tried pretending you’re not a spastic? It’s a long shot but probably worth a try.
  12. OMG I’m very frightened now. Please stop. Can’t we come to some compromise where I work for you and do exactly what I’m told or shall I just delete my account and kill myself?
  13. I think you’ve misspelt ‘arseraped’ Eric.
  14. I couldn’t give a flying fuck which of the remaining puppets is crowned. All globalist dummies who will immediately steady the ship, reset the compass for the fastest course to Net Zero and send an urgent message to Rear Admiral Gates and his cabin boy Klaus Schwab that the mutineer Bozo has been banished, HMS Great Britain is back on course and sailing full steam ahead towards Epstein Island in time for ‘Partygate 2’ the sequel. Prince Andrew will no doubt be ecstatically wiping the nonexistent sweat from under his crown in anticipation of his spunkstained invitation popping through the royal letterbox.
  15. Responding to a comment which you claim not to have read, because you’ve blocked them is absolute proof , if any was required that you are a total fucking idiot. Please stop this foolishness and have a rethink about the entirety of your existence.
  16. It hasn’t worked out that way for Pen and he’s been tucking the beast away for a hundred years or more.
  17. 🤣🤣🤣You really are a lot fucking stupider than I thought possible. Project Veritas is a rightwing disinformation project? Is that what your favourite fact-checker said? Of course they did and you sucked it right up, why wouldn’t you? I mean the so-called fact checkers are renowned for their impartial and non political integrity lol. Project Veritas while undeniably ‘right wing’ (Is that a crime now?) are vilified by the ‘left wing’ (not a crime but a badge of honour now) media, simply because they're extremely good at what used to be regarded as ‘journalism’ but in clownworld 2022 is now seen by the elitist left as something akin to terrorism ie covertly filming the hypocrites and liars working for organisations like Twitter, Facebook, Google, NYT, WA PO etc and crooked politicians, who because they have no idea they’re on camera reveal the truth. Every story PV publishes is backed up by video footage, yes often edited , but always accompanied by a link to the entire footage, to rebut the by now predictable and pathetic response from the cunts who don’t like the idea of anyone believing their own eyes and ears. This used to be regarded as proper journalism and that’s exactly what it is still is, but apparently not anymore in the ‘land of the free’ where any journalist who dares to question the Democrat narrative is a ‘right wing’ lol spreader of disinformation and a threat to democracy lol lol. Project Veritas has sued countless organisations and individuals who’ve defamed and misrepresented them and to date have never lost, the majority resulting in a humiliating public apology and legal retraction before ever reaching a court. So perhaps you’d like to be the first of many (who’ve tried and failed) to reveal this ‘disinformation’ you mentioned? If not then just fuck off. You know it makes sense.
  18. Not much of a choice so I’m going to reluctantly take the slightly least awful option and identify as a woman. 🎶I want to break free🎶
  19. Penny Mordaunt for example? She writes a book, The late Jeffrey’s bestie Bill writes the glowing foreword and arch conservatives such as Elton John and Tony Blair pop up in it showering her with praise. I guess once Billy boy and his disciples made the investment then the prediction that she’d be PM was the easy part of your analysis of the great Mr Gates. Nah! That would be a ridiculous conspiracy theory. Wouldn’t it?
  20. I can only assume you’re on your blobby at the moment, so maybe you should try again next week. Good luck and fuck off.
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