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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. That’s it son. Let it all out. No one here’s going to judge you. I know it can’t be easy for you without Punkers around anymore. You can talk to me Sid about anything that’s worrying you. I’m here for you.
  2. The German Health Ministry (well known conspiracy theorists) tweeted this week that ‘One in 5000 people is affected by a serious side effect after a Covid 19 jab.’ Fucking tinfoil hat Kraut cunts. I’m just glad I’ve stuck to my guns and never believed any of these silly stories. 🤣💉
  3. ‘Is there anyone in the audience who knew a lovely lady called Mary?’ ’I’m getting a really strong message from her.’ ‘She wants you to know she’s OK and that you should put at least £100 in the collection box’
  4. Some things need to be buried forever. You for example.
  5. Have an early night ffs. You’ve eaten far too many crayons. And don’t bother to wake up ever again you fucking ridiculous little Pampers wearing gimp.
  6. Not at all DC. A fellow punters anal safety being placed in imminent danger was my only concern. I felt it was the right thing to do alerting you to the ‘bandit at 6 O’clock’.
  7. It’s the least we can do, as a thank you for thoroughly bashing the Krauts, when some thought you’d just roll over, happily collaborate with them and collectively suck the Nazi cock. How wrong they were eh?
  8. They’re not laughing now are they? All those cunts who slagged off Tommy Robinson.
  9. DC. Giving Frank a like for a post that no dribbling, incontinent, brain damaged, emaciated, 6 time AIDS victim except him, would even consider posting, places your arsehole in even greater danger. Don’t encourage the beast. You won’t suit a colostomy bag. They’re frowned upon in Cape Verde.
  10. They’re more likely to be a team of carefully picked specialists about to board a private jet to Harry and Meghan’s Montecito mansion, to carry out the monthly deep clean procedure on his fermented jizz filled rectum, then tackling her permanently overflowing front and rear sperm banks.
  11. Frank has had that covered for years DC. What did you think he was for?
  12. Lucky guess DC. No regional profiling whatsoever. I’d never stoop that low, I’m a Red after all. Lol.
  13. In real trouble, covered in shit and jizz.
  14. Good condition perhaps, but hardly mint, unless you’ve had the hubcaps and stereo stored in a bank vault with your heroin and ecstasy stash. Lol.
  15. Do you recall a weird looking ‘female’ ticket inspector, with a prominent Adams Apple and a baseball bat sized bulge in the front of ‘her’ battleship grey BR skirt ever popping in to chat with your mum about obscure and strangely named places and the fascinating network of railways that ‘she’ travelled up and down the country on, hunting down and bringing to justice any criminal who thought they could get away with not buying a ticket? Mr Beeching, the poor cunt given the job of modernising the network in the 1960s, I think referred to ‘her’ once as ‘That fucking freaky bloke Pen who’s done more to scare people off trains than Agatha Christie and Adolf Hitler combined.
  16. Not at the moment thanks. I feel a lot better now.
  17. Sorry Ape. I’ll ask Drew. He’s sure to know the answer. I won’t mention that I even asked you as he’s likely to get some funny idea in his head about the whole thing. You know what he’s like.
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