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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. She told Pen before she passed away.
  2. The French beret has hit an all time low and is currently trading at substantially less than the English (and NI) bowler, the Egyptian fez and even the Scottish tam o shanter. Still holding up very well against the Irish dunces hat though.
  3. I haven’t seen any of this as I don’t have a TV anymore Withers. I didn’t want to smash it to pieces with my dads old Army boot, but I felt I had to show Bill Gates that I knew he was watching me 24/7 and I was on to his fucking plans. The cunt never turned up no matter how many times I offered him a straightener on the cobbles outside my gaff. The cunts got no arsehole when you put it right on him. Who’s winning by the way?
  4. A yard of bleach should set him on the right path.
  5. One of my sources who’s located very close to GCHQ, has just sent me a bundle of satellite pictures of someone who bears a striking, even uncanny resemblance to you DC, which he obtained from a bin at the bus stop outside the main entrance, while pretending to search for dog ends. It may not be you but unless you can swear on oath that you weren’t at the fancy dress party in the Revolution Bar at the Albert Dock last Saturday night, dressed as Fred the Weatherman, then some punters may start to doubt your tales about your globetrotting lifestyle, which could in turn cast doubt on mine too. By the way, how was Kyoto? Co.Down is spectacular at this time of year. I went to school there as my parents didn’t want me meeting any fenians on the way home from school in Belfast and catching fleas or scabies. ‘Them fucking Japs might be horrible little yellow cunts, but you won’t catch the lurgy from them, so you won’t’ he used to say.
  6. I wouldn’t expect you to understand my post in which I referred to ‘weather and climate patterns’, so don’t feel too bad about that. As for my description of you as ‘impetulant’, the reason for that should be obvious simply by reading back your own response. ‘Cunts’ ‘bitches’ fucking slags’ and ‘whores’ are nothing out of the ordinary nowadays, but every now and again someone comes along who’s not only all of those rolled into one, but raised the bar to an unimaginable height. I won’t deny that you’re very good at what you do, albeit that I despise what you do and who you are. So I thought that you deserved a made up adjective. I don’t believe you’re Welsh either, as that would mean you were at least partly human. Planet Roops… population one.
  7. I wouldn’t know about any of that. I’ve got no interest in womens football, if it’s even an actual thing.
  8. The only way to know if someone has a spine in the US right now is he’ll be wearing a red tie and his name will be Trump.
  9. Rishi could at least have summoned one of his servants to slap the fake news slag across the face, or give her a good hard kick up the arse to check she wasn’t fucking faking it (highly unlikely as the fake news vermin fake everything).
  10. 🎶Football’s coming home!🎶 About time too, three weeks and not a child bathed, a dish washed or a cock sucked in the house. I hope she’s fucking sorry for the damage she’s done to this family. I doubt she’ll even apologise when I get back from the pub.
  11. Maybe one day though. Don’t give up trying. you’re almost there.
  12. The previously missing ones ie the ones they’ve just acquired ffs.
  13. As opposed to someone else on here, who’s previously let us all know how adept she is at ‘flogging a not quite dead yet hubby’ Ahhh. So sweet. 🤣
  14. Are you thinking what I’m thinking? That she’s a fucking rancid anal cist who needs lancing ASAP?
  15. Which rule exactly was contravened? Or does your self proclaimed ‘consistency’ as a moderator now mean that such annoyances as rules aren’t necessary anymore? Impetulant fucking slag.
  16. Everything happening at the moment is only leading to one conclusion unfortunately. I’ve been making preparations for a long time now and I’m going to have a lot of fucking fun reminding a lot of clever cunts that I did warn them, then telling them to fuck off before I take an ice pick to their previously missing spines.
  17. He’s off the hook DC. Antiques Roadshow BBC1 7pm. 32 mins in and he’s being ejected by security, after offering Fiona Bruce a fair fight outside, when he was informed that the rusty wheelbarrow full of rotting spuds he’d pushed all the way from Holyhead to Ipswich, weren’t priceless Faberge eggs but were actually 90% of Irelands GDP this year.
  18. I’m driving over to her gaff in my imaginary M4 right now Eric. I’m on a promise. I’ve got a litre of the finest vintage nitro glycerine for her, to shake up a couple of pre coitus cocktails for us while I pop down to the 24 hr garage to check my tyre pressures.
  19. Don’t believe any of the stories about Dutch farmers protesting in their tens of thousands because the WEF puppet Mark Ruttes illegitimate govt, (propped up by the greens) is implementing a ludicrous agricultural policy of reducing nitrogen oxide and ammonia levels in the soil by 50% by 2030, which in his own words (or more likely Klaus Schwabs latest memo) will mean that ‘The honest message is that not all farmers will remain in business, and those that do will have to farm differently.’ And walk away swiftly if some strange person wearing a shiny hat tries to tell you that another of Schwabs WEF groomed favourite bitches Jacinda Trudeau has quickly joined Ruttes land grab and announced a 30% compulsory reduction in the same ‘pollutants’ is necessary immediately to ‘save the planet’ and unfortunately millions of acres of agricultural land will be rendered barren and thousands of farmers livelihoods destroyed. These stories are so ridiculous that they are without doubt dangerous ‘disinformation’, so anyone who researches them and believes their own eyes when they appear to be absolutely true, needs to take a deep breath, switch on their TV, channel hop all the MSM News and come to their senses when they see that none of them have reported any of this at all. I mean the MSM wouldn’t hide anything as newsworthy as this, would they? Of course not. They love to headline protests and demonstrations, even if its only half a dozen obviously retarded teenagers, gluing their faces to Greta Cuntbergs carbon zero arse cheeks and wailing like brain damaged fucking cretins, who can’t even explain the difference between a man and a woman, when some right wing, far right fascist asks. Last Tuesday 40’C in London🤣 7 days later 21’C in London🤣 What used to be known as a British summer ie changeable. Not anymore. ‘It’s climate change innit?’ Fuck off.
  20. Well I knew the name of the Dulux dog and so do you now. I only know the dogs name because they were filming a new Dulux advert, next to my hotel on the bank of the Blue Danube in Budapest earlier this year, on my last trip to Turkey having my dental treatment completed.
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