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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. ONS for April and May 2022 (latest available figures) April…vaccinated 3837 (93%) April… unvaccinated 282 (7%) May….vaccinated 1439 (92%) May…unvaccinated 120 (8%) Uncannily close (in fact identical) to the percentage of the population who’ve been jabbed (allegedly), so even if you believe that such a high number of idiots have actually been pricked, it’s hard not to see that they’re having no effect at all (apart from killing healthy people). Statistics eh? Don’t bother waffling on about this, that or the other, that the ‘totally honest’ and ‘totally scientific’ fact checker propagandists tell you. The fucking wonder cure vaccines don’t prevent infection, they don’t prevent spread and they don’t reduce your chance of dying. Booster anyone? It’s a nice day for queuing up for an hour or two with your mask on and your hands sanitised. Fuck off.
  2. Washington Post 😂How sad it’s become to see one of what used to be the greatest newspapers in the world, along with the NYT reduced to sub Daily Sport levels of Democrat fake news nonsense by their owners incurable Trump Derangement Syndrome. ‘RUSSIA! RUSSIA! RUSSIA!’ ’UKRAINE! UKRAINE! UKRAINE!’ ’JAN 6 JAN 6 JAN 6!’ 🤣! 🤣! 🤣!
  3. Has he/her/it been sacked from ‘The Chase’ yet.
  4. At least the poor cunt who had the drill nicked from his van while he popped in to sign on, can take some solace, knowing that it wasn’t slung in the Mersey, after being used in a couple of failed chemist shop armed robberies by the strung out half chat scally from Toxteth who nicked it DC.
  5. I wonder if he/her is masked up down below as Monkeypox must be running rampant through Westminsters arsehole loving population?
  6. Only someone who spends all day browsing in New Look or Miss Selfridge could definitively say such a thing. Correct?
  7. The billions of mRNA lemmings across the world, will hear that high pitched frequency for no longer than a Nanosecond, when the 5G network calls out for them, and they fall to the floor like Drew around 8PM every night. Except none of the sheep will wake up the next morning covered in puke and soaked in 99% alcohol proof piss.
  8. I wouldn’t know data if it swam up my piss while I was having a slash, and turned my brain instantly into a quantum super computer. All I know is that these fucking poisonous experimental so called vaccines are killing and maiming huge numbers of people who’ve been coerced and frightened into having them, when they were absolutely not necessary in the vast majority of cases. The truth is slowly but surely coming out, and cunts like Roops, who instead of keeping her gob shut, insist on spewing out the (Google/Dr Fauci) rapidly disintegrating narrative know it. It’s great because Im so looking forward to watching her slowly day by day perform her usual 180’ U turn and then claim she’s been right all along and thicko’s like me mustn't have understood her vastly superior interpretation of the facts.
  9. I hope this answers your long list of questions. If you happen to snap your crayon, or much more likely swallow it before you’ve finished, please let me know and I’ll talk you through how to complete it using your big toe and a palmful of your own shit. Glad to be of help. PS Here’s a little clue if you really really are stuck. 💉
  10. I hope his dad stopped in a lay-by and mercilessly raped the fuck out him. That wouldn’t be enough imo as he should have imbedded both stilettos in the cunts skull, kicked him/her out of the car and drove over his/hers throat several times.
  11. I agree totally but that doesn’t mean that whoever appears on there should be dismissed as liars and crackpots. Most of the presenters are exactly as you describe but Steyn and Neil Oliver for whatever reason are just about the only voices drawing attention to the fucking scandal.
  12. Dickinsons Drugstore. Now that’s the real deal.
  13. Don’t make me smile at you. You’ll spend the rest of your life ashamed to look in the mirror.
  14. ‘Where there’s scum there’s brass’ lol.
  15. Give them time. Once they’ve broken into all the cars in the car park and jemmied their way into the trophy cabinet, they'll be more than capable of breaking into the side.
  16. Donald J Trump is the greatest President of the USA ever, who withstood every invented, malicious investigation and illegal impeachment attempt which the disgustingly corrupt Washington DC swamp, aided and abetted by certain criminals in the FBI and cheered on by the equally corrupt Fake News Media around the world threw at him and his family for five years, and who are still attempting to stop him running in 2024, because they fear they won’t be able to steal the election again like they did in 2020. Everything he promised, he did his utmost to deliver, with not only the so called Democrats trying to stop him but a lot of so called Republicans (RINOS) who are interested only in self enrichment and maintaining the status quo. The globalist puppets who head most governments across the world have no interest whatsoever in acting in the best interests of their citizens. They all act in lockstep to implement the agreed agenda on the public and the people who elected them are always the most to suffer from their policies. They keep the masses, who they despise, in a constant state of uncertainty and for the majority poverty, and when they judge it necessary they invent a crisis (Racism, Covid, Ukraine, Climate change etc etc etc) to terrify and control them until they miraculously find an expensive and unpleasant (for the masses) solution for the problem, to great applause from their pet MSM arselickers. Dissenters are vilified and ridiculed. Those who still refuse to be quiet are persecuted using the full force of the establishment and law enforcement agencies (Alex Jones being a good current example of that in the US and Julian Assange here in the U.K.) I truly believe every single word of what I’ve just said. The magnificent Donald J Trump ‘MAGA’ tattoo I have on my back makes me prouder than anything I’ve ever done in my entire life, including marriage and fathering children.
  17. I think I had a threesome with his 18 yr old twins in the car park after a drunken lock in many years ago DC. She was fucking filthy but her brother kept getting in the way if memory serves me right. It was a few years ago so I hope it wasn’t the other way round.
  18. I actually agree now that I’ve thought about what you’ve just said. I’ve grown to despise the whole football thing in the last three years or so, since the BLM and woke agenda suddenly became the most discussed and apparently the only reason that football along with most other sports exists for nowadays. I laughed my bollocks off when the US womens team, led by the abominable, pink haired, woke warrior cunt Meghan Raphino were humiliated at the last World Cup and tbh I’ve not watched or given a fuck since. However I think you’re onto something Wolfman, and I am going to bite the bullet and get behind our brave lionesses ( I can’t believe I’ve just said that) in the final, if only because I hate their male counterparts for their cowardice, which I do understand is down to their greed and fear of losing their entitled future if they dared speak out and say what they believed. Gareth Southgate is an absolute cunt who wouldn’t even get hired as an extra in Peaky Blinders.
  19. The excess death rate (not due to Covid 19) in England and Wales , according to the ONS is currently around 1000 per week. The figures for Scotland even higher/per capita. The excess deaths since 2021 start to rise in the various age groups as soon as the vaccines and boosters are rolled out ie excess deaths rise in the older age groups then again in the other age groups as soon as they became the current group to be jabbed, and so it goes on. Don’t believe me. I’m just a thicko who’ll believe anything apart from the MSM bullshit. But Professor Richard Ennos from the University of Edinburgh has done some interesting analysis of this government data and he’s spoken about his findings, which he simply says (to avoid GB News feeling the wrath of the Ofcom censors) should warrant an honest investigation into these excess deaths and why they coincide exactly with the age related rollouts of the Covid vaccines. He spoke on the Mark Steyn show tonight on GB News around 12 minutes into the show. And before the ginger Antivaxfinder General starts flapping her flippers and points out that Prof E isn’t claiming that this is definitely proof of what Ive believed from the start and tried to tell people, he is categorically stating that there is an easily observable pattern to the age related excess deaths and the age groups of excess deaths as the initial vaccines and boosters were rolled out down the age demographic. And that the Scottish Gov inquiry blatantly ignored this and never even attempted to look at it. No doubt Roops will ‘fact check’ 🤣 Prof Ennos and unearth some recently discovered (something always turns up when anyone dares to speak out on GB News or against the approved narrative) revelation that the Prof was in the Boy Scouts with David Icke or bought a car from Nigel Farage etc etc etc. That’s the MO now in 2022. If you ask awkward questions you will be mocked, scorned and removed from the conversation permanently. Disinformation innit, not safe, harmful….blah blah blah. Doesn’t matter, you’ll all be dead soon anyway.
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