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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Don’t rip the arse out of it Gypps. I was being serious there.
  2. The World Meteorological Society defines a heatwave as ‘5 or more consecutive days during which the daily maximum temperature surpasses the average maximum temperature by 5 degrees C (9degF) or more’. This July18th and 19th was quite warm and sunny across the U.K., which the media would have you believe was the beginning of the end for the U.K. and was surely proof for all the doubters and naysayers that Greta ‘the gargoyle’ Cuntbergs ‘climate emergency’ is knocking at the door, bringing mass death and destruction imminently unless we all swap our imaginary M4s for what used to be called milk floats, switch to a bug based diet, throw our gas boilers on the scrap heap (so the Chinese PLA can recycle them into aircraft carriers and ICBMs) and basically the whole Western world go back to living in the 19th century immediately, or else. Im sorry but 2 consecutive hotter than average days is not a fucking heatwave. In 1976 the real heatwave which the MSM kept reminding people had only maxed out at 38.4 (I believe) and was far less severe than the current existential crisis. Except the actual heatwave in 1976 spanned 16 consecutive days and quite a few more besides, which the fakenews bullshitters conveniently omit to mention. The BBC hysterically reporting ‘UKs 40 C HEATWAVE BASICALLY IMPOSSIBLE WITHOUT CLIMATE CHANGE’. July 2003 saw 8 consecutive days above the max average reaching 38 C (another real U.K. heatwave) very close to the 2 day non heatwave last month. In the summer of 1974/1975 Australia experienced their worst bush fires ever, with 15% of the country’s physical land mass sustaining extensive fire damage, and on Christmas Day 1974 the city of Darwin was almost totally destroyed by ‘Cyclone Tracy’. The MSM rarely mention this as they’re far too busy lying about ‘unprecedented extreme weather caused by ‘climate change’…..blah blah blah. On Jan 5th 1978 Walter Sullivan wrote in the New York Times. ’International Team of Specialists Finds No End in Sight to 30 Year Cooling Trend in Northern Hemisphere’. In 1911 almost all of Europe including the U.K. experienced a real heatwave which killed hundreds of thousands of people. Paris experienced 70 consecutive days of heatwave which killed over 40,000 frogs. What I’m trying to say in a roundabout way is that…… Climate change isn’t a load of bollocks mRNA vaccines are totally safe and they work really good to stop people catching Covid19, which is totally real Bill Gates is a lovely, kind old guy who we should all trust implicitly and not say anything horrible about him Klaus Schwab is even kinder and lovelier than Billyboy Gates The WHO and the WEF will look after us all no matter what Joe Biden is the smartest, sharpest, most decent and most legitimately elected President of the USA ever China are our friends BOLLOCKS and FUCK OFF
  3. Vitas Gerulaitis might disagree with that last sentence if he’d survived.
  4. There’s only one thing stopping that from happening Eric. Her.
  5. She should be grateful for any attention at all. It’s a lot more than she deserves imo.
  6. Nothing is real anymore in Clownworld 2022. Women have penises, Experimental mRNA vaccines stop you catching Covid and spreading Covid, then they don’t do either, then they stop you getting ill, then they don’t unless you have a ‘booster’ every Tuesday, then that isn’t right either. Marshmallow Brain Joe Bidens four jabs have worked so well that he’s apparently caught Covid twice in the last 3 weeks, so they invent a new story that this is quite common because of the treatment he’s been given (which he gets all wrong when they let him speak for 30 seconds to attempt to explain things). The definition of a recession (which has always been defined as 2 successive quarters of negative GDP) has suddenly changed on Wikipedia etc. (the totally reliable and impartial sources of information that would never lie or make things up) after the Bananabrain administration in the Whitehouse, said a few days ago with a straight face, that there wasn’t a recession, and that 2 quarters of negative GDP wasn’t ever the benchmark. The world is seriously fucked up and getting worse every day. It’s 100% intentional and the lemmings are queuing up in line with their masks on, their sleeves rolled up for one last booster jab before they empty their pockets and jump off the cliff shouting ‘Thank You O Clever Ones, for saving me!’ Fucking morons. I’ve stopped feeling sorry for them. I’m really looking forward to the cunts all shitting their pants and crying ‘Why didn’t someone tell me it was going to end up like this?’ Fuck off.
  7. Fair enough, but if you wouldn’t mind telling me which of the Reuters examples I quoted you’re ‘calling out’ as BS? Sorry to ask as I know you must have a lot of other debunking to do, not just for thickos like me. 😘
  8. No no no. Drew gets his Universal Credit on Monday. By Saturday afternoon, vodka is just something he’s hallucinating about when he staggers down to the local Coop to nick a few tins of Brasso, some ‘dab it off’ and a large tube of UHU to see him through the weekend. A gang of lezzer hooligans singing ‘get your cunt out for the girls’ would just merge in with all his other hallucinations tbf.
  9. Weren’t black enough probably.
  10. I heard he died peacefully in his sleep (unlike his passengers).
  11. That wasn’t my fault. The cunts at Hertz upgraded me to a 1.4 Uno and I just wasn’t ready for the massive increase in BHP. I was lucky to get away with it really. Not a scratch on me.
  12. I remember Mansell fucking walking out on Williams when he won the title because Fwank basically told him to take a pay cut or fuck off, knowing that their car was head and shoulders above the rest. Pretty shabby behaviour considering Nigel had fought tooth and nail for the team and given everything in every race he ever appeared in. He went over and won the Indycar title at his first attempt, just missing out on the Indy 500 through bad luck along the way. Those were the days when only a handful of racing drivers were actually capable of winning at the top levels. F1 in particular has evolved into a hi tech 200 MPH computer game where the driver is much less of a factor in the outcome of the race than team orders, tyre management, constantly changing rules which no one understands and all sorts of nonsense. While still a spectacle I think F1 has lost its way completely. Too much ‘anti racism’, ‘save the planet’, ‘grid girls are sexist’ BS imo. The Isle of Man TT makes F1 and Moto GP look like Judge on his way to the Post Office to collect his pension.
  13. I’ve won the Monaco GP 8 times, 4 of them in Fiat Pandas I rented at the airport and tuned up in a lay-by with just the wheel brace and a Swiss Army Knife. Martin Brundles Grandad was a cunt.
  14. That is just simply wrong. How do you explain my imaginary M4 and my outrageously large cock then? I can PM you a PDF of my steering column settings which BMW personalised for me free of charge, when I flopped it out on the Regional Manageress’s desk at their head office (shortly before the Police arrived).
  15. That Bruce Grobbelaar was an absolute master of disguise.
  16. They lost 5-2 to an under15 boys team from Dallas in 2017, at the height of Rhapino’s demands for equal pay because in her view they were ‘as good, if not better’ than the US mens team. She’s been a lot quieter on the subject since then. Their subsequent piss poor performance (as odds on favourites) at the Womens World Cup didn’t help either. At least the England women haven’t yet been totally politicised by the woke agenda, but I’m sure that’s not far around the corner.
  17. I expect Lineker will accidentally blurt out that he was bullied at school for being a girl, as well as having dark skin soon. Those bullies would have had a fucking field day if they’d noticed his/hers gigantic dusky female ears. It could have been so much worse actually (if any of it had really happened).
  18. Mmm. That course of action while understandable, might not be the best one of the two. If you watched a game and still felt the need to horrifically blind yourself for ever OK. But at least you wouldn’t spend the rest of your life trodding in guide dog shit in your own living room, being run over every time you go out and getting mugged off in the corner shop or the chippy with Monopoly money in your change. Just saying.
  19. E quality is the most important thing ever when you’ve dropped a couple of pills at a rave and you feel the rush suddenly sweeping through your body, throw up over some bird you’ve never met before, then give her a big hug, tell her it’s the best night ever, you really love her, and then turn around and waltz off like a dancing spastic having an epileptic fit. That’s Equality imo.
  20. Why do cannibals not eat clowns? They taste funny.
  21. I think a couple of his slaves have been playing up OCR (pregnant or something), so cut him a bit of slack till he whips them back into shape and ‘calms down’.
  22. I’ve PMd you a selfie of my gaping arse, which I took while the lezzer footie was on. Who won anyway?
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