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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. ‘Hello. Is that the University of Illinois? This is Dr Anthony ‘the science’ Fauci from the National Institute of Health here. We’d like to give you a large amount of taxpayers cash, to conduct a large scale study, providing it’s carried out in a way that no one will be able to draw any meaningful, and certainly not any scientific conclusions from.’ ’That seems perfectly sensible Dr Fauci, what with the new disinformation variant now able to sneak out the sides of the masks and jump more than six feet from one asymptomatic moron, sorry patient to the next, who don’t even know they’re seriously ill yet as they probably missed Dr Hillary’s latest Covid update with ‘stunning and brave’ knob jockey Scofield and Titty Willoughby, and the crazy anti vaxxers spreading fact checked lies that the 25th booster rollout is a waste of time. Consider it a done deal Dr Lizard, sorry Fauci. 🐑💉🤣
  2. Another cutting put down from the self imagined Susie Dent of Cunts Corner. Here’s todays conundrum and you can have one clue. It’s all about you Luv. PRESEATED The clock’s ticking.
  3. I never said it didn’t happen actually. It’s none of any one’s business where she was buried except the family, offspring still fall into that category I believe. The point I was making was that the media will clutch at any ridiculous straw to keep the ‘Orange man bad’ narrative afloat. It’s all they live for, after going all in for the last 6 years with it, and still they refuse to admit that they’re the fools who’ve been played like the puppets they are. On the Alex Jones ‘trial’ 🤣, which should be a routine case to set the amount of damages, for something Jones has admitted liability and offered settlement way above the usual amount, to no avail. The case is taking place in Austin where the courts are corrupt to the core (OK if you’re a democrat), the jury pool at least 90% lefties, who in this case have been barred from hearing basically anything from the defence which might allow them to reach a decision which could be seen as proper and fair. The judge asked them all during selection if they would have any problem awarding hundreds of millions of dollars? and whether they knew of Alex Jones and Infowars? The Trump appointed judge (political naivety) has obviously been made an offer he couldn’t refuse and torn up every rule in the book from day one. The intention is purely to bankrupt Jones and set a precedent which will further weaken the first amendment and silence anyone on the right with a huge audience. Imo his lawyers actions are a deliberate act, as the outcome of the case was predetermined before it commenced and he will now have unarguable grounds to take the case all the way to the SCOTUS going forward. Alan Dershowitz and Robert Barnes among others have both spelled out the absolute disgrace which this case has become on various podcasts recently. You might learn something if you took the time to watch either of them lay out the facts one by one, rather than cheap digs at me. Fuck off.
  4. Thank fuck we don’t have trigger happy coppers like that in the U.K. Our brave and fearless boys in blue in the Sussex Constabulary are living proof of that (if any were needed) Take the case of Donald Burgess for example, a 93 year old former resident of a care home in St Leonards on sea. A violent criminal by all accounts, this wheelchair bound, one legged, dementia patient apparently started waving a knife around (in his wheelchair) at the care home. Two Sussex Police heroes arrived and reportedly tried to reason with him (dementia patient 🤔). When this tactic surprisingly failed, one of them suddenly pepper sprayed him then struck him several times on the head with his baton. The second hero then tasered him and against all the odds they managed to overpower him before he could escape and murder everyone in the County. He died from his injuries later. These two hero’s are now being investigated for possible manslaughter, simply for doing their job, (which some idiots still think is to ‘protect and serve’ the public, investigate actual crime and arrest the perpetrators (including the hundreds of Pakistani rape gangs). What fucking century are these fools living in? The 21st century rainbow flag bobbies haven’t the time or resources for any of that. They’re out there every day on the front line combatting racism, homophobia, all the other phobias and the recent phenomena of senile 93 year old white supremacists, hell bent on wreaking havoc and mayhem. ’Evening all.’
  5. Forget about the height of the bar. Its the hat trick that counts, don’t you think? PS Would you like to buy an autographed pic of me? (With a personalised message of course).
  6. Poncybaby, what do you think about the thousands of refugees moving from the U.K. to your floating landfill site because apparently we’re horrible to them? I assume you’re filled with pride? Sorry, I meant filled with spunk at Pride. Feck off.
  7. ‘That’s not the correct slip knot actually! I fact checked it while I was eating my hearty breakfast, and would you mind wearing a mask in the condemned cell. I haven’t had my 18th booster you know. I hope that rope’s been sanitised properly.’ ’Shut up ffs and put your growler away. Don’t you think this is unpleasant enough for us without having to fucking look at that too?’
  8. He’s so popular that he had over six hundred new voters arrive yesterday in dinghies. Mind you a lot of them are far too young to vote I think. I may be wrong as they all hadn’t shaven for days by the look of them.
  9. No that’s the Jimmy White House stupid.
  10. He’d been double jabbed and triple boosted, so his DNA would look like Daniella Westbrooks snot anyway.
  11. Most of the Democrat Party would have insisted on arse fucking him to verify that he was dead, and posted the videos on tik tok for the younger generation of lefties.
  12. Ape got a credit for painting the tips if I’m not mistaken. His first big break. He’s never looked back, or forward.
  13. I hope he’s not dishing it out according to age, or we’ll have to put with your utter shite for fucking decades.
  14. It looks a bit better than a fucking tent in the sand, but where are they going to park their camels? Or will only camels with low emission arseholes be allowed in? This has the stench of Saddique Khunt about it. I want him dead.
  15. Wins a can of vegetable soup, to avoid any confusion in the future if anyone wondered which event the trophy was for.
  16. Otherwise fuck off and come back next week where you belong in the Parawhetever it’s called spaz event.
  17. I’d like to go out for a date if you’re up for it, as long as you don’t bring your hammers in your handbag.
  18. The Guardian….’Why are the younger Trumps so awful? Ivanas funeral wasn’t the first piece of evidence that the Trumps may not have such a well adjusted family life.’ Classy eh? I can’t wait to see how they describe the offspring of Biden when his controllers decide it’s finally last orders for Sleepy Joe. I’m betting they’ll start with Beaue, the late army veteran who died of cancer, (not in action ‘on the front line’ which mush brain Joe keeps claiming) who was barely cold before his brother Hunter (‘the smartest person I know’, said Joe) was balls deep into his widow, banging whores by the dozen and making a lot of crack dealers very very rich (all paid for by ‘the big guy’) for years, salting at least $30m of Chink and Russian cash away while Zombie Joe was VP and introducing him to every cunt with a few quid to spare and ‘pro quid quo’ Hunter was getting every other cunt with a few quid to spare, access to the Whitehouse and the huge sums of money which flows downwards from that privileged access once you’re in. The Garbagebin, sorry Guardian will probably finish with the delightful Ashley Biden, also a former drug addict. ‘Former’ may not be accurate in either Hunter or Ashley’s CV actually, but hey ho. The lovely Ashley Biden, who’s self written diary from one of her many spells in drug rehab, not one of her many spells in mental facilities (there are so many) tells about her difficult relationship growing up, recounting her father (the big guy) showering naked with her into her teens and how she felt her problems were all connected to this loving family upbringing. But I have a nagging feeling that rags like the Guardian etc. won’t mention any of this when Snoozy Joe catches his fiftieth Covid infection in a few weeks time, hourly booster jabs having no effect except making him even more ill, sniffs his last ever little kids hair and pops his clogs with/or from Covid 19. That would be so disrespectful wouldn’t it? Donald Trump on the other hand……he’s an appalling human being, who should be in jail. This fake news ‘tax scam’ at the NJ Trump golf course/cemetery is the real top story. 🤭
  19. Refrigerated lorry carrying the mourners to Ming’s funeral.
  20. Have you anything planned for the rest of the night?
  21. Someone’s been a very busy girl. Those conspiracy theories won’t fact check themselves.😂
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