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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Citibank today predicted inflation will rise in the U.K. to 18.6% by January. The leader of the opposition Sir Queer Starmer was quick to tell the MSM what needs to be done. 19 million homes in the U.K. must be insulated immediately, and Parliament should be recalled tomorrow to debate this insulation emergency, which is, for reasons known only to him, somehow connected to the current economic collapse of the country, and therefore in urgent need of hundreds of imbecile MPs to gather in the Commons and shout abuse at each other to save the day. What fucking planet does this characterless, moronic, drone of a man live on? It’s a given that the Tories are a fucking useless shower of shit at present, but Labour under this fucking Max Headroom CGI cunt seem to be even more disconnected from reality, if that’s possible. We’re fucked I’m afraid.
  2. Blanket surveillance and a lot more censorship could be the answer. I can’t see why anyone would object to that.
  3. I wouldn’t, unless you want to go blind.
  4. Leeds is an absolute fucking open sewer of a city. It’s impossible to find anything good that’s ever come out of it. The options are so fucking vile that Myra Hindley and Ian Brady probably top the list.
  5. Be patient. Something will turn up soon, or maybe not soon but eventually, maybe.
  6. COMING ATTRACTION ‘Nightmare on Liverpool Street’ ’Next time you’re on an overnight train you’ll wish Freddie Kruger was there to save you.’ The British Board of Film Censors would never have allowed it thankfully.
  7. Frank will already be on the vinegar stroke watching this.
  8. I saw a video the other week where the police up north somewhere stopped a middle aged couple in their camper van, peeled off a Robertsons marmalade sticker featuring a golliwog from their vehicle, and threatened them with arrest if they spotted them driving with it stuck back on again. In the filths defence though they didn’t go down their usual ‘I can smell cannabis’ route, then pepper spray, tazer and baton attack the couple, before throwing them to the ground, double cuffing them and dragging them off to the nick in the back of a van for an internal body search and a load of trumped up ‘obstruction and resisting arrest’ criminal charges.
  9. Shame you had no grandkids to buy one for isn’t it. It’s too scary to even imagine what you must have looked like to normal passers by, gazing at the ‘Cindy Doll (with realistic bandages)’ window display, on a dark and rainy winters night, in the early 1960s when gender benders were something that only existed in horror stories, like zombies and vampires.
  10. LCS should be able to answer that as dwarf throwing is very big down under in the penal colony.
  11. He looks like the type of chap who welcomes lots of cock up his arse, so with any luck he’ll be so riddled with Monkeypox, syphilis and bad AIDS by next week that we won’t see anymore of this nonsense from the cunt.
  12. That would make him genetically mainly German then, so perhaps he may survive and prosper on here. He’s clearly not French or he’d have run away long ago. Bonsoir and fuck off Withers.
  13. “Mom why is that old white monkey in the cage wearing a dress? It’s got a big thing like what all my daddies put in your mouth and your bum when I’m pretending I’m asleep. Is he one of my daddies too Mommy?”
  14. I’ve just finished filming the new ad. My new gnashers have almost paid for themselves already, and I’m struggling to cope with the hundreds of gorgeous birds throwing themselves at me every time I go out.
  15. Thank fuck you and I won’t be around then Eric. Pen however can look forward to being transported around the country in a cage as part of a travelling freak show, like the ones he probably visited as a spectator in Victorian times.
  16. Fuck knows what the cunts are going to do when they run out of Uygers to melt down into plastic. I suppose we’ll all have to get used to everything being ‘only available in black’.
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