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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. The new Pfizer booster jab 3 in 1 grab bag (vaccine, rainbow mask and Ukraine flag on a recyclable stick) just creeps in under the bar at 99.9 calories. Coincidentally the exact percentage of people who didn’t die from/or with Covid19. 😷🇺🇦💉🤣
  2. Panic ye not RK. There’s as much chance of Roops admitting that she’s been 100% wrong about everything she’s ever said to me or about me, (which are my terms for her surrender) as any of her BS narrative actually being correct. I have her where I want her now so she’s doing the only thing she can by keeping her bonce down and reflecting on her misguided choice of opponent. It’s a great feeling when the fight’s gone from the fish and its just the formality of reeling it in and putting it out of its misery to come.
  3. Her gaping, Grand Canyon sized wound couldn’t be healed if the entire population of the planet, in a global effort to bolster our NHS, clapped their hands and banged their saucepans for eternity. Evil Knievel would have taken one look at her unjumpable crevice, pulled a wheelie and fucked off down the road into retirement.
  4. They’d still baton you, pepper spray you, tazer you and call for an armed response unit to surround the area until they got Wayne Couzens out of jail to rape you and dismember what’s left of your body.
  5. That makes you a Remainy Gypsy.
  6. That’ll be the remoaners who wake up every day and tune in to James O’Briens 3 hour rant on LBC, then spend the rest of the day on Twitter wanking over Gary Lineker and Alistair Campbell’s tweets preaching to the already converted how every single word he said was undeniable fact and anyone who disagrees is a knuckle dragging fascist, racist, Little Englander etc. etc. The real mental health crisis is a predictable result of the lockdown policies and the frightening willingness of the flock to slavishly obey everything they were ordered to do. ‘Protect the NHS’ was the constant message for two years of unquestioning obedience and look where that’s ended up? Brexit is a convenient excuse for the absolute, and inevitable collapse of every part of the infrastructure which the country depends on to have a decent standard of living. The EU, the US, Canada, Australia, NZ etc. with their globalist puppet governments are no better off, and are facing the same tyranny which has been planned for years and is now becoming reality.
  7. King Billy


    He had his fingers burned on Facebook many years ago.
  8. I can make something up if that’s any help?🤣
  9. Says the man who shits his bed regularly when the weathers too bad to get up and run all the way to his outside toilet at the end of the garden.
  10. As a self claimed MENSA member, who doesn’t bother opening the publications which they insist on sending you, I’d be grateful for your advice as to whether or not I should apply for membership? It’s obviously not a dealbreaker in the application process, as they allegedly let you join, and now refuse to accept that you’ve ‘been there, done that’, but I’m pretty handy when it comes to spelling difficult 5 letter words correctly, so what would you advise? 😘
  11. King Billy


    He’s currently trending on ‘friends re-ignited’
  12. The rats are jumping from the good ship Covid19 now like there’s no tomorrow. Fauci’s realised that his deep state protection is a dead man walking, the games up and the fake ‘science’ narrative which him and the corrupt organisations such as the NIH and the CDC he’s fronted for half a century, is unravelling in full view of the still but not for long minority, who’ve been onto this evil cunts game for quite a while now. The WHO has now done a 180 on the mask crap, the CDC now says that vaxxed/unvaxxed is no longer a thing (after 18 months of mandates) ‘science innit’. The cost v benefit analysis of lockdowns coming out of several governments is now being reluctantly reported by even the scum in the MSM who furiously waved their pom poms for more and more of it, at the height of the preplanned psyop. The CEO of Pfizer has caught Covid again💉despite ‘allegedly’ having had four doses of his own poison. The Astrazenica cocktail, despite (or more likely because of) being hugely less expensive than all the other mRNA jabs, is piling up on pallets in the warehouse, with the phones in the orders dept. eerily silent and all the staff probably off sick with Long Covid 🤣. YouTube have sneakily removed the word masks from its ‘disinformation’ policy. Twitter and Facebook are stealthily permitting more and more users to voice opinions which very recently would have have been censored, obviously hoping that they can slowly adopt the position that they’ve always allowed both sides to speak and the majority of their moronic shrieking users won’t notice that these two platforms are the fucking cancer that’s enabled all of this evil to infect the human race. So Mrs. Roops. I know it must be very difficult for you at the moment, bearing in mind the two years that you’ve stoically defended the ridiculous narrative that’s now collapsing quicker than the NHS around you (more clapping needed) so it’s probably best that you get yourself fully ‘on message’ with the new ‘180 U turn’ Dr Hillary version 2.0 narrative before coming back at me with a predictable pile of ‘Google fact-checked’ word salad, which up till now has only made you look more of a fucking retard than you started off as (if that’s even possible). Maybe that’s something you could fact check. To finish though, I’m a reasonable man and a simple acknowledgement that you’ve been wrong all along and I’ve been right would be enough to turn yourself around and get off the Road to Perdition you’ve been hurtling down for far too long now. The future’s bright. The future’s orange. 🇱🇷TRUMP 2024🇱🇷MAGA🇱🇷
  13. King Billy


    From Franks felching pouch probably.
  14. You’re the best on here (while Punkape is away)
  15. King Billy


    Rioting happens to be one of the very few topics which I can hopefully comment on, that even the Vulcan with her unquestionable superior knowledge of all things, and her 24/7 hotline to the top factcheckers on Planet Google, wouldn’t have the brass neck to pull rank on me over. If as a teenager I’d come home, and my old man had asked me what I’d been up to all day, and I’d said ‘just a bit of rioting and looting Dad, same old’. He’d more than likely have told me to ‘be careful son, you know we’ve got orders to shoot looters first and ask questions later. Now off to bed you go and don’t go near the car in the morning before I’ve checked underneath it with the mirror’. If he’d then seen me on News at Ten taking part in a shitshow like this, he’d have been up the stairs swinging his leather belt to beat the living daylights out of me. And tbf I wouldn’t blame him either. ”Call that rioting? You’re a fucking disgrace! So ye are, so I am, so it is.”
  16. She would have been a lot more interesting than you if she’d actually existed, you fucking big dicked dose of diazepam David Carradinesque freak.
  17. She could have bought a nice house in Krakov, a Polski Fiat convertible and still had £100 left to spend on a lifetimes supply of borscht.
  18. Absolutely breathtaking. This makes Winston Churchills efforts sound like Harvey Price.
  19. Unfortunately there aren’t enough people similarly inclined to do the same Decs, so in the vast majority of constituencies your vote for an independent would be irrelevant to the outcome. I’m rapidly coming to the conclusion that the U.K. democratic model has had its day and the future can and will only get worse for the vast majority of us unless drastic changes are made, which seems more than unlikely, as neither of the 2 main parties will ever legislate to change the system which enables them to take turns in Downing St. for ever, promising everything in opposition then delivering sweet fuck all in government. This is happening all over the developed world in so called democracies, where the elected puppets of the globalist elites no longer even hide their contempt for the suckers who elect them, instead sacrificing their prosperity, hard earned freedoms and any foolish hopes for a decent future, at the altar of ‘net zero, diversity, inclusion, multi culturalism and all the rest of the global elites 2030 agenda. The worst is yet to come. It’s pretty much unstoppable now.
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