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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. You brought my kids up so I presume they’re fair game? If so then the same applies to yours. Consistency?
  2. He called me ‘bowl cut Billy’ That really hurt me.
  3. Your money’s safe there Decs. My old man told me loads of stories about his great great great grandad ‘Bert Bloodaxe’ and the fun they used to have on their ‘lads only’ weekends down in Dublin, raping and, well just raping really, as there was fuck all worth pillaging. There’s fuck all worth raping either nowadays. Tragic really, evolution in reverse gear.
  4. You’ve spelled knob wrong.
  5. You could slide those ‘love eggs’ from wish.com that you spent your life savings on, out of your vibrating shitter and pop them in the chip pan, when you’re frying your Turkey Twizzlers to take to the sparkler display and village idiot contest.
  6. Keep dreaming. Even Frank the fake sophisticat bender wouldn’t pay you that for your battered arsehole and chips.
  7. You wouldn’t dare say that to Benjamin Butterworth.
  8. That could backfire spectacularly on you if I did that, as your children might wonder why you have the phone number of that brasshouse in London that they and their cuck Uni mates frequent when they’ve downed two pints of shandy, and all have little stiffies after watching the Lionesses at Wembley alongside a couple of hundred other testosterone deficient embarrassing Beta Males. 😘
  9. There are exceptions to this recent phenomenon WC. Drew successfully repaired his own fridge a while back, with nothing more than a screwdriver and a case of cider to hand. I guess you could say he’s a ‘Scrumpy Jack’ of all trades. If only there were more like him.
  10. Gosh, you can be a cruel beast sometimes Panzy. I’m off to my ‘safe space’ for the rest of the night now because of you.
  11. Stocking up on bullshit before the price goes up in September? Smart thinking DC. Lol.
  12. I’m up for it Raas, as long as you can find me somewhere safe to park my imaginary M4 for the day. Last time I went I came back to find my imaginary M3 (I miss that motor so much) with a smashed window, stereo gone, dozens of empty Red Stripe cans and a broken ‘Wray and Nephews overproof’ bottle protruding from a huge rip in the passenger seat. And is at that wasn’t bad enough there was a sweet looking young black bird bent over the bonnet clinging to my broken windscreen wipers, with a queue of hooded ‘gangsta’ type ‘yoofs’ waiting for their turn to split the poor girl in two. Apart from that I had quite an enjoyable day out.
  13. I’ll keep you posted. It’s a secret at the moment but thanks for asking.
  14. It would be interesting to know Panzys thoughts on Brexit. Its a subject I can’t recall him ever commenting on. I reckon he’s a die hard Brexiteer like yourself tbh.
  15. Guns are marvellous. Ned Kelly would have been just another cunt in A and E with a saucepan stuck on his head without his guns.
  16. On a Zoom call would be the best to hope for. ‘Science’ has probably got that covered just in case the agenda suffers a minor unscripted hiccup and veers off course temporarily till Klaus Schwab can reinsert his fist up Dr Faucis anus and get a grip on the controls.
  17. The deceased should always be respected and patriots should always be applauded. 🇹🇷JOE BIDEN RIP🇹🇷 🇱🇷TRUMP 2024 MAGA🇱🇷 Fuck off lol.
  18. “What’s that Skippy? The docs trapped down the old disused coal mine? Fuck off Skippy, that silly old cunt pissed off to Oz about fifty years ago, when he retired from Dr Shipman’s surgery.” ”Bloody Nora mate. That fucking Joey must think we’re all bloody drongos from the woop woop or something. Chuck the fucker on the barbie.”
  19. That would be an ecumenical matter.
  20. Good to see that you’re not in the slightest bit rattled either.🤣
  21. Exactly. For once you’re talking sense so don’t feel obligated to apologise this time.
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