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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. My Maserati does one eighty five. I lost my licence and now I don’t drive. Life’s been good to me so far.
  2. Usual fucking crap nom. Just a link to a MSM news article that no one gives a fuck enough about to even read. You lazy, boring, sad sack of shit, freak of nature cunt. Fuck off.
  3. 21st century Britain. Holocaust denial = crime Factually stating that a biological male cannot become a female = crime Exposing Pakistani paedo rape gangs = crime Being a white heterosexual male = crime Hurting some poor little snowflakes feelings on Twitter or Facebook = crime Thank fuck we have the boys in blue to crack down on these crimes. Once they’ve eradicated these horrendous acts they might start doing their fucking job again and investigate what used to be crimes, like burglary, robbery, assault, rape, car theft, benefit fraud, illegal immigration etc. How did we get to this fucking Clownworld?
  4. Being married to her as the poor sod is, I’d guess he’d be infinitely more insane than any of the aspersions made about David Ickes mental health.
  5. If you ever bump into me even Jesus Christ won’t be able to help you Frank, so don’t waste any of your very short future on your knees praying. Those boney knees of yours must be worn out anyway, after a lifetime of interracial fellatio. I doubt there’s much patella left for me to go to work on when I find you, you miserable little has been. Now fuck off. You’ve been warned.
  6. Pen retired from the railways in 1874, coincidentally on the day the Tavistock Clinic opened.
  7. The Bodmin tug of war team would struggle to pull your gigantic cock out of its lair in your huge underpants. Kill yourself.
  8. ‘Ridicule is nothing to be scared of’ Drew.
  9. I lived in Little Venice for about five years in the early nineties, and even though Notting Hill is a couple of miles from there, the Carnival weekend was like living in fucking Mogadishu or Soweto. Thousands of teeth sucking roaming around looking for someone to rob, rape, murder or all three possibly. Most of my neighbours locked the doors and windows and bunkered down for the duration. The thing that annoys me most is the middle class white cunts who insist on telling everyone they speak to (who mostly don’t want to fucking know) that they’re so excited to be going to ‘carnival’ at the weekend. Not ‘the carnival’ or the ‘Notting Hill carnival’, but ‘carnival’ as if they just disembarked from the Windrush yesterday, after growing up in the ghettos of Kingston Jamaica.
  10. Excellent point Doc. In 2019 the Met Filth stopped and searched three men and four women near Hammersmith bridge just prior to the boat race. Apparently they had intel that ‘climate activists’ may have been in possession of fireworks and a 20’ banner. No arrests were made and no items seized luckily. 2012s boat-race however was a different scenario altogether when Trenton Oldfield, a very dangerous criminal who studied ‘contemporary urbanism’ (WTF?) at the LSE, wearing a wetsuit swam into the path of the boats, causing the race to be temporarily halted. It appears that he was the only person arrested at the event that year, and everyone lived to breathe another day. Personally speaking I value my life too much to even contemplate attending either of these life endangering events.
  11. No Ouzo? You fake ‘bubble and squeak’, interbred, mongrel little testosterone deficient runt. At a guess, I’d say you’re the offspring of an illegal immigrant Morrocan minicab driver with AIDS and a half chat heroin addicted street whore, who dumped your prematurely shat out foetus in their next door neighbours doorway, because they couldn’t be arsed carrying your sorry unwanted arse to the wheely bin for the rats to munch on. Idiot.
  12. Are you looking forward to having the new ‘2 in 1 booster’ jab Ape? Just thought you should know that the Pfizer one hasn’t had any clinical trials on humans, but apparently it’s safe enough to inject into millions of eager saps arms, to ‘protect’ 🤣 them and everyone else from a virus, which is about as deadly as an out of date Pot Noodle.
  13. King Billy


    I’m better than you.
  14. Nothing shouts ‘working class hero’ more than having your own 3 million pound mansion.
  15. Have someone read it to you tomorrow Ape. You never know. You might learn something other than the ‘science’ 🤣 that Dr Hillary etc. have drummed into your thick skull for 2 years, take your mask off and venture out into the sunlight again. Don’t forget to sanitise your hands though. There are new variants lurking everywhere in the shadows. Oh that’s right, you’ve been double jabbed and multi boosted, sorry. You’re Covid immune (just like Joe Biden and his wife Alice Cooper, who’re so protected they’ve both caught it twice in the last month). All you fucking fear addict lemmings will wake up soon and see ‘The Light’. I won’t mock you when you do. I promise.😂
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