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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Long distance dribbling. One of the great mysteries of the universe, and Hawking still holds the world record, so a little more respect please, if you don’t mind.
  2. Good fucking riddance to them all I say.
  3. I for one would not be sorry to see the NHS gone. The so called ‘envy of the rest of the world’ which politicians constantly refer to is imo a millstone around the neck of every taxpayer who pays for the unimaginable waste, inefficiency, incompetence and fraud which are endemic in this organisation which is not allowed to be criticised if you wish to be regarded as a good and decent member of society. The way the ‘survival of the NHS’ was cynically used by our government, the so called ‘science experts’ and their MSM cheerleaders to justify ‘lockdowns’ (previously a term used only in the prison system) 🤔, the wilful destruction of the economy, the refusal to even listen to, never mind consider the opinions of anyone who pointed out the obvious inconsistencies in the Covid response madness which took over the world in 2020 would be the most cynical and disgusting example of abuse of its citizens by any western democratic government ever imo, except the same thing happened in almost every other country at the same time. Almost as if the plan was already in place and the globalist puppets at the helm of all these allegedly independent countries duly obliged their masters wishes. The ruination of millions of lives in the U.K. (billions worldwide) in the name of ‘public health’ lol, against a disease which at worst kills old and/or already sick people will go down in history as the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the human race and just the start of the planned future which is rapidly becoming unstoppable and all the fucking sheep are still blindly being herded into their pens, shaking with fear over whatever new crisis they’ve been fed to keep them compliant and more importantly dependant on their leaders benevolence. Two years of sacrifice and hundreds of billions spent to ‘protect the NHS’ and no one thinks to ask why some of that money wasn’t used to increase the capacity and effectiveness of the sacred cow? Because the answer is so fucking obvious. It was all fucking lies and deception from day one. The NHS is now a fucking basket case. Hospitals treat anyone who turns up as a major inconvenience, if not an unwanted trespasser. All these ‘hero’ doctors and nurses who whinge and whine constantly should imo just fuck off if they don’t like their job. And good fucking riddance. The NHS is fucked anyway.
  4. What a Jackass I am. I forgot to add Oxfordshire, Dorset and Wiltshire and Suffolk fire and rescue services to the list of entities which have until recently been held in high esteem by the general public, but have joined the growing number of taxpayer funded organisations to reveal their utter contempt for the vast majority of people who fund their life of playing pool, lazing around watching TV and occasionally sliding down a pole, then rescuing a cat from a tree, or removing a saucepan from some retarded kids empty head. I refer to the £17000 (all from the public purse) which these layabouts have spent on having some of their fire engines adorned in full LGBTQHIV+ rainbow colours. Fuck off.
  5. Should have robbed one that worked properly Raas.
  6. Great to hear that GPs are to get a whopping pay rise. If anyone deserves it they do, after two and a half years refusing to see patients, pathetically following the gov Covid policies when most of them must have known they were doing more harm than good, but were too cowardly to say so, and too happy to bank the vaccination bonuses and ignore the backlog of millions of undiagnosed patients that are now condemned to a premature death. The damage that has been done to the publics trust in the NHS, vaccinations of all types, ‘science’, the MSM and politicians of every party is staggering. A good thing imo, as something had to happen eventually to wake people up to the treachery of these self serving snakes.
  7. ScoMo or Albanese? Now that’s what I call a ‘spoiled for choice’ shame there has to be a loser contest.
  8. This is how this pile of shite should have read…. I have Downs. I was out taking photos with my Box Brownie on my head, using my enormous dick as the third tripod leg. Another man (just like me) came up to me and said ‘You look like a freaky fucking 200 year old man’. ‘Yes I am I said.’ ‘Why are you wearing womens clothes, when you’ve got that massive cock between your legs?’ he asked. ‘Tickets please I replied’. ‘Fuck you big dick you boring cunt’. he replied. Fuck off.
  9. Having been involved in the gaming machine industry for the majority of my adult life I’ve seen up close the devastation that gambling addiction can do to otherwise intelligent people. Likewise with substance abuse which goes hand in hand with the whole addiction and self destruction downward spiral of many a good man. Frank however is imo simply a moderately intelligent retard who in the past would have been a regular sight on the High St., standing in a puddle of his own steaming piss, wearing a sandwich board emblazoned with ‘I’m the best on here’ and eagerly offering unrestricted access to his arse to anyone stupid enough to stop and ask if he’s OK? The man’s a disgrace and I want him dead.
  10. I’m not doing it for the glory Ape. I might accept a Nobel Prize or a Knighthood, but tbh I’ll settle for being right all along, knowing that I tried my best to wake up all you clever people to the obvious fact that you’ve been duped and lied to all along. I can’t help it if you get annoyed at me for trying to open your eyes to the future that your new masters have planned for you, if you happen to be one of the lucky ones who survive this initial chapter of the ‘new normal’.
  11. Don’t waste your time DC. Frank knows what he is and he knows that everyone else knows what he is. Stephen Hawking at least had the honesty to openly dribble when he spoke, and he spoke a lot less bollocks than ‘Fusewire Legs’ Fwank. The cunt’s a fucking disgrace.
  12. I suppose I’d be making it up if I commented on the massive increase in excess deaths around the world recently, most noticeably amongst the under 50s? Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) has really taken off worldwide in the last 12 to 18 months. The No1 cause of mortality in the Canadian province of Alberta, has for the last few months officially been recorded as ‘unexplained sudden death’. 🤔 The excess death rate (not from or with Covid) in the U.K. at the moment is around 1400 per week. And this is without me even needing to make anything up. Cue the usual ‘Thicko Billy. Where’s your proof?’ etc. etc. response. Just pull that Google finger of yours out of your butthole, do what you’re best at and you might one day soon realise that you’ve been defending the indefensible all along. It’s never too late to bite the bullet and admit your foolishness. 😘
  13. I can see 3 good reasons here why a girl would think it might not be a sensible idea to play hard to get Eric.
  14. Well well Mrs Big Brain Roops. So the Great Reset was just another of my many conspiracy theories that you scoffed at? So the U.K.s so called government is now quietly admitting that the death count due to the lockdown policy could be heading for 200,000. Very convenient timing with Johnson less than a week away from handing over the reins and therefore not having to take any responsibility for his insane Covid response or the coercion of the population to roll up their sleeves and take the experimental vaccines or else, is finally being exposed as the crime against humanity which some of us called it out as from the start and were ridiculed by ‘know all’ quislings like you, because your arrogant mindset was locked into the propaganda narrative that the MSM and the ‘science’ community told you to obey, which of course you did like the good compliant sheep that you are. So the WEF globalist mafia frontman Klaus Schwab now openly calling for an end to private vehicle ownership, livestock farming (eat bugs), restricted or even an end to air travel for the majority of the worlds population (except the privileged elites and the celebrity cocksuckers of course), the rapid acceleration towards a cashless society, which is probably the single most dangerous thing that will guarantee the total enslavement of the human race to the new masters of the world. The total collapse of every part of our lives that we took for granted just a couple of years ago, such as the NHS, the rocketing inflation causing half or more of society to suddenly be staring into a financial abyss, being constantly terrified by the MSM with never ending predictions of impending famine, drought, energy poverty, world war, right wing extremism (the opposite is far more truthful), and our puppet leaders wringing their hands, telling us it’s all Putins fault and we have to just grit our teeth and freeze/starve/get stabbed/die of monkey pox/take in a Ukranian freeloader etc. etc. because we’re stupid and our leaders know best. ‘You will own nothing and you will be happy’ Right O Klaus.
  15. No thanks. They can stick their shit transplants up their arse.
  16. Tell her to be very careful what remedies she tries on her stretched front arse, as it sounds to me like ‘3 in one’ probably caused the problem in the first place.
  17. I haven’t got a fucking clue who Lizzy Candy is nor do I want to, but the boot lid on my imaginary M4 recently started squeaking for no apparent reason. A couple of good squirts of WD40 on the hinges soon sorted it out though. I don’t suppose this Cundy character has tried doing the same on her squeaky cunt flaps though or she wouldn’t be going on about it all the time.
  18. So does God it seems, as he’s had every terminal illness known to man several times, and the cunt is still hanging around like an anorexic Ruth Ellis, long after Albert Pierre-point had collected his fee and headed off to dispatch his next lucky client.
  19. Up your game Frank, and even though it’s highly unlikely, you could one day be the dog rather than the piss stained lamp post you’ve settled for in life. Or you could just top yourself tonight, you delusional fucking bandy legged wanker.
  20. You are Darcus Howe and I claim my free packet of Rizla.
  21. It’s working out pretty well at the moment. I’ve reintroduced the ‘No knickers zone (to support Ukraine)’ and the girls have all agreed to work for the next 12 months unpaid. I told them it’s the law now that I have to give all their earnings to the war effort and it’s hurting me as much as them. I’ll probably extend that for a couple of years once they’ve got used to it. And also if they want me to put the heating on to thaw out their frozen crumpets this winter they will have to contribute towards the utility bills in advance. They understand that it’s all Putins fault and we’re all in it together.
  22. I can only tell you that 50% of them definitely are, but most prozzies from whatever country are. I expect there might be one or two of the male 50% who aren’t, but I’ve never met any of them. They’re all in Kiev making YouTube videos with Bono and Harry Styles etc. for their wives to watch when they get home after a hard days work flogging their crumpet and arsehole for the war effort.
  23. I only listen to Loyalist flute band marching tunes when I’m driving in my imaginary M4. I also wear my bowler hat and Orange Order sash at all times, even in bed. If this Beenie Man character ever turns up in the Shankhill Rd area he can wave bye bye to his chickenshit motherfucking kneecaps quicker than you could say “Whaaa go aaaan Bro?
  24. No way man. I drive the imaginary M cars on here Bruv. Ya get me?
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