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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. I’ve had thoughts in the past about doing really disgusting things to both of them. ‘Disgusting’ in rather different ways though, as one involved bolt cutters, an ice pick and a blowtorch. The other involved only Rohypnol, Viagra, KY jelly and a bottle of Jack Daniels.
  2. Why? If you don’t like dust, Australia seems an odd place to shack up.
  3. I can picture Neil (who’s never turned any bird down), looking her up and down, scratching his head and saying….”Sorry luv. I’m not taking any new work on at the moment. I’ll drop you off at the bus station.”
  4. Just her boasting again about another of her ‘all inclusive’ vacations. I bet she fitted a lot more than six in when everyone in the hotel had emptied their sack in her and she started venturing into town at night.
  5. Pen the trans ticket inspector? Only a matter of time imo.
  6. That number plate you wear round your neck on a chain is obviously costing you a load of dough aswell as making you look a complete fucking cunt Raas. Put it back on your motor or at least tuck it in your hoodie till after 6 O’Clock if you’re out on the prowl.
  7. Something which hasn’t come as any surprise at all to me is that she hasn’t mentioned any plan to stop the thousands of greaseballs arriving in dinghy’s every week. She must be keeping that back as a surprise till next week when all the BS she’s announced already has failed miserably. The cunt is nothing more than another globalist bag of shit, with her own page on the WEF website, a former Shell executive, Liberal Democrat, remainer and a pig ugly cunt to boot. Perfect CV to land the top job in British politics I suppose.
  8. Is it still busy in her arsecrack, or has the congestion charge eased the backlog?
  9. A mere youngster compared to yourself you freaky old fossil.
  10. Good career path OCR imo, as crime is the one thing that the Old Bill don’t investigate nowadays (especially if the perpetrator is of the dusky variety).
  11. Everything’s going to be OK now that Liz is in charge. No more net zero bullshit at last. Hang on. What’s that?….. She’s keeping Alok Sharma on as COP 26 Minister? Oh fuck! She’s not going to do anything different at all is she? 🤭
  12. Incase anyone was foolishly under the impression that our elected MPs had the best interests of the country at heart, they might change their mind simply by having a look at two debates which took place in the Commons yesterday and today. Yesterday 9 Conservative and 7 Labour MPs debated ‘grooming gangs in Telford, Rochdale, Oldham, Rotherham etc. etc. Today an even smaller number of our elected freeloaders debated ‘Covid vaccine adverse effects, injuries and deaths’. Thank fuck our masters aren’t ignoring these two very important national scandals any more and have found the time to address them. Just one thing that I as the corners resident conspiracy theorist would like to ask is….Does anyone remember Jo Moore the Tony Blair advisor who on Sept 11 2001 emailed her minions that ‘today could be a good day to bury bad news’? Fucking treacherous evil scum.
  13. China plans to turn the moon into the universes first commercial cheese mine.
  14. No need to worry about that Decs, if last weeks Royal Navy debacle is anything to go by, when the state of the art flagship aircraft carrier HMS Prince of Wales set off from Portsmouth bound for the USA, but only managed to get as far as the Isle of Wight before breaking down and having to be towed back to base. Putin and Zing must have breathed a huge sigh of relief when they eventually stopped laughing. 🤣
  15. Fact checked (sorry for the 2 year wait)……100% Correct!
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