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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Don’t poke her too hard with that stick Raas or she might start asking me for rent. I think she loves me living free of charge in her head, but we all know how erratic and unpredictable she can be. ‘Consistent’ she says, being much cleverer than everyone else. As for Brexit, it’s lucky she’s been fighting ‘the cause’ or idiots like me could have scuppered the whole thing, what with all the nonsense and drum beating etc. that she kindly offers me advice about. I’m starting to really like her and have even toyed with the idea of one day giving her a good seeing to (if only she’d give her gob a fucking day off for once).
  2. PanzyBaby. As you’ve always kept your views to yourself on whether EU membership is a good or bad thing for the member states 🤣, and to your credit never criticised the U.K. for democratically voting to opt out of such a patently wonderful coalition of freely elected governments, adored and trusted beyond question by their hundreds of millions of Eurosheep citizens, I’d be interested to know what you make of the Swedish election result, the imminent and universally predicted right wing victory for Brussels basher Georgia Meloni in Italy, the 88 seats won by Le Pen in France recently, the fourth consecutive term for Victor Orban in Hungary (making 5 in total) etc. etc.? Also the Dutch governments non elected PM and his coalition of leftie/green/communists being handed a new arsehole by the hard working farmers who refuse to roll over and comply with the totally fake net zero fascism that Mark Rutte (WEF rent boy) has decreed upon them? Most of this is probably news to you as the MSM has predictably buried these unimportant and trivial stories, instead pushing the climate change/Covid variants/Ukraine pantomime/Lizard Queen dead/vaccine boosters etc. etc. etc. fearporn narrative instead. I’d love it if you just once let us all know if you’re deep down a Brexiteer or a remainer at heart? And also what your views on NI staying British or uniting are? Come on man. Stop sitting on the fence and tell us what you think. KB.
  3. Typical Roops. Sunning herself on some exotic beach while the tinfoil hat mob are running amok on Cunts Corner. Very unprofessional for someone of her self professed consistency.
  4. He could have avoided this by following in the footsteps of his fellow Kraut Adolf, who always had someone else drive, and took meticulous care not to impregnate Eva during his chequered career. If the syphilis hadn’t eventually sneaked up and ambushed him, Adolf would probably still be on pole position every other Sunday afternoon, with the rest of the grid following the cloud of Zyklon B spewing out of his exhaust pipes.
  5. The good old days, when clubbing was fun.
  6. You appear to be well suited to Cunts Corner HS, so I’d like to take this opportunity to welcome you, and also to cordially invite you to drink a large glass of bleach and then fuck off.
  7. And he still commands the support of quite a lot his fellow countrymen. Quite an achievement, considering 99% of them are fast asleep, sweating, snoring and farting when most F1 races take place.
  8. What articles of your mums antique clothing are you currently wearing? And shouldn’t they be in a museum, or hired out to the ‘Downton Abbey’ production company?
  9. No one even knew he had dandruff until his ‘head and shoulders’ washed up on the beach.
  10. Whilst all of these piss poor noms could never honestly be described as anything other than absolute fucking shite, they could in mitigation also be described as infinitely better than anything Frank has posted (or even threatened to post) for many years. The cunts a fucking disgrace.
  11. Lord Mountbatten certainly disappeared pretty sharpish.
  12. I believe it’s known as ‘the lizard loophole’ in the Chartered Accountancy world.
  13. “You’re not ‘laffin’ now are you Panzyboy? Now stop making that dreadful noise with that battered old sax. I’ve got something to stick in your mouth (as soon as I’m finished with your ringpiece) that you’ll be far more used to blowing on”. 🇬🇧God save the King🇬🇧
  14. Said the ‘fake woman’, with a total lack of self awareness regarding the beast lurking in his Yfronts.
  15. Andrew will likely have his hand firmly entrenched in his pocket, fumbling for something, with all those pretty young princesses to stare at.
  16. Drew doesn’t drink alcohol. He wouldn’t have been able to single-handedly repair his own fridge with just a screwdriver unless he was stone cold sober, or he made the whole story up, which is ridiculous.
  17. A small comfort at this time of national mourning for our beloved monarch is the knowledge that the unavoidable inheritance tax which will shortly be pouring into the treasury to ease the burden of all of us adoring peasants soaring energy bills will prove to all those critics of the monarchy that they’re idiots. Forbes estimate the wealth of the Royal Family at around £88 billion, and the late Queens personal fortune somewhere between £500m and £1 billion. So 40% of anything in these estimates will be a great help in these times of need. Thank you M’am. Oh hang on a minute. What’s that? The Royal family have a special exemption from inheritance tax? Fucking hell. That was close. I was just about to fire up the boiler and put the bulb back in the fridge. Fuck off.
  18. The ensuing peaceful carnage between the totally peaceful Asian shopkeeping community and the equally peaceful, non violent, Afro Caribbean community is what I meant to say, and thanks to the Vulcans (peace be upon her) God like moderating skills am able to correct now.
  19. She can come on in if she wants. I won’t shatter her dreams and turn her away. My old man taught me to respect women like that. “Get them all fucked son. Don’t leave any of them out and you’ll be allright”, he told me on his deathbed. I’m not sure if he told his 47 other offspring to do the same but that’s another story.
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