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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Why can’t I have a gang? It’s not fair.
  2. Does anyone remember way back nearly 2 years ago when Twat Spazcock the ‘Health Secretary’ appeared on GMB and turned on the fake tears over the AstraZeneca ‘wonder jab’ which was going to save the world from the deadliest virus ever? ‘A triumph of British invention and being supplied at ‘cost price’ for the good of the human race’, the Pom Pom waving pussies masquerading as journalists gleefully bleated. The centre court crowd at Wimbledon, I recall giving a standing ovation to the woman from Oxford University credited with inventing this ‘totally safe and totally effective’ wonder drug, and saving the human race. Fast forward a couple of years and all you hear of AZ Covid vaccines is the sound of crickets in the dead of night. The U.K. government no longer purchases the ‘cost price’ wonder drug, along with almost every other country on Earth. Most of them all dropped it off the menu long ago when it became impossible to ignore its ‘totally unsafe and totally ineffective’ reality. Our dishonest and imo criminally compromised leaders still won’t admit to having binned it, instead pretending that if someone asks for it specifically they can still have it. The reality is that it’s not available and has not been for quite some time. Hardly surprising as AZs order books have long been virtually empty, even the poorest countries won’t touch it with a barge pole. They did register a 115 billion pounds profit last year though during the ‘peak panic’ period of first and second jabs. Strangely the ‘booster jab’ frenzy hasn’t been so great for AZ in the U.K. as only 56,000 of their product has made its way into the biceps of us Brits, compared to the 30 odd million (apparently if anything can be believed nowadays) Pfizer and Moderna poisons who’s makers have obviously splashed a lot more cash to the decision makers in positions of power. Yet still most of the people who’ve been worst affected by Covid, not the virus but the ruination of their lives, their businesses, their futures and their kids futures just nod along and don’t question what’s been done to them. And will meekly comply with whatever the next psyop is that the same cunts roll out on them soon.
  3. Very true CBB. Why else would her name be an anagram of undies set? A conundrum which C4 have strangely never put to the thousands of clever dick cuntestants.
  4. Does flicking a palmful of fresh cockmilk at Christina Aguilera when she was singing ‘dirty’ and flashing her red knickers on stage at Glastonbury count?
  5. If only the tablets weren’t ten times larger.
  6. Shut the fuck up you Vrykolacas cunt.
  7. Apparently Young Harry Hewitt has been given special permission to wear his military uniform to the funeral on Monday, instead of the morning suit thingy which he had to wear yesterday, due to having all his honorary military titles taken from him when he married Oprah or whatever her fucking name is and turned Turk on the Windsors. If the pussywhipped little ginger cuck had any clinkers at all he’d turn up in the Nazi outfit he got caught togged up in a few years ago in Vegas, with Meghan as a suntanned Private Helga.
  8. He owes you a massive apology imo Raas.
  9. ‘We’re all in it together’, unless you’re an MP, a mate of an MP, a Westminster civil servant, or a mate of one of these lowlife wankers, a MSM ‘journalist’ or a mate of one of these even lower life tossers. I refer of course to the tens of thousands of daft cunts queuing to see the Lizard Queens box in Westminster Cathedral (currently 9 + hours). The three mile long line of sheep don’t appear to be in anything at all together with the above mentioned list of elitist hypocrites who have all day been walked straight to the front of the line (with 3 guests each), rather like the dribbling spastics that are ushered to the front of the queue, past the Kevs and Sharons who’ve waited for hours with their seven multicoloured sprogs to go on the rides at Alton Towers or the numerous other pleb parks around the country. And not even a photo in a plastic key ring or an ‘I went to see the Lizard Queens coffin and all I got was this lousy t-shirt’ to show their jealous neighbours when they get home to whatever fucking rat infested Northern housing estate they came from, and realise they’ve spent the next six months Universal Credit.
  10. Not sure Ape. Was it before ‘Protect the NHS’ and ‘Stay Safe’?
  11. Is that a broomstick in your Y fronts Mister?
  12. I like Drew and so does Ape really imo. I think they both have mind altering ‘long Covid’ probably. Fuck knows how it got past Apes multiple masks and hourly medical advice from Roops, and found it’s way to his safe space under his bed though. Drew obviously contracted it from sharing 3 litre bottles of White Lightning with unmasked Covidiots and unvaxxed refuseniks (like me) during the really successful lockdowns, which saved the world from the killer virus (if you were over 80 and had at least ten comorbidities), and have been proven to have caused no harm whatsoever to the global economy, the mental and physical well-being of billions of people, and will undoubtedly be the default reaction for every future manufactured crisis, now that they’ve passed their first mass trial with flying colours. I’ve been banging a saucepan and clapping furiously at my front door tonight for both of them to get through this difficult time.
  13. I’m sure you’ll get plenty of ‘fist action’ you greasy Hellenic wannabe, hopefully some of it aimed at what passes as your face, once your arsehole has been so hideously battered that even the most desperate bender on Earth wouldn’t have a go for free. You’re finished here Frank.
  14. Who better to consult on the intricacies of a Large Hardon Collider?
  15. Yeah he’s gone ga-ga, pointing out the shit that’s been going on in the name of public health and science for two and a half years. Having an opinion that contradicts the geniuses who’ve fucked up the world is now ga-ga and not allowed apparently. You should know better really. I think you do but haven’t got the arsehole to admit you could be wrong.
  16. She sounds like she’d have been a right handful if she’d actually ever existed. That copy of ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ you’ve got stashed on top of the cistern in the dunny is making you go all crazy Doc.
  17. Exactly RK, and probably the reason I didn’t bother racing in F1 and showing these fuckers up myself tbh. None of these cunts could have lived with me round Monte Carlo. And they wouldn’t last ten minutes running a brothel or knocking out Christmas trees either.
  18. Euthanasia would be a better use of a doctors time in Franks case.
  19. The lid on Ming’s freezer? No wonder the cunts posts have been even more angry than usual.
  20. The P word is verboten RK. The Vulcan has decreed it so, but that may only apply to me as proof of her self proclaimed ‘consistency’.
  21. Andrew might be up for it Eric.
  22. The London Marathon organisers, obviously noticing that nothing whatsoever was happening in London at the moment on the news front, took the opportunity to announce that in addition to the mens and womens categories they will have a ‘non binary gender’ category from now on. Along with the usual ‘we realise we still have a long way to go to make our event more diverse etc.’ bollocks. More fucking diverse? They’ve already got every colour of cunt ever born, nif nofs who take about 6 months to get round the first corner, torsos who leave a trail that a snail would be proud of, dickheads dressed as carrots or Rampant Rabbits etc, cunts running backwards, other cunts who seem to have their cock superglued inside another cunts shitter. The list is endless, but as they state….”We still have along way to go”. No fucking kidding Einstein. About 26 and a bit miles?
  23. She’s old enough and they’re all inbreds anyway, so I don’t see what all the fuss is about?
  24. I’m assuming you mean elastic bands? Out of interest, what’s the most you’ve managed to get on your maggot so far?
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