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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. By ‘most’ I assume you mean everyone apart from me? If so then I totally agree.
  2. Burying a story on their websites, after a cursory 10 second vague mention on the TV news is exactly the point I was making, which I’m quite sure you knew. You just can’t help yourself can you? You’re looking thoroughly desperate now, scratching around for anything at all to appear relevant. I have to say it’s quite a sad sight to observe, even for me surprisingly. 😢
  3. This is by far the most interesting post of yours that I’ve ever read. I was beginning to think you had given up trying. 😘
  4. Fact checked. Misinformation…. The term ‘Hag’ should only be used when referring to biological females, no matter how ugly, old vicious and malicious the dick swinging bloke wearing a dress pretends to be one.
  5. You could learn a lot from her. Specifically when to stop fucking breathing.
  6. The whole operation, which has been planned for around 20 years is alleged to be costing around 2.8 billion quid, paid by the treasury (us) of course. Still, all those patriots queuing for days to shuffle past the corpse and get a selfie to treasure forever will be quids in having not had the heating on at home while they’ve been in London catching pneumonia and waving their little Union Flags. Unless they foolishly purchased burgers or hot dogs from one of the authorised filthy vans at the bargain price of around ten quid a pop.
  7. Do you mean the MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN Trump in your first point? Or the Trump who stood up to and sanctioned China hugely, to redress the sellout to China of US manufacturing industries which Bush Sr, Clinton, G W Bush and Obama presided over, every one of them starting numerous wars all over the world for the benefit of the US military industrial complex, which funnily enough happens to be largely comprised of their families and close friends in your second point? Or Judd Trump the funny looking snooker player in your third point? Fuck off.
  8. Do they have a category for such rarities? Probably ‘Used lizard spares’ or something along those lines.
  9. Frank blowing kisses at his reflection in a Soho shop window, as he minces past desperately looking for cock.
  10. More dead people voted for Dementia Joe than any other candidate in history. In fact a lot of them voted several times in different states for him, they thought he was so great.
  11. The establishment will not confront the problem of Muslim hatred towards basically everything in our history, our culture and our religious majority. It is ignored and even hidden by our politicians on both the left and the right, as well as the BBC and most of the MSM. I believe the reason for this is that these are the cunts who’s policies in government have allowed millions of these cunts to emigrate here, with the MSM spreading the ‘multiculturalism’ propaganda, and to start being truthful now after all these years would be the ultimate admission of how totally fucking wrong and intentionally dishonest they’ve been acting for decades. And when did a politician or an entitled media personality ever own up to their mistakes or dishonesty? They’d rather just let the country descend into the lake of shit that they created.
  12. Not so fast RK. There’s the barely reported by the MSM (surprise surprise) knife attack on two coppers in Leicester Square the other morning. One cop stabbed at least 3 times in the neck and a policewoman with serious wounds to her arm which have been described as ‘life changing’. The name of the attacker……Mohammed Rahman. 🤔
  13. They’ve finished that job a long time ago. Fucking our underage white schoolgirls is their current preoccupation.
  14. Possibly, but nowhere as much of a fucking massive cunt as you. Fuck off.
  15. Bill Gates is behind all this, using 5G to control the microchips from the mRNA vaccines in them. Let’s see Roops try to debunk this if she thinks she’s hard enough. Lol.
  16. The same as his views on everything else most likely ie Irrelevant, boring, imbecilic and definitely gay as fuck.
  17. Why not go with her? And don’t bother coming back.
  18. Punters are frisked at the door before getting anywhere near the sofa in our reception/waiting area. The fucking thing’s a disgusting sticky mess already without adding treacle to the equation. I’m considering getting rid of the grotmags on the occasional table, the situation has got so bad.
  19. It’s a shame Concorde is no longer in service, as Ive worked out that I could have joined the queue when it was five hours, shuffled past Her Maj respectfully, hopped onto Concorde and been at JFK 2hrs 7mins and 1sec before I’d even joined the queue.
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