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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Who cares? More importantly, you can shove your Vegemite right up your arse (sideways).
  2. Ffs Doc. ‘with only ‘54’ left on the table’? Just another rehash from the tired and desperate old has been formerly known as Frank’s worn out repertoire. Have a word with yourself.
  3. YouTube channel….. ‘we got a problem’ Video title….Active Patriot Arrested…… Its difficult not to conclude that the filths agenda is the ongoing cover up of the Muslim rape gangs scandal, and protecting the fucking beasts responsible, rather than let the public hear the truth. Probably nothing to do with their involvement in enabling hundreds of the filthy paedo cavemen vermin to rape children at will for decades in the name of diversity and community relations. Fucking filth and the religion of peace…..two cheeks of the same stinking arsehole.
  4. I find the racist undertones in this comment very offensive Doc. And totally unfounded too. As far as I’m aware he didn’t turn up with a ghetto blaster on his shoulder, his trousers hanging well below his arse, stab or rob anyone, impregnate any of the wide selection of Princesses in attendance, fire up a zoot, start breakdancing during the hymns or any of the ridiculous and frankly racist behavioural habits that are commonly aimed at our brothers from the dark side of the planet. Shame on you. But the security do need to explain who let the cunt in though.
  5. I never wash mine as Bill Gates 5G microchips have been found in tap water, but I’m absolutely anal when it comes to drying them.
  6. You could have saved a bit of dough if you’d stole a beret from the charity shop, made up a string of onions from your allotment and both just floated off up the canal to Salford Quays on an old lorry tube from the skip at KwikFit. At least there would have been no possibility of seeing Frank wanking in a bush as you sailed past, although the stench of Northern shit would definitely have been much worse than anything the Frogs could offer probably.
  7. Is that a sceptre in your Yfronts, or are you just pleased to see me Lord Penelope?
  8. The Anthony Joshua of CC, chucking her moderators belts out of the ring after another failed and highly embarrassing display. You’ve nowhere to go from here Champ. Hang up your gloves before this is all you’ll be remembered for.
  9. This would have looked better if you’d left out ‘a girl’ tbh DC. Just saying.
  10. They’re all Singhing from the same hymn book as us Eric.
  11. Who better experienced to make this observation? But there’s a double irony in a bloke called Dyslexic cnut and residing in Liverpool being able to correctly spell observation.
  12. Who’d have thought being a rent boy could be so financially lucrative? I’d hide these big paydays away with your stash of ‘Readers Grannies’ mags, on top of the cistern in the outside bog if I were you. So you can pay the bill in the unlikely event that you ever live to see mains electricity in ‘The bogland that time forgot’. Oh and desecrating the Monarchs face by way of masturbation is still a hanging offence in all our colonies, so you wouldn’t want to end up swinging in the breeze from a telegraph pole in O’Connell St. like your forefathers I’m sure. 🇬🇧REMEMBER 1690🇬🇧
  13. They’re afraid of catching Monkeypox from you. Are you fucking thick or something?
  14. I just hope I live long enough to see them all prematurely die before me. We’ll see who’s laughing when we’re the only two purebloods left alive, blasting around London in my imaginary M4 (mask less). Oh and I bags the top bunk by the way.
  15. Hundreds of Muslims and Hindus have been rioting in Leicester every night for the past 3 weeks. These large gangs of violent young men have been fighting each other on the streets of Leicester every night, vandalising property, including what the deputy Chief Constable of Leicestershire Police described as a ‘religious building’ because the coward was too afraid to say it was a Hindu temple which was attacked by fanatical Muslim thugs. This attack had first been reported by the lying media as an attack on a mosque to clearly point the blame at the wrong side, because it seems that the ‘religion of peace’ must not be painted in a bad light as that would be ‘islamophobia’ and that’s a no no for the fake news liars who decide what version of events the public should be told (if anything). Well this civil unrest has now kicked off in Birmingham tonight too, where a large crowd of mussies have gathered outside a Hindu temple in Smethwick threatening to burn it down. The police, including TSG riot units have been markedly different in their approach to dealing with these ongoing religiously motivated disturbances than the tactics which have become the norm over the past 2+ years in London when law abiding indigenous British people have dared to publicly protest against the authoritarian, anti democratic measures imposed on them in the name of ‘public health’. A far more ‘softly softly’ approach seems to be the orders which the filth are operating under now. The MSM who at first ignored these nightly events have now decided to mention them briefly as ‘an ongoing dispute between two opposing groups of fans over the result of a cricket match’ When the fuck is the British public going to stand up and say “bollocks” to being lied to, constantly fed a fairy tale narrative of a utopian multicultural paradise and being treated as if they are the root cause of the centuries old hatred and sectarianism between these enemies who our scumbag politicians have welcomed to come here and bring all their fucking cultural hatred of each other (and us) with them? The problem is not really the Hindus who are statistically far more law abiding and willing to integrate with British culture and respect our country. The child raping ‘peaceful’ scumbags who openly despise us and boast of a forthcoming ‘Sharia State’ U.K. are as usual though being hidden from the general publics view by the enemies of Britain ie the MSM and the cowards in the political class.
  16. ‘Effeminate!!!! Deeeestroy!!!!’
  17. Franks ‘bucket list’. I’d rather receive a phone call in the dead of night from ‘Jigsaw’ than find out I was on it.
  18. The way things are going with inflation, energy prices and tyrannical government overreach currently, we’ll soon be envious of the lucky bastards enjoying such luxuries.
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