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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. King Billy

    Hangover Cures

    But my ‘shit’ is increasingly smelling a lot rosier than the raw sewage you come back at me with. 😘
  2. King Billy

    Hangover Cures

    Trump endorsed candidates : 216 elected 19 not elected. Donald J Trump is not the problem. He’s sacrificed his life of privilege and leisure to fight for the solution. You need to listen to the MSM a bit less if you want to be taken seriously. ’You’re fired!’
  3. King Billy

    Hangover Cures

    It’s there somewhere. I guess you’re just overwhelmed by Merseyside’s enormous ‘blue wave’. I am of course referring to Everton waving ‘Bye Bye’ to the Premier League with the season barely half over. 🤣
  4. King Billy

    Hangover Cures

    Like the time I mentioned that the fanatical US support for the Ukraine ‘war’ is a massive money laundering scheme? FTX. Need I say anymore? 🤣
  5. King Billy

    Hangover Cures

    The Surgeon General of Florida Dr. Joseph Ladapo, MD, PHD (Harvard) and Associate Professor at UCLA Med School might disagree with you I think. He has now recommended that males aged 18 to 39 should not be given mRNA vaccines due to the increased risk of myocarditis and various other serious conditions, quoting a serious adverse reaction rate of one in eight hundred. I’m curious as to whether you had any meaningful discussions with Dr. Lapado during your time at Harvard studying for your medical degree and PHD?
  6. Try reading some of your own posts.
  7. Not really Eric. I’m sure they must have though. If I’d been to blame for any of the many misunderstandings I would have possibly considered giving each of them an outside chance to redeem themselves and hope for at least the slim possibility of forgiveness. But that’s just my compassionate nature I guess.
  8. King Billy

    Hangover Cures

    Keep on drinking the Koolade Luv. You’ll see the truth sooner or later, with or without my help. No need to thank me.
  9. Seems like a waste of money to me.
  10. Bend it like Beckham lol
  11. Nothing a good steel toecap boot to the side of his surgically enhanced noggin wouldn’t put right. I reckon the cunts either a weapons grade bender or a Weinstein grade nonce. In fact I’d put my money on both tbh.
  12. As long they take it up the arse it’s not worth upsetting the applecart scotty. In fact a lot of women could learn a lot about their serious behavioural problems if they just paid attention to the mincer community, bent over and shut up.
  13. I wonder how many of these fucking parasitic wankers would be jet setting it if the next global summit was somehow taking place at Clacton or Sheerness? I’m trying to imagine Leonardo di Caprios reaction when he arrives at his ‘luxury’ bungalow in Jaywick to be greeted by Tracy throwing up on the doorstep.
  14. Fresh from the COP 27 knees up at Sharm el Sheik last week where the global elite arrived in 400+ private jets to gorge themselves on the finest steaks and champagne money can buy (our money not theirs obviously) and rubber stamp this years list of things the tax paying general public will be banned from participating in to ‘save the planet’, the circus moves on this week to the G20 summit in Bali. The all too familiar swarm of private jets descending and convoys of gas guzzling Range Rovers ferrying the usual suspects to their 5 star hotel suites for a quick jacuzzi and photo op before they all meet for another round of haute cuisine and back slapping together, this time to agree on how much more they can squeeze from the already skint daft plebs they profess to represent but who they actually despise with every sinew in their spineless bodies. A slow and excruciatingly horrific death would imo be far less than these verminous cunts deserve, but as I can’t think of anything else I suppose I’ll have to settle for that outcome hopefully one day soon.
  15. Excuse me but my ‘bargain bucket’ is full of gold teeth and wire rimmed glasses. I’d like to speak to Colonel Schindler please.
  16. They probably thought he was Bill Cosby.
  17. What do you call a dog with a spade hanging out of its arse? A…. Katie Price B…..Mrs Roops C…..Both of the above
  18. I’m a big fan of Max but even so a couple of years as no.1 works driver in the Red Bull flugtag wouldn’t do him any harm imo.
  19. 🎶 If you wanna be my driver You gotta make amends Just do what I tell you Or everything will end 🎶
  20. The chemistry’s still there then scotty. You’re a very lucky man.
  21. King Billy

    Hangover Cures

    You’ll probably have been far to pissed then to know that both Pfizer and Moderna have now said that they’re now launching clinical trials into ‘vaccine associated heart problems’ in teens and young adults (NBC News). The rest of the jabbed up sheeple will have to wait a little longer for their age groups to be included but it’s coming soon. I’m not sure, but I think myself and a couple of other members have commented on the possibility that these ‘totally safe and totally effective’ experimental cash cows, sorry vaccines are probably the biggest criminal act ever inflicted on the human race. Anyway ‘ Last orders folks. Booster anyone? A wee jab for the road?’ ’Not for me thanks. I’m the designated conspiracy theorist tonight.’ 💉🐑
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