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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. That’s a Liverpool thing. She’ll grow out of it after having a couple of black kids.
  2. I allow my sweetheart to drive my M4 occasionally as she’s usually a bit less drunk than me at chucking out time. Drink drivers deserve everything they get imo so hopefully she’ll learn her lesson when she gets caught.
  3. I had an XJR a while back, and it was an awesome drive. 4 litre supercharged V8, 400 BHP and at the time (about 15 years ago) peanuts to buy. I’ve had quite a few Jags over the years and imo the ride quality is second to none. I remember coming back to London from Ireland after Christmas in the XJR, in the early hours on the M6, no traffic and the speedo showing 160+ even though Jags like most other cars were limited to 155. When I glanced at the MPG display I burst out laughing and took my foot off the pedal. 3.2 MPG 🤣
  4. I’ve been permanently traumatised by the behaviour of all 3 of the women I married. Can you imagine coming home after a 3 or 4 day binge, barely conscious and the woman you picked to spend the rest of your life with, from the 4 billion or so to choose from, instead of rushing to the door to welcome you home with hugs and kisses, launched into a deranged verbal and occasionally physical attack on you? ”I hate you! I wish I’d never met you! You should get out of this house! etc etc. etc. Being the rational and empathetic person I am and always have been, I always listened without retaliating, even though receiving an ear bashing for not coming home, while simultaneously being told I should fuck off didn’t make much sense to me. And to make matters worse, when my beloveds had exhausted themselves and finished ranting, for some strange reason me nodding my head in agreement and saying “I’m sorry you feel that way. Shall I order a Chinese for dinner?, you deserve a night off”, invariably kicked off more of the same bad behaviour directed at me.
  5. It’s very similar to the mess my ex made on the living room carpet (which happened to be 16’ wide) when she asked me to pop to the shops and get her some tampax. Needless to say I forgot and went to the pub for a few shandies and then before I knew it a few days and nights had slipped by.
  6. Stop fearmongering Stubbs. Covid is never going to be that dangerous.
  7. King Billy

    Hangover Cures

    I’m not a big fan of the oven dodgers but I’m also not a subscriber to the ‘blame the cunt with the big nose’ narrative either Decs. Yes there a lot of hook nosed reptiles at the highest levels of power across the world, but they’re by no means in the majority. The Donald is reviled by the majority of the establishment from every side of the spectrum, purely and simply because he wouldn’t and will not ever sell out the vast majority of ordinary people who’ve been fucked up the arse for decades by the self serving globalist vermin who get themselves elected with dishonest claims that they will work for them and improve their lives, and then do the exact opposite. Tell me one other ‘politician’ (which Trump never was till 2016) who has sacrificed more for himself and his family unnecessarily to try to save his country, and the rest of the Western world from imminent destruction, at the hands of the enemy within?
  8. King Billy

    Hangover Cures

    G20 Bali Leaders Declaration November 16 2022 We acknowledge the importance of shared technical standards and verification methods, under the framework of the IHR (2005), to facilitate seamless international travel, interoperability, and recognising digital and non digital solutions, including proof of vaccinations. We support continued international dialogue and collaboration on the establishment of trusted global digital health networks as part of the efforts to strengthen prevention and response to future pandemics that should capitalise and build on the success of the existing standards and Covid 19 certificates. Mmmmm?🤭
  9. The Covid mRNA vaccines will take care of that problem. That’s what they’re designed for, and the added bonus for Mr Gates etc. is that the human race will queue up and pay for their own demise. Job done.💉🐑
  10. I’ve had the catalytic converters removed and resonators fitted on my imaginary M4 recently and the ECU remapped. It feels as if the performance has improved and it’s definitely noisier but just knowing it’s polluting a bit more brings a smile to my my face every time I drive it. ‘Yeehaa!’
  11. Who the fuck has a 16’ space on their living room wall anyway?
  12. This 16ft wide ‘masterpiece’ sold at Phillips in NY this week for $41.6m. It was described in the catalogue as follows…. ‘Created in 2005, Twombly’s ‘Untitled’ is swathed with circular applications of red paint that parades the eye into a cycle of violent spirals. The series created between 2003 and 2008 was inspired by Bacchus the god of wine, who in one way reflects the joys that alcohol can bring, while simultaneously imbuing a sense of madness that can be a byproduct of alcohol addiction. ’41.6 million dollars ono’ There’s only one way to get to the bottom of this mystery imo. Roadkill and Cunty Big Bollocks. FIGHT !!!!!!!!!!
  13. King Billy

    Hangover Cures

    Like Zuckerberg in the run up to the 2020 ‘election’ who spent $400m+ on mail in drop boxes to help inner city voters (democrats) and less than $2m in rural locations (Republican voters mainly). Sam Bankman-Fried the poster boy for the leftwing media was the 2nd largest donor to the Democrats in 2022 after George Soros, so the minuscule token donations he and his family (all historically linked to top Dem politicians), have made to crooked RINO Republicans really just reinforce the real story. The NYT had scheduled a ‘live event’ for 30/11/22 with the four main speakers being S.B. Fried, Vlodimor Zelensky🤣, Larry Fink (CEO of Blackrock) and US Treasury Sec. Janet Yellen. Lauren Boabert Rep.Congress member has filed a motion demanding full and open transparency of all US funds which have so far been given to the Ukraine regime/Ponzy scheme. I suggest you look at things which I comment on with slightly more of an open mind in future, rather than immediately rushing to the fact checkers, who blatantly lie and deflect then quietly U turn when most have stopped looking and moved on. You’d get more respect from me if you did. Fuck off.
  14. King Billy

    Hangover Cures

    Trump endorsed candidates 219 elected 16 defeated 🤣👍 Congress seats currently GOP 218 Democrats 211 Projected final outcome GOP 221/222 Democrats 213/214 👋
  15. King Billy


    Lost your bottle opener again?
  16. King Billy


    You could do with a bigger cunt, to tuck some of that giant prick into. 😂
  17. King Billy


    Socialism…Once they discover the elusive right version of it, we can all live happily ever after (in the gulag obviously).
  18. King Billy

    Hangover Cures

    Work from home on an omelette.
  19. King Billy

    Hangover Cures

    Absolutely you do. What are you on about? It would appear that you’re not up to speed as usual. I guess you need a couple of days till your fact checkers come up with some ridiculous explanation about Sam Bankman-Fried, darling of the DNC and second largest donor after George Soros. And no doubt the hundreds of millions of dollars and increasingly appearing to be billions which have been doing the money go round from the US to Ukraine and then back to the corrupt DC swamp creatures (on both sides), will be added to the ever increasing list of conspiracy theories which can be traced back to the ‘orange man bad’. Wake up ffs.
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