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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Supertramps? Proper old fashioned tramps were all actually millionaires who got drunk every day and slept in hedges because they didn’t want anyone to know how rich they were. That’s a 100% fact.
  2. I give more than that to homeless tramps every day.
  3. I saw this shit earlier and tbh it would have been much more impressive if the cunts ridiculous fluffy rainbow coloured outfit had got caught and dragged him into the wood chipper, spitting out a shower of multicoloured, spunk and shit drenched confetti. The unfunny cunt has no idea how to put on a show for the camera.
  4. King Billy

    Qatar 2022

    When England hosted the World Cup in 1966 and won it, homosexuality was a criminal offence, punishable by imprisonment in the U.K. It was however perfectly legal and actively encouraged to shout ‘Fuck off you Krauts’ while using a finger as a Hitler moustache with the other arm thrust out in a Nazi salute at our opponents. I guess it’s only a matter of time before we will be ordered by Lineker and co. to hand over an enormous sum of money (obviously not his), as historical reparations to the Teutonic ‘ master race’, then permanently exclude ourselves from the future of civilisation (after a suitable period of public self flagellation).
  5. King Billy

    Qatar 2022

    Yeah but apart from all that everything’s ticking over nicely Ed. Is Withers not dead yet?
  6. The enigma that is Ronnie O’Sullivan.
  7. God only knows who or what lives on the dark side of your bellend.
  8. He won the Champion of Champions tournament just 2 weeks ago, defeating Judd Trump in the final. Only the winners of the ranking tournaments last season qualify for it, so I wouldn’t read too much into Dings victory the other day. 46 years old, 30 years since turning pro, world ranked No.1, current World Champion and bookies favourite at the start of every tournament he enters is unprecedented and he’ll be sorely missed when he packs it in.
  9. At least you know it was worth spending all that money getting the missus pissed last night though.
  10. I doubt it Eric. It’s a well known fact that the N Irish don’t partake of alcoholic beverages.
  11. I’ve just put the snooker on and I’d like to retract my previous post.
  12. King Billy

    Qatar 2022

    He’s probably got some great suggestions lined up for half time. ‘Knock this wall down and put an en suite over there. Some built in wardrobes on that side, and that Victorian cast iron fireplace will clean up lovely’.
  13. She or anyone else wouldn’t need specs to see how shit Mark Allen is playing.
  14. He probably thought ‘They’re in their 90’s. They’d have died years ago if they have AIDS.’
  15. How could anyone not like someone who gave Scary Spice a good walloping a few times?
  16. King Billy


    I’m sorry Miss. Big boys made me do it. I’ll be a good boy from now on Miss. I promise. 🤣
  17. It seems that our Chancellor who no one in the country wants, installed by Richy Rich our PM who was rejected twice by Tory MPs and then again by Tory party members, but then became PM has decreed that fuel duty on petrol will go up by 12p a litre + VAT in March. This bombshell somehow got ‘innocently’ buried in the masses of bumpf contained in Jeremy Cunts ‘Autumn statement’ the other day. Not a single word mentioned about it when the cunt spoke for what seemed like hours in the HOC. This means I will probably have to dump all my litter closer to home next year as there’s no way I’m fucking going to pay more money for the same amount of petrol just to ditch her used fanny pads and whatever other shit she fills our bin with at the side of the road somewhere. I want Jeremy and Richy dead.
  18. Reverse slavery. It’s the way forward Eric.
  19. Apparently he was a really fungi and bright as a button too.
  20. And their bearded mother (who’s also a prostitute) making five in total.
  21. Come on Stubbs. Have a heart. Just £3 a month can pay for a dinghy ticket, an Armani suit and an IPhone 14 for a fleeing Albanian refugee. Do you really want to see a thousand pairs of Nike Air trainers washing up on the beaches of Kent every morning, and the RNLI twiddling their thumbs with fuck all to do because no one’s called for a lift to Dover?
  22. King Billy


    Stubbs I take no credit for making her look a right cunt every time she throws a hissy fit in response to something I’ve posted. She’d nailed that one long before me. If truth be known I’m hoping to find the ‘Inner Roops’ (not the stretched and battered ‘Inner Roops’ that Eddie explores when the lights go out, but the real entity that may still exist somewhere inside her, the one who walked away from a career in dentistry, designed electronic systems for the automotive industry, moonlights for the aviation industry, saved the world from Covid sourcing PPE, turned down the advances of hordes of the most eligible young studs to marry a very rich senior citizen (producing a few child prodigies too), found time to neatly stack up the never ending and unopened MENSA magazines dropping through the letterbox, and still finds time to pontificate on almost every post I make. I worry incase she’s bitten off more than she can chew, but tbh I don’t worry too much.
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