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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. ‘Hello Bruce. Where’s Sheila?’ ‘Which bloody one mate? They’re both still in bed. They should be up and have a bit of tucker ready for us when we get back from the boozer though.’
  2. Hard to say really. Up and down like a whores knickers.
  3. What about Proddies and conspiracy theorists? Reported.
  4. How things have changed. It seems like only yesterday they’d have swapped every female in their village, plus a sackful of uncut diamonds and gold nuggets for a shiny ‘Zippo’ and a packet of sparklers.
  5. Fuck the Firebrigade or whatever they’re calling themselves this week. Fucking gay cunts lollop around all day playing pool if they’re not asleep. Who needs the cunts anyway? I’ve got a smoke alarm and I don’t have a fucking mangy old cat that might need rescuing from a tree. If I did I’d use my catapult rather than phone those wannabe male stripper cunts.
  6. The two statistics that you’ve overlooked Stubbers are… 1. Politicians (national and local) who either despise this country, have only their own self interest at heart, or both. 99.9% 2. U.K. citizens who are either too stupid to see, or too lazy to care that the comfortable life they’ve enjoyed and taken for granted until recently will soon be a distant memory. 99.9% Fuck off.
  7. He would if he thought he didn’t have a prior engagement talking bollocks about ‘climate change’ or some other equally nonsensical shite.
  8. King Billy


    ‘One small hop for man …..’
  9. The Vulcan has condemned him to the gulag for ever it seems. Perhaps if I started campaigning for him never to be released there might be a chance of parole for him some day? Who knows what goes on in the darkest depths of the twisted bitches mind? Or maybe the experimental MRNA vaccine has killed him like thousands of others.
  10. King Billy

    Qatar 2022

    Give her one up the wrongun from me before she wakes up Ed and I’ll forget about the brake pads.
  11. I think I’ve got Long Covid. I hope it doesn’t ruin my plans to not make any money selling dead trees this year. I’m banking on making a small profit this year ( for the first time) to pay for poor Granny’s funeral. I wish I’d listened to you and worn a mask, instead of listening to that cunt Sid Slackjaw as usual and killing the old girl. Hopefully she’ll have left me enough in her will to balance the dead tree losses I’m expecting this year thanks to your expert financial knowledge which you previously shared with me. 😘
  12. ‘Hello Doctor. I’d like to book an appointment please’. ’You fucking what you cunt? Come and see me if you think you’re hard enough?’
  13. The Right Honourable Saint Billiam of Gates, the renowned former computer software salesman turned ‘philanthropist’ and part time expert (bar none) on experimental untried vaccines, existential pandemics, the ‘climate emergency’, global economics, the immediate necessity to force everyone (except him and his pals) to exist on a diet of bugs and dandelions in order to halt the impending methane Armageddon which cows and sheep have planned for us, while they gorge on the finest fillet mignon, caviar, and foie gras that their personal chefs serve up for them at whichever latest backslapping and cheek-kissing get together they’ve jetted into today. Well Billyboy Gates has put to bed all those tinfoil hat, conspiracy theorist, lunatic stories about culling the human race, which even though he’s been filmed publicly stating them many times, have been totally debunked, thanks to the heroic work of the ‘factcheckers’ and MSM that we all (not all but Mrs Roops mainly) have come to rely on for the truth and the future of the human race in these scary times of ‘disinformation’ etc. Now that Billyboy and his team have saved the world from Covid 19 and Field Marshall Fauci can finally retire just in time to avoid having to answer any difficult questions ‘under oath’ when the incoming GOP controlled Congress summon him to account for the genocide he has overseen for the last 3 years nearly, Professor Gates has now come up with his latest solution to the main problem facing the human race, which he has had a decades long fascination with and seems utterly determined to solve…. overpopulation. He’s now openly talking about ‘Death Panels’ which he describes as legal arbitrators who will have the final say over who is permitted to carry on living and who is deemed to be an uneconomically viable burden on the state, sick, healthy, old, young or even a drain on the food resources of whichever tyrannical ghoul he and his fellow kid raping (allegedly) elitist lizards have temporarily empowered to enact their demonic wishes. But I’m sure Mrs Roops will debunk all this as usual if she’s not too busy warming up Mr Gates’s adrenochrome nightcap and tucking him into bed before reading him a goodnight story about the miscarriages of justice known as the Nuremberg Trials. Fuck off.
  14. You wouldn’t say that to my Dad. He was in the SAS.
  15. Were you by any chance chucked out of the Army Cadets Eric? Just asking as I was with a couple of my mates when we were about 14. We went to a joining up evening and listened to a 70 year old cunt in uniform with a handlebar moustache and a posh voice pointing at some shit on a blackboard with a cane and when he asked if anyone had any questions my pal asked him ‘What time does the bar open?’ We were swiftly marched out of the premises, even though we all insisted that our Dads were in the SAS.
  16. What will happen to all his shops now?
  17. Absolutely disgraceful way to treat these doctors, engineers, teachers etc. etc. who’ve fled war and tyranny. Especially when the NI gov. could quite easily have put them in the H blocks at the old Maze prison/Long Kesh. The Bobby Sands Suite would be ideal for a family of Somalians or Syrians. The shit encrusted walls and general filth of the place would at least be an opportunity to imagine they were back where they came from, and I don’t mean France (which is obviously far more disgusting).
  18. I can’t bring myself to imagine her in her teens, based purely on how absolutely fucking intolerable she is now when she should have by any reasonable expectation have mellowed somewhat. I suppose there are very few (if any) who knew her then who’ve not topped themselves or permanently reside in a secure mental institution, whiling away their days on a nice comfy rocking chair. The scariest thing about her is that imo she genuinely believes she’s OK.
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