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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Just Google ‘Balenciaga scandal’ and you’ll get the jist of it scotty.
  2. I’ve just given you a like by accident. Fuck off.
  3. Im sure that didn’t last long once you started boring, sorry speaking to him. I bet he was sleeping like a baby within minutes.
  4. That explains why we’ve never met DC. I was in Angola at that time having fun with and unsuccessfully attempting to civilise the natives, along with a couple of dear departed pals of mine, Colonel Callan and Shotgun Charlie RIP.
  5. I presume you are aware of the current difficulties Balenciaga are experiencing and their pathetic attempts to feign ignorance and horror at their own advertising campaign which they commissioned and signed off on, but now claim they were unaware of the disgusting and probably criminal nature of it in its entirity. So I’ll leave it up to you to wonder what I meant.
  6. Get yourself a good nights sleep and everything will seem much more sensible in the morning. If your heads right when you wake up, have a rummage through all those unopened MENSA mags in the hall as my Christmas present to you will probably be arriving tomorrow. It’ll be the one with the Balenciaga label on it.
  7. You are Kanye West and I claim my free pair of 11,000$ trainers.
  8. A bit harsh Ed. If she knocks on my door asking for it, I’ll happily give her a bunch of fives. And if she wants to keep it off the record I’ll be happy to give her a large backhander. Fucking abominable thing shouldn’t have allowed anywhere near the Palace unless she was emptying the bins.
  9. 🤣🤣🤣Oh yes I remember all the broadcast MSM headlining with it and every newspaper splashing the story on their front pages. Silly me.
  10. If things keep going the way they have been I’m planning to pull down the statue of George the gorilla at London Zoo and hurl it into the Regents Canal.
  11. You do know that LCS’s last GP practice was in Hyde, Greater Manchester. His mentor Harold left the practice shortly afterwards too.
  12. This cunts ‘battered womens’ hostel is open only to black ‘battered women’ but that’s clearly not racist in any way in 2020’s Clownworld. The so called ‘charity’ she runs has in the past accepted donations from Black Lives Matter and she has previously opined that Meghan Markle is ‘undoubtedly a victim of racist, domestic abuse by her in laws’. This whole story should be a wake up call for the huge number of idiots who've swallowed the ‘institutional racism’ propaganda that has been going on since the Stephen Lawrence incident and quite some before it actually. A complete crock of shit intentionally manufactured by a real racist whore and stirred up into an imagined national catastrophe by the utter vermin infecting our political and media class. Cunts.
  13. This nothing burger story has led the MSM fake news all day. Strangely the news that 23 Pakistani men from Bradford have been charged with the multiple rape of several white girls (all children) yesterday doesn’t seem to be worth mentioning. Unfortunate I guess, coinciding with this huge and shocking story about an octogenarian white woman asking a few questions which a race baiting fucking pig ugly Silverback dishonestly claims to have been offended by.
  14. And she just happened to secretly record the conversation, which is quite telling.
  15. Charlie is a great man. So he is.
  16. Whitty is the Heinrich Himmler of Covid 19 (U.K.) so of course he’s right about the excess deaths which the U.K. along with almost every other Western country are now and will be seeing for years. Hardly surprising as he and the rest of his Bill Gates funded sidekicks/experts are responsible for coming up with the policies which weak, incompetent and corrupt governments across the world adopted without a whimper in March 2020. Rather like Rishi Rich warning of the huge economic hardship to come, and saying with a straight face that he is the person to lead us through it. Of course failing to acknowledge or even take the slightest responsibility for the fact that he and Bozo’s 2 year, half a trillion pound ransacking of the countries future are the only reason why we’re in this fucking mess. I want them all dead and then dug up and killed again several times. After I’ve lopped all their toes off with the bolt cutters my Grandad hid in his arse for 4 years in a Japanese POW camp obviously.
  17. Why did an enormous Conger Eel appear in my head immediately I read this scotty?
  18. If you PM me I’ll give you my advice if you genuinely want it.
  19. As usual you haven’t the slightest idea what your talking about. The mass protest I referred to, and which I was part of was 100% anti lockdown and nothing to do with BLM, ‘climate change’🤣, LGBT mincers, Antifa or any of the leftoid soy boy/retard scum who were and still are as far as I know in favour of lockdowns, masks and experimental vaccine mandates. Broadcasting House in Portland Place (the one with the paedo sculpture above the entrance) was where hundreds of thousands passed, plastering the building with stickers and calling for someone to come out and answer their questions. The BBC and the rest of the fake news MSM completely ignored this mass protest obviously. I mean why would they bite the hand (the government) that was feeding them tens, if not hundreds of millions to push their public health🤣/propaganda narrative? As usual you’ve swallowed the MSM fake news narrative hook line and sinker. You really are showing yourself to be not just incredibly ignorant of the facts but also even more ignorant and insanely arrogant when it comes to commenting on something you know absolutely fuck all about. At least you’re consistent, as always. 😘
  20. How can this Nazi enemy of the free world be stopped from destroying democracy and consigning us all to a future of fascist dictatorship, with his despicable plot to allow ‘free speech’ on the internet? Surely political censorship and silencing of all dissenting opinions, which everyone knows is the scientifically proven, indisputable and morally purest shield of any civilised free society must be protected at any cost? Isn’t it fucking hilarious how the mentally disturbed leftoids on Twitter who’ve denied and scoffed at the ‘far right conspiracy theorists’ ridiculous cancel culture complaints for years, now want Elon Musk hung, drawn and quartered because he’s bought their toxic but very politically influential platform, and is now masterfully playing them at their own game in full public view, and now they’re all crying ‘foul’, clutching their non binary vaginas and throwing their double ended rainbow coloured dildos out of their prams? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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