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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Seems like just another attempt by the lefties to distract from the imminent collapse of the German state which they’ve managed to cause without any help from the so called ‘far right’. The far right bogeyman is the default culprit when they need to distract attention from the catastrophe which all their globalist ‘net zero’ and ‘public health’ scams have led to.
  2. Maybe after the New Year. I’m flat out flogging dead trees at the moment but the missus probably wouldn’t miss me for a week or two in early January, as she’ll still be busy tallying up and laundering the cash which Mrs Roops says I couldn’t possibly make from such a ‘two bob’ enterprise. I owe her big time for letting me know what a ‘two bob’ idiot I’ve been all my life.
  3. My sources at ‘Sid Slackjaw investigations inc.’ tell me that they’re close to blowing the lid off the Church of Scientology scam. These cunts give us critical thinkers a seriously bad reputation in the current climate of so called ‘disinformation’.
  4. I only listen to Jedward cassettes so I’m completely unfazed by this bombshell.
  5. Reported for misogyny you stupid fucking woman hating macho bell end.
  6. The next so called ‘journalist’ who asks Sir Kier Starmer “Can a woman have a penis?” and gets the same spluttering word salad non answer, should show the cunt a picture of Pen, then ask him again. If he still can’t utter the word NO then he should be detained indefinitely in a high security mental institution, where he would probably meet quite a few of these modern day freaks, and be able to come to the correct conclusion.
  7. You’ve spelled stink wrong scotty.
  8. We’d all think a lot less of you if you started being nasty to people Decs. Your compassion and empathy for the underdog will always beat the haters on here.
  9. Pen always brings his humungous ‘party pack’ everywhere he goes. It usually arrives about 30 seconds before the rest of him.
  10. Closed down. You’ll have to look elsewhere for your XXXXL Y fronts. Try ‘Man at C and A’ or Burtons.
  11. I know Raas. If he shows up around here again he owes me a fucking huge apology.
  12. scotty I’ve fought in 2 world wars, swam the Atlantic (underwater), climbed Everest in a thong, sailed up Niagara Falls in a barrel, scored the winning goal in 7 World Cup finals and smoked 300 Suoerkings a day since I was 5, so I’m definitely not a ‘quittter’.
  13. OK. and please don’t feel compelled to reply to any of my posts that you don’t understand. I won’t think any less of you.
  14. Why do spastics walk the way they do, and dribble down the front of their tank-tops scotty? No one can ever explain the behaviour of Carl etc.
  15. If this post wasn’t so mindnumbingly boring I’d tell you to fuck off again.
  16. I don’t recall giving you permission to speak to me. Don’t let it happen again.
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