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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. I imagine you must raise a few eyebrows when you stroll into the ladies toilets. 🤣
  2. Eric. I’ve just looked at the all time leaderboard and it would appear that I’ve become a ‘made man’ at last.
  3. Try to debunk the fact that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation bought £55m worth of shares in BioNTech in Sept 2019. Please? Pretty please?
  4. It was obviously not a Somalian event as the entire population of Mogadishu could fit into the Brixton Academy and it would still look half empty, and I haven’t seen anyone carried out on those 9’ long bendy stretchers on the news.
  5. I expect the Police are looking at it as a ‘cold case’.
  6. No point. I couldn’t take the risk of contaminating my enormous, throbbing pure blood man sausage no matter how increasingly desperate she craves it. I might let her give me a wank on the off chance that she wasn’t lying as usual when she boasted about being an expert at something (as long as she wears gloves and promises not to fucking talk to me).
  7. Ive been thinking about what car would Pen drive if he wasn’t lurking in the shadows of some obscure and remote rundown train station. The 1972 Pontiac TRANSam keeps popping into my head (the one with the huge bonnet bulge).
  8. He didn’t refuse to pay Decs. In fact I refused to accept the spunk stained, low denomination banknotes he pulled out of his ‘D+G manbag’ after struggling for twenty minutes to open the zip with his skeletal fingers. In fact I offered to have one my assistants ram the tree up his gaping arsehole free of charge as a goodwill gesture. And just like most people with an inbuilt kind and caring nature I’m extremely happy that he’s dead.
  9. You’re probably right scotty, but evidence is the very last thing I look for when casting aspersions. I’ve always found hard indisputable evidence to be very problematic actually.
  10. Try squeezing 6 ‘non drop’ 8’ grade A Christmas trees into the back of a Veyron Eric. My customers come first. The M4 might only do 155 MPH but that’s usually more than enough around town when I’m doing my deliveries. 🎄🚗
  11. Have you ordered your quail ready meal for one yet for Christmas dinner? And I wouldn’t bother buying any crackers as they’re a sort of 2 person thing really. 🤣
  12. “When the seagulls follow the trawler, it’s because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea.” 🐟😘
  13. Sometimes size doesn’t matter. Loser. 🤣
  14. Please let this be true and I won’t even mention the fact that you still can’t fucking spell. Kill yourself.
  15. And the even more difficult thing is trying to work out which is which, as the Daily Mail yesterday reported the son of Paul Pelosi’s ‘alleged attacker’ David Depape saying “For all we know my dad was some sort of sex slave. My father is not evil, he believes in human rights and is hardly a right wing conservative.” Nebosvod ‘Sky’ Gonzalez c.1922 🤣
  16. Pen as Anne Widdecombe?
  17. Absolute pile of shit nom. The only slightly interesting thing in it is your moronic spelling mistake. Fuck off.
  18. I’m outside your house.
  19. You’re lucky you didn’t buy the diesel version which actually ran better on 90% goose fat for some never explained reason.
  20. Thank fuck for YouTube’s shadowbanning algorithms which do such a heroic job shielding users from all the mis and disinformation which they would have previously have had to decide on for themselves. And the outrageous behaviour of anyone financially benefitting from the ‘deadly pandemic’ should never be tolerated. That’s something Billy boy Gates can’t be accused of at least, as the massive investment he made in the new start up company BioNTech conveniently occurred in late 2019 (a good couple of months before the rollout of Covid 19). 🤔💉
  21. The 3 likes you’ve received for this post would at first glance appear promising Withers. But sadly for you that’s as promising as it gets when the identities of your fan club are revealed. Come on Argentina!
  22. Out of likes. A few years ago I made the mistake of moving in with a bird who I really didn’t like at all but was one of the best fucks I’d ever had and kept going back for more. We moved into a poncey fucking loft apartment and within a couple of weeks she was involved in a daily shouting match with a neighbour who kept parking his car in a space which she had weirdly decided was exclusively hers (which it wasn’t). At this point I will add that she drove a customised black Range Rover Sport with pink bumpers, pink trimmed leather interior and personalised number plate which was as fucking ridiculous as the rest of the car. She decided to buy one of those locking fold up things you see in car parks and asked me if I would drill and bolt it into the ground for her. I of course said I would, knowing that I could expect a filthy thank you session for my efforts. She then spent the next hour spray painting the fucking thing pink. As promised I installed the item the next day and lapped up the thank you’s which came my way. I gave her the keys (2) for the very impressive padlock and smiled knowingly, thinking of the filth coming my way which I’d earned due to my hard graft. A couple of days later she arrived home and found that the neighbours car was securely parked in ‘her’ space with the padlock locked.🤣 This became a frequent occurrence for a couple of weeks. The silly bitch even asked me if I thought he could be some sort of expert lock picker, and I told her that was probably right. 🤣 Our ‘relationship’ went rapidly downhill when I admitted to her a few weeks later that I’d given the guy the 3rd key to the padlock 10 minutes after I’d fitted the device and we’d been laughing at her fucking antics ever since.
  23. Why would these snail chewing degenerates be conversing in English, rather than their native ‘ooh la la’ tongue Withers? Just asking, you Continental cunt.
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