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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Had to Google Hebden Bridge as I’d never even heard of it. The first thing I saw was that it’s in West Yorkshire apparently so that was enough for me to never want to know anything more about it. Tell your missus to get her arse into the kitchen and cook something good or you’ll give her a firm backhander when you get home from the pub.
  2. Met Police Officer David Carrick, part of the elite Parliamentary and diplomatic protection command firearms unit, pleads guilty to 49 charges including 24 of rape involving 13 different women over two decades today at Southwark Crown Court. He was commonly referred to by his colleagues as ‘Bastard Dave’ and was the subject of 9 serious criminal complaints going back as far as 2001 when he joined up. Rather than going down the old fashioned route of looking into and dealing with these allegations the Met instead chose to tell him to stop all his nonsense, and be a good boy in future. And promptly gave him a big gun and sent him on his way to protect the MPs, diplomats and other assorted deviants who's company he’d feel more at home in. Alas Dave ‘the bastard’ didn’t change his ways and carried on raping and abusing numerous other women for many more years to come, despite several more allegations. There are currently over 1,000 of the 45,000 Met Police officers who are or have previously been the subject of serious domestic violence or sexual abuse complaints. Most of this scandal occurred during the leadership of the vile little rugmuncher cunt Cressida Dick, who’s legacy will be as the stunning and brave first ever LGBTQ+ commissioner that did away with the outdated idea of the filth investigating crime and locking up the baddies, and got on with the long overdue fight against dangerous internet hate speech, repainting the fleet of cop cars in lovely rainbow colours and of course making sure ‘climate goblin’ Greta and her army of unfuckable middle class eco trogs didn’t go without their Starbucks lattes when they’d glued their putrid unemployed growlers to the tarmac on Tottenham Court road in the middle of rush hour. Cunts.
  3. King Billy


    James Woods, absolute hero. One of only a handful of A list actors with the bollocks to call out the rest of the woke Hollywood kidfuckers and Harvey Weinstein enabling social justice warrior wankers, knowing full well that he would be ostracised and cancelled by the pervert puppet masters who pay millions to lubricate the eager throats of De Niro, Pacino, De’Caprio etc with every last drop they can wring out of their rancid foreskinless microknobs.
  4. King Billy


    The Exorcist frightened me for ages when it came out. Not her head spinning round but waking up every morning in my bedroom with millions of flies.
  5. The U.S. FDA and CDC have announced that they are investigating signals of a possible link between stroke and the ‘totally safe’ Pfizer vaccine. (Reuters). And heart.org (Newsguard certified 95/100) reporting ‘Myocarditis from Covid-19 booster rare, but risk highest teen boys and young men.’ This after 2 years of heart.org insisting there was no link between MRNA vaccines and soaring rates of myocarditis. The narrative seems to be changing. I reckon it won’t be long before us ‘conspiracy theorists’ will have to go full 180 and start cheering for everyone to get jabbed immediately. 🤣
  6. King Billy


    Sounds like you’re looking for a ‘smile off’ DC? Make sure to bring a pair of shades, or a guide dog to help you find your way home afterwards. 😁
  7. King Billy

    The BBC

    Please tell me you’ve turfed the fat cunt overboard and hundreds of sharks have had a feeding frenzy on her enormous arse Ed. PM me the photos. I could really do with some good news to cheer me up at the moment. 2023 has so far been a huge disappointment and this could be a turning point for me.
  8. I could possibly overlook all these massive issues which you’ve correctly pointed out Stubbers, but I can’t because at the end of the day I only see a deluded fenian with a huge Catholic priests cock shaped gaping wound where his arsehole used to be (a very long time ago).
  9. King Billy

    The BBC

    The Dredd Olsen Line.
  10. Probably a rainbow belt in soduku or spot the difference. (gender edition).
  11. King Billy

    The BBC

    That’s why they all live on sink estates.
  12. Hopefully the feeling will rapidly escalate and end in an unstoppable and hugely long overdue painful death tonight.
  13. Reported for racism, you Gallic goose fucking fake foreign greaseball wrongun.
  14. Don’t worry about that Panzybobbles. We know our way around O’Connell St. even though it’s been a hundred years or so since our boys last taught you some manners in your own Main St.
  15. This is what happens when you have a mother who insists on feeding her children tofu and nut roasts instead of a good old T-bone steak, dripping with blood. ‘We all live in a yellow submarine and love eating quinoa’ Fuck off.
  16. Panzy blobby We’ve always been very close friends and never even come close to falling out, but this is going to hurt me more than you probably. I find this post of yours extremely offensive and totally out of character for you. So whilst I appreciate the fact that you will find it extremely difficult to continue in your line of work satisfying the endless queues of fat German tourists in the gents toilets at the Gresham Hotel bar without them, you can say goodbye to your worn out kneecaps tonight. A highly trained UVF active service unit are as we speak looking for a parking space outside the Post Office in O’Connell St. I’d ask Helmut to give you the 5 euros ASAP if I were you, and roll up your slacks. No need to ruin your only pair of trousers, even if they are 6 sizes too big and covered in shite all the way down to the turn ups. 🇬🇧NO SURRENDER🇬🇧
  17. I supported the idea of Brexit too, although I didn’t bother voting as I’ve never participated in any of the mechanics of the scam commonly referred to as ‘democracy’, and in any case I’ve always avoided linking my home address to my identity and use a couple of other addresses I have access to for the ever increasing number of things necessary to function in the mad fucking times we currently find ourselves in. But I see Brexit now as just another irrelevance and actually a useful distraction which our vile politicians can and do use to keep the sheep divided and busy fighting each other, while these cunts (Tory, Labour and Lib Dem) push on with the globalist NWO agenda, while all the while systematically destroying the history, culture and hard earned over many hundreds of years status of Britain. The Brits have no appetite to fight any longer, because we no longer have any backbone, due to decades of paying dole money to lazy cunts who've enjoyed laying around on their fat arses playing video games and smoking weed in council flats, talking like brain damaged Jamaicans while the country has been opened up to every scummy cunt across the world with no right to be here, the vast majority who not only see how fucking pathetically stupid we’ve become but genuinely fucking hate us too. Aside from these minor observations I think everything’s going quite well.
  18. He won’t stop till he gets enough.
  19. Probably doesn’t wanna be starting something now that he’s out of her life.
  20. King Billy

    The BBC

    I’ve been seriously considering giving up being a narcissistic, misogynist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, fenian hating, islamophobic, antivaxxer, tinfoil hat wearing weirdo, or normal person as I like to think of myself as. I may do if I can think of something else to keep me busy.
  21. Slightly off the wall Eric, some might even say dangerous.
  22. I bet you hear that a lot when you venture out in public.
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