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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Probably, and then ate his hamster afterwards.
  2. “Ged oud of my mini market pleeze Sir. And pud back the large tub of Sudocreem which you have tried to conceal in your trousers. Your bottom is bleeding all over the floor which will upset my lovely husband especially if it tastes different to my bottom ketchup.”
  3. You’ve misspelled cockjockey Raas, and the timing by about 30+ years. Apart from those 2 slight errors you’ve got him down to a tee.
  4. Relax. The Vulcan will explain it all as soon as the ‘fact checkers’ are all agreed on what they say definitely happened and remove any of the usual ‘disinformation’.
  5. If it wasn’t you could have spent much less time digging holes for all those fat cunts in the woods and been back at home with a nice cuppa a lot earlier giving the missus a cuddle.
  6. I’m still three and a half times less likely to be blown up, stabbed or bum raped by a swarthy camel herder than you though, so at least that’s something in my favour.
  7. Don’t blame Al. He’s doing his best to keep busy. It can’t be easy for him at the moment. Him and the rest of the professional race baiting industry are obviously feeling the effects of the huge shortage of actual racists nowadays, so it seems quite reasonable to now disregard the colour of the perps as long as the victim is black. It’s all Donald Trumps fault anyway.
  8. They all look wheely nuts to me, especially that Jack guy with the over inflated ego. Probably couldn’t handle the pressure.
  9. Panzy you poor demented fool. You keep jumping up and down like a spastic with a starving ferret trapped in your filthy Y fronts, seemingly overjoyed about the recent rise in the number of uninvited cavemen washing up on our beaches. Granted, a quick 2 minute look online into the current number of so-called asylum seekers in the U.K. shows a totally unacceptable imo 0.54% of the U.K. population to be the vermin that you quite rightly mock us about. However it shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone who’s read even one of your previous Harveyesque offerings that there’s always a massive fucking elephant in your room which as usual you’ve missed, whether due to stupidity, excess alcohol consumption, your all consuming pathological hatred of us Brits who dragged your ancestors kicking and screaming from the bog, or a combination of all three? 1.862% of the population of Ireland are currently asylum seekers. 🤔 Obviously you’re wondering what any of this means Panzy, so I’ll try to keep it simple for you. You my friend are statistically three and a half times more likely to find yourself biting the mattress in anticipation of Abdul’s unwashed cock coming in dry with 2 and 1/2 of his grinning mates queuing up for sloppy seconds. 🇬🇧NO SURRENDER🇬🇧
  10. Dwarf pumping action. Quality.
  11. The reality is that every interaction the cops have with the public in the US begins with the cops having a perfectly reasonable suspicion that the person they’re facing is carrying a firearm, so it’s surprising that the way they properly conduct themselves in the vast majority of cases is ignored, but the small number of incidents which don’t end well are jumped on by the race baiting MSM and opportunist politicians with the usual glee and hysterical shrieking of their well worn tropes such as ‘white supremacy, BLACK LIVES MATTER and ‘defund the police’ etc. These are the dishonest, agenda obsessed elites who bleat on endlessly in favour of ‘gun control’ while living in their secure gated communities with armed protection, and protected by heavily armed private security guards when they venture out in public to demand that everyone else should have their guns taken off them. The truth is that the vast majority of gun crime in the US occurs in the Democrat run shitholes with the toughest firearm laws in the country, perpetrated by gangs using illegal guns. The vast majority of legally held guns are owned by responsible Republican leaning citizens who quite rightly feel they would be much more vulnerable without the ability to exercise their constitutional right to defend themselves and their property. 🇱🇷TRUMP 2024🇱🇷
  12. They’ll have to get a grip on this, keep a low profile and tread very carefully if they don’t want to end up on skid row.
  13. It’s enough to make you wonder if there’s any point in stealing a car.
  14. Speaking ‘of’ or speaking ‘for’?
  15. Perhaps when she’s saved enough money up, but having to make love to a toothless woman 5 or 6 times a night until then, might be the straw that breaks the camels back for us. I think a payday loan or failing that a loan shark could be the only answer to her current difficulties if she’s to have a realistic chance of keeping me.
  16. You’re being a bit hard on yourself luv. I’ve never considered you a gobshite. Keep your chin up and it’ll all feel better tomorrow. 😘
  17. The concept of choosing never to closely associate with known kidfuckers is something which would appear to be ‘somewhat alien’ to Billyboy Gates (who you keep defending, for reasons known only to yourself) so maybe I should just be thankful that I’m simply far too stupid to understand the complexities of the everyday lives of the paedo super rich elites. And also too poor now that I’ve apparently blown the lot on dental implants. Which still leaves the original point unanswered. Coincidence or Peter Crouch/Abbey Clancy level stroke of luck investing in BioNTech in Sept 2019?
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