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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Fwanky, the 8th dwarf who was far too gay to be in a fairy tale even.
  2. Sounds good. I’ll bring a bag of snowballs and disco biscuits and we can get on the ones and twos for a couple of days Old Skool stylee.
  3. ‘This breaking news report has been brought you by Pfizer’
  4. The dog should have you put down Frank. The poor thing has quite obviously suffered enough.
  5. Neil has always been a frequent traveller around Europe. Those prozzies won’t murder themselves you know.
  6. There was a blacked out Hummer parked outside the Chinky takeaway near me all day and it had 2 ariels on the roof, which I’ve found out is a classic CIA giveaway.
  7. I could but not to the point where you might even begin to understand it so just try your best and give up when it all becomes too much for you.
  8. And replaced (to the deafening sounds of mass public celebration) by someone far more in line with what the people really want, maybe an Indian billionaire, a dementia riddled puppet or in your case another charwallah who’s not as rich as our one but ticks all the right boxes due to his stunning and brave endorsement of, and enthusiastic participation in the ‘cock up arse’ ideological cult, which I’m sure you’re fully signed up to yourself Panzy.
  9. Part of a very famous speech made by arguably the greatest British PM ever in June 1940 when the U.K. faced the prospect of imminent invasion by foreign enemies hell bent on the total destruction of Great Britain and its proud patriotic population. As luck would have it, we managed against all probabilities to emerge from WW2 victorious, albeit bankrupt, minus a whole generation of young men and all the cities and most of the towns reduced to rubble, but victorious never the less. Fast forward to 2023 and take a look at the U.K. now. We have a daily invasion force of 1000 plus fighting age illegal foreigners being taxied across the Channel courtesy of the U.K. Border Force? and the RNLI? offered a choice of Dominos pizzas and then transported on luxury coaches to 4 star hotels all over the country. These hotels whose owners have sacked their entire workforce and signed ridiculously lucrative 2 or 3 year contracts with the Home Office (via their intermediary SERCO who just happen to have as their CEO Rupert Soames MP, grandson of Winston Churchill). That’s all probably just a crazy conspiracy theory that I’ve learned about from my internet mate Sid Slackjaw who the Vulcan tbf has warned me about on numerous occasions. So in an effort to try and get myself back on the path to reality I’m taking the missus to the theatre tonight at the Old Vic. The play has just opened to glowing reviews so it must be fantastic. It’s called ‘Sylvia’ and it’s about the Pankhurst sisters fight for womens equality a hundred years or so ago. I’ve already learned an awful lot about British history just by googling the cast list etc. I didn’t realise that the entire Pankhurst family were black, as were Lord Cromer, Lady Randolph Churchill (Winston’s mother) and the greatest surprise of all that Winston himself was a sooty in a mixed race marriage with his white wife Clementine. I’ve just told the cab driver to do a U turn and drop me off at suicide bridge on the Archway Road. Hopefully Sam Smith might be waiting at the bus stop so I can kick his fucking fat non binary head to a pulp before I jump.
  10. The ‘climate emergency’ is one of thousands of similar ridiculous conspiracy theories that historically used to be laughed at and dismissed as a ‘load of bollocks’ by allegedly intelligent, educated and objective people, the same people who’ve realised that there’s far more money to be made for themselves by redesignating it as ‘the science’ and themselves as the saviours of the world (an added bonus).
  11. A precise and accurate summary of the Roman Catholic Church’s past few hundred years in Ireland.
  12. Vorsprung durch Technik Ed. Make sure to post the video of the fowl tampering frog trying to flee (in the time honoured French tradition) on his 70 year old Mobylette which he bought with his share of the proceeds when the pair of jackboots, the loaded Luger and Iron Cross (with oak leaves) which were found under the bed in la maison Scrote shortly after the war, were auctioned.
  13. The sad reality is that the world would definitely be a better place nowadays if Hitler had won.
  14. I bet whoever he thieved the bike from would have a less favourable opinion of the cunt.
  15. Call me a dinosaur but I’m quite happy not to upgrade my gorgeous inflatable girlfriend for a ‘nanobot’, whatever that is, and without looking even slightly closely at her realistic vagina (with real pubic hair), I know Im unlikely to run out of ‘grey goo’ as it was only me who deposited it all there in the first place.
  16. AI is covertly taking over more and more of the everyday lives of all of us, already or about to render vast swathes of the global workforce obsolete and therefore surplus to the globalist elites requirements, but more than just no longer being required they will rapidly become the equivalent of what’s always been categorised as commercial or industrial waste to be disposed of as cheaply as possible to maximise the profits of the handful of multinational behemoths who’s narcissistic owners now control every aspect of the lives of everyone on the planet. These modern day gods have long since abandoned the old fashioned capitalist ideology of acquiring immense personal wealth and the obvious benefits which that brings to them and their families and associates. The speed at which technology is advancing has made the historical goal of unlimited personal riches far too easy for the cabal, and now that they’ve arrived at that destination ie total control over the 99%s access to energy, food and money, they’re already bored, even sitting back in their ivory towers watching the wars, disease and famine that they’ve instigated doesn’t anymore seem to give them the sort of erection that only a special type of fucking weirdo can get, so for them the next logical step on their white knuckle ride of unprecedented human debauchery is the end of old fashioned biological human beings and the introduction of hybrid Chimera entities as the future inhabitants and vastly easier to control slave workforce of Planet Earth. Welcome to the future which the WEF want for you. 2 Youtube videos which I found quite interesting (of course I would, especially the second one because most of it was covertly filmed at WEF events) Paul Joseph Watson…..We have a problem. Anonymous Official……This video has been banned 3 times. See you on the other side 😎
  17. Preferably round at John Haighs gaff (incase the toaster doesn’t do the job properly).
  18. Which destroyed the hopes and dreams of generations of caber tossers (male and female) at every Highland Games it’s turned up at uninvited and definitely unwanted. Fucking creepy, ultra boring old freak.
  19. I bet all your neighbours are looking forward to you coming out soon…..in a bodybag. Why not just do them a massive favour and hang yourself tonight? Go on.
  20. Probably true but you’re talking about extremely small margins here Raas.
  21. The one thing that the recorded historical advancement of human civilisation should have taught us is that history always repeats itself and takes us all back to square one again.
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