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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Maybe ‘Big Bertha’ dropped it.
  2. Of course he is. All the lead actors will be there to accept their awards for playing their characters so well. All these puppets are just following the script and every one of them eventually outlives their usefulness to their masters and gets publicly dispatched to the political dustbin, giving the sheep an imagined, but short lived feeling of victory until the next prearranged and far worse tyrant takes over at the wheel.
  3. Couldn’t be bothered looking at the freaks Guardian link but I’m glad he’s dead whether he deserved it or not. Fucking corpse.
  4. The Wuhan Lab have developed the ‘new variant Fentanyl’ ahead of schedule which is probably why all those classified documents had to go, to make space in the Biden crime family garage for a few pallet loads in time for Hunters upcoming birthday party.
  5. Reported, but you’ll get away with it as The Vulcan is dead.
  6. No one will mind if you don’t bother.
  7. An overturned burned out dinghy drifting gently back towards Calais on a beautiful summers day with the white cliffs of Dover in the background.
  8. An unusually mong time, but thankfully things eventually calmed Down.
  9. I rarely go in pubs these days as they’re mostly full of gormless, retarded, hugely overweight layabouts wearing Wembley Market fake football shirts, who without invitation insist on shaking hands every five minutes, hugging you like a fucking Grizzly Bear, rambling on for hours about every subject they know absolutely fuck all about, and then because they’re fucking gormless retards (which was the first thing I pointed out about them) flying into an unexplainable rage and offering to fight everyone in the place, until Eric or one of his colleagues gently but firmly escorts him to the rear exit (where the stupid cunt will wake up a few hours later with absolutely no idea how he came to have a broken jaw, two black eyes and no front teeth). The idea of entering one of these filthy, rat infested, subhuman immigrant staffed, so called ‘take aways’ with the intention of handing over a sum of cash in exchange for something that I would never allow my dogs to eat even if they were at the point of death by malnutrition due to my missus and I suddenly becoming paralysed from the eyebrows down, is even more less likely than me going to the pub, so thanks for the concern Gypps but I feel sure that I’ll be OK.
  10. ‘She, He, It’ has got a gigantic ‘Japs Eye’ downstairs that more than compensates for the two decomposing whelks rotting in its lifeless eye sockets. The prehistoric old freak is probably immortal.
  11. True, but its only what Withers deserves.
  12. My local kebab shop has raised 300 quid in donations to help pay for repairing some cracks which have appeared in the ceiling of the shop, which Ali swears are earthquake damage, and nothing whatsoever connected to the 25 fat greasy middle aged taxi drivers upstairs every night, helping a couple of local schoolgirls with their homework.
  13. It’s not really acting for most of them though as that’s what they do all the time at home in Hollywood.
  14. King Billy


    The victim was unable to give an accurate description of the predator but DCI Angel stated that he is hopeful that her guide dog may be able to help the enquiry progress if and when the poor animal recovers from its current traumatised state.
  15. Peugeot….The ‘iron’ goes from strength to strength.
  16. I’d bet none of these migrants even went to Eton, so why the Tories seem so fond of them is an absolute mystery. Apart from Winston’s grandson Nicholas Soames Tory MP owning SERCO, who staff most of these asylum hotels, run most of the privatised prisons, the probation service until recently, most of the Covid 19 testing and jib jab circus tents and have almost every other private security contract across the U.K. which the government pay for, I can’t think of a single reason the Tory grifter government could have for allowing more and more of them to turn up at Dover every day? It would be far too ridiculous to suggest that importing tens of thousands of illegal migrants, who are mostly criminals, carriers of infectious diseases, will likely end up imprisoned, and then under the supervision of the probation service could, however coincidental, be in any way slightly corrupt.
  17. He probably just couldn’t take the Bill Stickers character any further on here, when he discovered Twitter and realised it was a far more natural habitat for someone with his leftoid ideology.
  18. I can imagine Bill Stickers young daughter arriving home from school in a distressed state after such an incident, and Stickers, not quite halfway through Owen Jones’ or George Monbiot’s daily sermon, throwing his Guardian to the floor in an uncontrollable fury and mercilessly thrashing the poor child, who’d quite obviously become a ‘right wing extremist bigot’ while walking home from school past the refugee hotel.
  19. And who would have ever thought that all the MSM fake news fraudsters would label the participants as ‘an anti refugee mob’, ‘right wing extremists’, ‘racists’ etc. etc., and not mention the fact that a local schoolgirl (in uniform) had filmed one of the greasy freeloading cunts accosting, and sexually propositioning her on her way home from school, despite her repeatedly telling the nonce cunt that she was underage and asking to be left alone?
  20. A brilliant idea which some historians reckon may have delayed the Germans arrival in Paris by at least half an hour.
  21. In the ‘non binary anorexics’ department, frantically searching for something to wear to Sam Smith’s Brit Awards after party.
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