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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. I’m really looking forward to the new woke remake of Rambo, starring Jessie Smollet as ‘Sambo’ who’s sent into the jungle to rescue Sam Smith (they/them) who’s being held prisoner by a group of ‘far right, racist, homophobic etc. etc. etc’, terrorists. Kept barely alive on just 20 Big Mac meals a day and deprived of his usual half hourly bumming fix, it becomes a race against time for Sambo before they/them’s putrid brown bellend receptacle is rendered permanently unusable for two way traffic. It promises to be an absolute classic imo. who’s being
  2. Airbrushing off 90% of the lard and adding big lezzer dungarees to all the known photos of this munter should keep them busy till at least the turn of the century. Fucking real life BFG slag.
  3. You might see what the problem is when synthetic dog shit is rolled out and the smelly stuff disappears for ever.
  4. Baws. It would appear that you’ve coped with the terribly sad and frightening departure of Myra McKrankie which sent me into an unstoppable crying and hysterical wailing fit (and several suicide attempts) slightly better than me.
  5. Why on Earth would anyone of sound mind have even the slightest qualms about the WEF long planned (and totally non negotiable) worldwide transition to synthetic meat? It’s obviously being done for the benefit of all us 99% of the human race who don’t understand what’s best for us. I mean ‘Billy boy Gates’ wouldn’t have invested a huge amount of his ‘hard earned’ savings in several of these Frankenstein meat companies, and regularly explain during interviews that it’s inevitable and we’ll all be much healthier, and happier too. Yes Professor Gates, the no1 expert in the world on basically everything (mRNA vaccines, predicting global pandemics and which start up companies might be worth investing in with uncanny accuracy, crappy computer software, oh and not forgetting his many years of ‘top secret’ 🤣 work with the Jeffrey Epstein team on the Lolita Express and in the laboratory at the Epstein Island Kiddy Fiddling Research Facility. If Billy boy Gates says it’s for the best then that’s good enough for me, and I’m pretty sure The Vulcan would agree if she wasn’t dead.
  6. I’ve always had you down as an absolute fucking twat Doc, but this outburst has killed off the 00000.1% possibility that I was being a bit harsh on you. Tbh I’m a bit gutted as I hadn’t quite given up on the almost zero chance that you might prove me wrong. 😘
  7. The whole Ukraine psyop explained in 14m.20 seconds. Youtube channel…..Elusive Truths. Title….. ‘The Yellow Brick Road’
  8. You’re too late. These pair of absolute cunts are already living out that Top Gun charade for the sheep Eric. Who’d have thought it was possible to look more of a cunt than Tom Cruise eh?
  9. Remember when you were standing in the queue, sleeve rolled up for your experimental jib jab Ape, because Chris Whittey etc. had told you not to listen to ‘conspiracy theorists’ 😎 who were spreading lies that natural immunity was the best protection against Covid 19🤣, well guess what? The MSM (NBC) are now saying, quote “ The immunity generated from infection has been found to be at least as high IF NOT HIGHER than that provided by two doses of an mRNA vaccine”.🤔 Lots more were that came from Ape if you’re up for making a fool of yourself.
  10. Not at all Ape. I’m quite happy to have a conversation with you if you still believe you haven’t been lied to, coerced into being an experimental mRNA Guinea Pig, conned into believing that covering your face with a totally ineffective but instantly visible badge of your absolute compliance face nappy and willingly agreed without a whimper to self imprisoning yourself in your own home for 23 hours a day, then let’s have that chat. Unless you’re still still under the bed with your hand sanitiser waiting for a text from your GP to let you know when your next Covid 19, monkey pox, winter flu and Bird Flu jab appointment is. Kerchiiing!£££
  11. This sort of behaviour wouldn’t have been laughed off so flippantly in the Stanley Mathews era. In fact it would probably have cause a right fucking stink.
  12. King Billy


    That would be an ecumenical matter.
  13. And instead found himself next door to an authoritarian puppet installed by the Obama administration CIA backed coup which overthrew the democratically elected President and then waged a cowardly artillery war against the Dondas and Crimea who consider themselves 100% Russian and always have done. I’d have thought you were a bit smarter than to swallow the BS narrative that the MSM put out for the consumption of the clapping seals. The same MSM that only 2 or 3 years ago were vilifying the ASOV battalions as Nazis and fascists. 🤔
  14. King Billy


    The chances of Panzy having an intact blurter are about as far fetched as a bucket of curry sauce from China. The gobshites have historically been analy ravaged by Catholic priests, torpedoed from behind by drunken U boat sailors during WW2 and now the ever increasing hordes of sandal clad peacefuls targeting their unwiped dirtboxes if they can’t grab a teenage schoolgirl on the way back to their 5 star hotel which they smashed up earlier. Panzy might not identify as a bender but the state of his ringpiece debunks that idea.
  15. Does anyone recall being asked if we should be pushing harder every day to start WW3 against Russia? In fact does anyone recall electing Rishi Sunak (the billionaire charwallah who seems hell bent on taking us down this path) to be our PM? Are we the people now so fucking irrelevant the moment the five yearly charade laughingly called a General Election, in which they grant us plebs the opportunity to choose ‘Pile of shitcunts A’ or ‘Pile of shitcunts B’? So irrelevant that these incompetent, corrupt, vile, elitist vermin think they have the authority to take us into war against Russia, a nuclear superpower with infinitely more fighting ability, patriotism, natural resources, and historical willingness to fight to the very end whatever the cost, based on a totally dishonest and fabricated fairy tale that Putin had an agenda to invade most of Eastern Europe. Fuck Sunak, Jeremy Cunt, Tobias fucking Elwood, Starmer and every last one of these cockroaches infesting the Palace of Westminster. Not one of these cunts feels any guilt for the carnage they caused to our country in the name of ‘public health’ for a virus which they all knew very quickly after the initial panic in early 2020 was a fucking massive over reaction, but their egos and sense of self importance wouldn’t allow them to do anything but double down and carry on destroying everything that they hadn’t already fucked up. And now we’re supposed to blindly trust these same cunts to not only repair the damage which they caused but also allow them to lead us into what will without doubt end with millions dead in a war which we have no reason to be involved in at all. If and when we actually find ourselves at war with Russia I will be backing Russia 100%.
  16. King Billy


    Panzy I feel I owe you an apology for all the scurrilous slurs and slanders I’ve hurled at your (our) fellow countrymen since way back. I’ve been watching quite a few videos recently by ‘Ireland is full’ and ‘Philip Dwyer’ on you tube, and I have to say that I’m impressed that there appears to be a significant number of us patriotic Paddys waking up to the illegal immigrant invasion scandal which is many times worse in our beloved homeland than over here on the mainland where I’ve been hiding out for years. Just wanted you to know that I’m ready to join the fight against Sinn Fein etc. who are now showing their true Marxist colours by colluding with the establishment political elite to flood the Emerald Isle with hundreds of thousands of dusky rapists, paedos, jihadi lunatics, sub Saharan primates and abandon us former ‘freedom fighters’ who banished the tyrannical Brits, but have alas outlived our usefulness and to make matters worse now been exposed by Rte etc. as ‘racists, bigots, transphobes and therefore ‘enemies of the state’. PM me when you need me and I’ll be straight over in the imaginary M4 from Holyhead to do my bit for the cause. 🏳️‍🌈 🇬🇧 I couldn’t find the tricolour Panz so I thought this would be OK for now.
  17. Being flattened by a hundred tons of concrete in a filthy Turkish shithole can’t be even remotely compared to the absolute living hell of playing football for Newcastle or even worse Everton. He’s had a right result imo.
  18. Can you provide any links to back up these allegations that you’re pitching DC? I’ll putt a score on the answer being no. Just marking your card.
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