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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. King Billy


    She’s dead. I ate her pickled liver earlier. It was the least I could do, all things considering.
  2. King Billy


    On a serious note Panzy, given that you’ve made it clear for a long time that you’re fully onboard with the liberal/progressive open borders agenda, which all your political parties (including Sinn Fein who I’ve always for some strange reason mistakenly thought were an IRISH NATIONALIST party) have decided for you, I’m curious to know how long do you think it will take for the slight decline recently in the RC Church paedo activities (which I understand has been sorely felt) to be restored, and probably surpassed by all your new bare bum loving dusky new neighbours that Leo etc. obviously deems to be far more Irish than you or even me?
  3. Someone should warn Obama and Billy boy Gates etc. not to forget to insure the enormous waterfront mansions they all inexplicably live in, or are currently constructing. I can only assume that they’re all far too busy warning the little people about the rising sea levels which are about to engulf the planet that they seem to be oblivious to their blatant hypocrisy which is actually just total contempt for the vast majority of the human race.
  4. This is without doubt a terrible idea. Surely it would make more sense to just concrete over the entire area and build a massive coal fired power station to supply cheaper electric for everyone in the street where I live (maybe not everyone as most of my neighbours are absolute cunts).
  5. I’ll have the 32oz Wagu T-bone please, rare, no vegetables, with 4 slices of bread to mop up the blood thanks. And can you put it on Greta Thunbergs tab please. Linda McCartney was a filthy mega methane emitting cunt.
  6. Please rule out Saltire Thistle FC at least Baws.
  7. He will only wear ADIDAS trainers now after someone told him it stands for ‘A Dog Is Doing A Shit’.
  8. The Spanish Parliament have approved a new ‘animal rights bill’ which will soon become law across the entire country. As a lifelong animal lover, dog and cat owner and believer that anyone who is wilfully cruel or negligent towards animals deserves to be slowly tortured, dismembered and then dispatched to the afterlife without mercy or exception. The problem I have with the rewording of Article 337 of Spain’s Criminal Code, from ‘punishing the sexual exploitation of animals’ (a rather vague term and probably deliberate) to ‘acts of a sexual nature……..that cause an animal injury which requires treatment.” (a very clear term and definitely deliberate). The fake news liberal MSM as expected nowadays have been dragged kicking and screaming into doing their job and reporting this, but only because the Polish justice minister called it ‘legalised bestiality’ in a speech in which he also condemned the lefts obsession with destroying the biological gender of children. The corrupt MSM ‘fact-checkers’ immediately went into overdrive to correct the obvious truth and label anyone including the Polish minister who called it legal bestiality as guess what? Far right conspiracy theorists, pointing out that nowhere in the legislation did it state that it was legal to have sex with animals. Legislation is not designed to state what is legal but to clearly define what is not legal and these so called arbiters of truth know that. It’s about time people woke up to the reality that whatever your ‘Google search’ tells you is very likely to be anything but the unbiased facts, and if it’s to do with anything even remotely culturally significant then you will be lied to and warned about the dangers of ‘mis and disinformation’ which until very recently most people used to be able to make their own minds up about.
  9. I think she should be allowed to come back on one condition. Neil picks her up from the airport.
  10. ISIS have let her go for a record transfer fee (3 goats, a chicken and 4 dead babies) to Al Queeda. The official club shop/cave at Bora Bora has already sold out of ‘Shamima Bin Liner’ replica Burkas.
  11. The BBC would have her booked for the new series of ‘Dancing on ISIS’
  12. I reckon he’s been out walking around all day, poop scoop in hand, listening to ‘Lift yourself’ by Kanye on a permanent loop.
  13. Five years? No problem at all. I’ll be out in two and a half. I was about to call it ‘a walk in the park’ until it occurred to me that you might misinterpret the phrase as some sort of coded message from a fellow ‘collector’.
  14. Isn’t the English language amazing Baws? By simply adding 2 letters (er) to the end of this it got me thinking…”Yes. I need more girls working”, and then “No. I just need another sofa in the waiting area”.
  15. We both know full well that football’s nowadays played by overpaid poofs, most of whom are illiterate sooties aswell, and watched by millions of thick as mud, skint, fat cunts dressed in snide replica shirts, which they use to clean up the jizz they spray over their equally fat, thick and ugly wives and kids, every time one of their heroes almost scores (but actually (and predictably) misses the target). Football should imo be criminalised with very long prison sentences for anyone caught playing, watching or even talking about it in public or private.
  16. 🎶When you’re up to your neck in fenian blood, surrender or you die. For we are, we are the Billy Boys.🎶
  17. I guess she was full up after the starter Raaas.
  18. Should have nicked a screwdriver for prising off all those hubcaps and ripping out car stereos DC. Weren’t you paying attention at Lime St. primary school?
  19. 🎶We’re the boys from Londonderry. Fuck the pope and the Virgin Mary.🎶
  20. Wouldn’t you be excited watching another $500 million about to arrive? The White House admitted last week that huge amounts of this US aid was being used to finance the ‘pension funds’ of Ukranian politicians, civil service’ military and just about every cunt aboard the Kiev gravy train. I’ve also recently seen online ads by Ukranian property companies aimed at selling holiday homes to foreign investors. The whole ‘war’ is just the latest in a long line of many historical US deep state operations with the sole intention of keeping the American military industrial complex working flat out, making all the hawks in DC even richer and tightening the shackles on whoever has been chosen as the latest global pariah. No doubt the current vegetable and his lizard handlers squatting in the White House are delighted that Putin isn’t rolling over and the cash registers just keep on ringing for Uncle Sam. Fuck Ukraine.
  21. I’ve seen this current, and totally phoney anti-Russian/Ukraine nonsense as exactly that from day one Raaas. During my brothel keeping period a clean, tidy and tight Russian front arse would always earn me at least 3 times more readies than the manky, worn out, well past their sell by date growlers offered by their Ukrainian colleagues.
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