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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. She’s my gimp now Stubbs. I’ve actually grown quite fond of her recently.
  2. Leaving Drew’s indiscretions aside though Raas, it’s glorious to see that insufferable windbag (The Vulcan) reduced to skulking in the shadows and briefly but thankfully rarely showing herself to dispense a mild spanking to the occasional rule breaker, and then pathetically slithering off back to her ‘safe space’ under some slimy rock. Oh how the mighty has fallen.
  3. Evening Panzy. How was Friday Prayers today? Peace be with you.
  4. Frank. You know I’ve always looked up to you but it really is time you fucked off for good. I get the feeling that there’s a a few here who don’t feel the same about you as I do.
  5. The whole thing is just the latest in a long line of well timed MSM distractions to take up part of the newstime and conceal the latest acts of treachery which the fucking tyrannical puppet masters don’t want the masses of gullible plebs to hear about until it’s too late. Youtube channel…. Ivor Cummins. ’Stunning Short History……’
  6. She probably knew that her credibility wouldn’t survive such an absolutely ridiculous prediction.
  7. King Billy


    Q….What’s the difference between Pen and Tony Blair? A….Pen’s ‘weapon of mass destruction’ actually exists (in his underpants).
  8. I’m veering towards the ‘Fuck Gary Lineker’ side of this debate now. The thing that’s swung it for me was Uber leftoid spastic Terry Christian appearing on GMB this morning, to briefly defend jug ears and then spend the next 10 minutes namecalling the majority of the U.K. population.🎶If a picture paints a thousand words🎶 LOL LOL
  9. Archbishop Makarios?
  10. The way that most of the MSM are reporting what should be the No1 scandal in living memory (ie 2 or 3 minutes of very selective and carefully edited airtime, to give the impression that they were always opposed to what was going on) shouldn’t come as any surprise to anyone, bearing in mind that these lying cunts have spent the last 3 years getting paid for cheerleading the propaganda operation of Hancock, Johnson, Whittey etc and actually demanding harsher and longer lockdowns, stricter vaccine mandates, and now that the shit is hitting the fan they’re hoping (probably correctly due to the gullibility level of the millions of fucking morons they were able to fool in the first place) that it’s time for everyone to forgive, forget and move on to the next fake news crisis. Personally I want them all dead, brought back to life, then booster jabbed again every day until they beg for the deployment of the latest new variant which will be administered via the steel toe cap of my size ten boot.
  11. If the ‘white sticks’ under her bed were scientifically proved to be the remains of Franks chop stick legs I would reconsider my previously stated unfavourable opinion of Ms Emin.
  12. I remember watching an interview years ago, not having a clue who the fuck the hideous Cunt was, when she said that she believed her work had been mostly ignored by the art world because of her looks, which seemed perfectly plausible until she added that good looking women have always been treated that way. Strange fucking creature.
  13. King Billy


    Peter Sutcliffs catchphrase if I’m not mistaken Fends.
  14. If he ever shows up at my front door trying to flog me a laptop or a totally safe and totally effective booster jab I’ll tell the cunt to fuck off out of it or else. My missus would probably ask how much they are and invite him in though. Bless her.
  15. From Dusky till Dawn Kill the Old Bill
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