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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. It must have been awful for you keeping this bottled up inside for the last 2 weeks but well done for sharing it with us eventually.
  2. It would appear that for reasons known only to yourself you've very foolishly decided to antagonise me. Listen carefully and let me give you one final chance (against my better judgement) to desist and refrain from your current misguided behaviour. Don’t make me show you the error of your ways which I promise you will regret if you continue with what is obviously an extremely ill thought out way to conduct yourself around here. The future’s bright. The future’s orange.
  3. All this ‘small boats’ hysteria Eric suits the Conservative/Labour uniparty agenda as it’s a constant distraction from the crimes which they’ve committed against the 99% in the name of public health over the last 3 years. Devastated the economy and the livelihoods of millions, imprisoned people in their homes, terrified and coerced millions of healthy people into unnecessarily taking part in a dangerous medical experiment which is rapidly being exposed as a crime against humanity with excess deaths soaring worldwide, and to top it all now telling any cunt willing to listen that they are the people who can right all these wrongs that they and they alone are responsible for. And to all the cunts who jumped on The Vulcans bandwagon and told me to shut up ‘You’ll never win’ etc. all I can say is “I forgive you for you knew not what you were doing”.
  4. He may or may not have done. One day in the far distant future you might have an actual sexual experience with someone who’s not a Priest or Gary Glitter (however unlikely that seems) and then you will understand that these things are private. The concept of ‘understanding’ will probably prove me wrong however so howabout just go fuck yourself which you’ll no doubt find a lot easier to accomplish.
  5. The so called ‘small boats’ (the word dinghy having mysteriously been cancelled recently as it must have been added to the ever increasing list of ‘hate speech’) crisis is going to continue for years to come Stubbs, and the reason that nothing will be done to end or even reduce the State assisted invasion is that Britain is now politically a one party state with the Tory and Labour Parties actively working to put the interests of immigrants (legal and illegal) ahead of the citizens of the country. All the feigned outrage, the latest policy announcements and public promises by the Tories to finally put a stop to it all, then the identical feigned outrage of the Labour Party at these policies, quickly followed by a barrage of name-calling (racists, Nazis, fascists etc.etc), then the usual leftie lawyers suspects going to court and blocking anything that the government has said they are going to do before anything at all has even started. The plain and simple fact is that the government of the day has the power to stop this but chooses not to and allows itself to be hamstringed by the courts every time. If they genuinely had the political will to stop it they know that the courts rule on the law and Parliament can change or abolish any law that the courts have decided these cunts deserve protection under. But that hasn’t been and isn’t going to happen because we are ruled by spineless cowards, quite happy to carry on with the status quo, snouts deep in the trough until they get kicked out and the other bunch of cunts take over and usher in ten or fifteen years of more of the same, and they can sit back and pretend they were just about to solve the problem but blah blah blah. Hang them all I say before our new ‘small boat’ friends get bored at The Hilton, finish raping all our schoolgirls and get round to stabbing us all to death.
  6. If this is true he owes me a massive apology.
  7. 🎶There’s a duck works down the Council thinks she’s Decimus🎶
  8. Reported for quote altering and more importantly for everything else that’s wrong with you.
  9. They mustn’t know about the newts Stubbers so you’ve got off pretty light imo.
  10. King Billy

    Piers morgan

    We’ll be vindicated for sure when The Vulcan finally and publicly admits that she was 100% wrong and apologises unreservedly to us Wolfie. Whether she chooses to suck my massive cock publicly and attempt to rebuild her now non-existent credibility around here is a decision she will have to make for herself in due course.
  11. And N. Ireland is still British, so those RA lads can at least look smart and live comfortably while reflecting on the abject failure of their ‘struggle’ and humiliating surrender to the British Army. 🇬🇧
  12. And he smells worse than one of Gwyneth Paltrows candles too.
  13. I used to watch ‘Quincy ME’ Eric. I must have missed ‘Quincy MD’.
  14. In the 1970s housewives in the Republican slums of Belfast used to stand outside their hovels banging saucepans and bin lids when the Paras were raiding known IRA members homes to warn any that they hadn’t yet arrived at. They soon scurried off back indoors when a couple of them got their skulls caved in with the butt of an SLR by a passing foot patrol. The ritual ‘bang a saucepan for the NHS’ bollocks every Thursday night could have been nipped in the bud just as easily.
  15. He looks like he has no regrets though.
  16. Hopefully the ferocious wildfire will happen first and then the terrible flood can put it out. Thank fuck we have a government who are selflessly looking out for the safety of us all (just like they did with Covid). Imagine the mess we’d all be in if (god forbid) we had a government who wanted to lie to the mugs who voted for them about everything constantly, frighten the pants off the public, make all their buddies rich by giving them multi million pound contracts, allow millions of foreign rapists and murderers to invade the country and live in four star hotels free of charge and then shout ‘racist!’ at anyone who dared to ask ‘Why?’ We should count our blessings, safe in the knowledge that could never happen in Britain.
  17. He should have called it a day after ‘Una Paloma Blanca’.
  18. It’s what all those drunk English rugby fans gave you to touch your toes, spread your cheeks and then swallow the motherload last Saturday night in Temple Bar.
  19. Exactly Wolfie. I might actually be an old Etonian stockbroker, married to some posh slag called Clarissa with 3 or 4 ugly snotty kids who all look like Michael Gove, and you might in real life be Jeremy Vines bicycle repair man, but that’s the USP of Cunts Corner… no one knows, and all the fuckers who constantly slag the site off and hark back to the good old glory days might want to get more involved or just fuck off and find somewhere where they feel more comfortable having a fucking whinge on.
  20. All the phrenology skulls I’ve ever seen have been white. That must mean something surely.
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