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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Reported for misgendering. As the only Sinn Fein cheerleader on here as far as I know, you’ve got no excuse for this blatant bigotry. Come on Panzy ffs. Even the tens of thousands of ‘new Irish’ guests roaming the backstreets of Dublin and every other city and town by night, and lurking around outside schools (secondary and primary) with their hairy hands down the front of their designer tracksuits by day, are up to speed on the danger to democracy of such dangerous language. Allah Ahkbar.
  2. It’s a funny old world allright Panzy. It couldn’t get any more ridiculous could it? I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see your lot elect some daft bender charwallah to keep up the fight for freedom against us Brits and oversee the rapid Muslimification of the Island of Ireland (or The Islamic Republic of Retardistan) as it’s soon to be renamed once all your schoolgirls have been buggered beyond repair.
  3. You haven’t thought this out at all have you? I’ve seen some shit on here but this takes the fucking biscuit.
  4. They’re all Frank I reckon. They’re definitely shit enough.
  5. Out of likes but I suspect that’s not going to matter that much.
  6. Welcome to the corner. You can fuck off now.
  7. Panzy is going to have to get his career to change his password tomorrow now Eric. You can be very cruel sometimes.
  8. Made Yellow Fever look a right cunt by all accounts.
  9. While furiously waving a tiny Ukranian flag with one hand and an LGBTQIRADUP+Rainbow flag with the other, screaming ‘Refugees are welcome here, as long as they’re not Brits!’ 🇬🇧 LOL🇬🇧
  10. Bert Kwouk, born in 1954 at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and Maternity in the newly opened Dr.Fauci (gain of function and bio weapons) Ward.
  11. Shouted (with no self awareness at all) by the ridiculous freak with an enormous boa constrictor residing in his Yfronts.
  12. You could have just said ‘I like to go dogging’ and shut up.
  13. Probably a lot to choose from if you pop next door to your parents bedroom.
  14. Fuck off Pen. Even this cunt hates you.
  15. Sorry. Too late for mitigation but the parole board might be more inclined to listen to you when you’ve served half your sentence. But it’ll take more than showing them your battered arsehole and turning on the tears to get you an early release probably. See you on the other side Wanker.
  16. I did try to give him some honest advice Wolfie but ‘que sera sera’.
  17. Say Hi to Punkape tomorrow morning Dickwipe. And maybe consider the possibility that controlling your emotions usually ends much better than letting your emotions control you. I’m genuinely disappointed that you’ve failed to turn up for the fight and decided to kill yourself instead. Hey Ho.
  18. What got him in the end? My guess is either Covid or Climate Change. I’m sure the BBC and Sky News etc. will let us know soon enough and tell us what else we all need to give up from now on to save the planet from imminent destruction. I’ll be very surprised if it’s not all Putin and Donald Trumps fault and the only way to stop it happening again is to send more arms to Ukraine, turn off our heating, make sure to get fully Covid boosted, wear a mask, get rid of our cars immediately and cycle to the food bank once a week (but only if Chris Whitty says it’s safe to do so incase we kill Granny).
  19. Don’t say I didn’t give you the chance to behave yourself. Prepare your arsehole cunt.
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