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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. All those geniuses who said you’d never succeed must be feeling very fucking stupid now Eric. Fucking stupid fucking cunts. Way to go.
  2. LG…..Live Gollywogs.
  3. Try shovelling a load more down past your enormous Adams Apple tomorrow please so no one has to endure your boring nonsense ever again. Fuck off.
  4. I bet all the girls on ‘Plenty of Fish’ go wild when they read that Eric.
  5. It’s time to fill in another yellow card and this time add confused delusional rambling to the list of symptoms. Get Well Soon. 😰
  6. It would appear that the experimental ‘popularity vaccine’ you’ve taken is very effective indeed. No need for a booster.
  7. Sports day at The Tavistock Clinic? I suppose you romped home in the three legged race as usual?
  8. As the AZ poison has proved to be not only ineffective but also highly toxic on a scale far exceeding any actual vaccines in history, it’s hardly surprising that it’s been consigned to history by the two bob crooks and their paid puppets, who not so long ago were gleefully promoting it and demonizing anyone who questioned it.
  9. It seems that I’m barred from accessing Cunt of the week. Oh dear.
  10. Haven’t you got a charity shop to help out in somewhere.
  11. Your huge purple helmet should be OK probably.
  12. 🇱🇷TRUMP 2024 MAGA🇱🇷
  13. Panic ye not Raaas Clat. I’ve still got my old man’s mirror on a stick that he used to check underneath the car for Provo bangers on the odd morning he wasn’t still too pissed to drive us to school. And our two poodles are chained up outside the house all night ready to go full ‘devil dog’ on anybody that looks a bit weird. Neville Bartos mate.
  14. PJ Proby looks like the contents of Susan Boyles colostomy bag, so you probably haven’t got that wrong.
  15. You’re taking this social distancing science a bit too seriously Ape. Chris Whittey is a cunt.
  16. UFC 287 Last night. Trump turns up and the crowd roar. All tens of thousands of them and not a poof or a ladyboy in sight. 🇱🇷MAGA🇱🇷
  17. 40 years a spastic and yet not one picture of him dribbling. Photoshop nif nof imo.
  18. Dementia Joe needs to fucking wake up a bit sharpish and think about the consequences if he upsets Vlad and Winnie too much. The US economy is under enough pressure at the moment. If Hunter has to start paying for his crack and whores without the help of Russia and China it could mean Trump 2.0
  19. Tbh Raaas I’d rather lube up my pineapple fritter and cable tie myself to the sink in the gents at Punkers golf club with my plusfours around my ankles than put myself within reach of the Ginger Genius. Hopefully I’ll never find myself in either situation.
  20. Do you mean impoverished ‘third world’ countries such as Switzerland perhaps? That would certainly explain Switzerlands previously unreported lack of a ‘robust health delivery system’, and as if that wasn’t enough of a surprise for the broken clock brigade, the revelation that they apparently also have problems with ‘storage and distribution’. That explains perfectly then why Switzerland is now only authorising any ‘totally safe and totally effective’ Covid19 vaccine if the doctor deems it necessary in individual cases 🤔 and then with the caveat that the doctor then bears liability for any damage that the vaccine causes to the patient. But what do I know Mrs Big Brain? I should have realised all along that storage and distribution were the real problem. You really should have stayed dead because it’s not going to be as much fun killing you again.
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