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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Have you heard anything back from Jonathon King yet Pen? Between you and me mate, I wouldn’t waste any more of your pension on stamps next Thursday at the Post Office.
  2. Welcome aboard Snowy. You’re not going to believe half of what I’m going to tell you.
  3. They might do when they get back from the Beer festival in Munich, sorry I meant their investigation into the latest suspect who lives near the Beer festival.
  4. RTE are reporting that Joe Biden has made a speech tonight in Dublin and the audience understood it. Lol lol lol. No shortage of cabbages it seems.
  5. LBC should have kept these photos on file until Neil gets arrested.
  6. It’ll be interesting to see how Dominion argue that their software is ‘safe and effective’ (where have I heard that before? lol lol ) without allowing inspection of their algorithm, and they’ve already refused that request, even to a third party independent adjudicator. Rather like the Democrats in every disputed state in 2020 fought against an open audit of the ballots cast? Sunlight is the best disinfectant (unless you’re a Democrat). 😘
  7. White dogshit is the only thing he can’t find on the dark web. Truffle collectors have the same problem.
  8. I’d take this story with a large pinch of salt tbh (about 5kg). Firstly because she looks as if she’s been smoking crack in her shed with Hunter Biden, and secondly because the ‘allotment’ looks more like a WW1 battlefield in Ypres than the fertile pasture the ragged skaghead old whore is bleating on about. I may be totally wrong on both counts but I wouldn’t fuck her or accept a bag of onions from her anyway. James O’Brien is an absolute cunt.
  9. Probably not half as excited as whoever it was that he learned it from.
  10. Her jam-related days are a long distant memory Michael. Don’t worry about it.
  11. It’s Fisher Price’s logo, probably the default avatar on his big button musical keyboard. I reckon 5 or 6 more choruses of ‘The wheels on the bus’ and he’ll have dribbled on it enough to short circuit the mother board (which only has 3 components anyway, a button battery and 2 blue Smarties).
  12. You’ve logged into CC instead of Grinder you fucking halfwitted bender.
  13. What could Pen possibly know about Pointless blokes? lol lol.
  14. Good timing tbh, with the Shipman case closed and all those GMP detectives sniffing around looking for the rest of his NHS death squad. OZ is the logical place for a maniacal lunatic to blend into the crowd unnoticed.
  15. Capital U if you’re planning to stay in contact with your kneecaps Stubbers. Those newts aren’t going to bring a ladder to the party just because you’ve got a new wheelchair.
  16. I’m imagining the instant terror on the face of the patient when the vile freak grins and whispers ‘Relax. You’re only going to feel ‘a little prick.’
  17. King Billy

    Dalai Lama

    I’ve noticed that the route of the annual ‘Pride’ parade which Mayor Khan proudly leads every year never seems to go anywhere near any of the ever increasing number of mosques in Londonistan. There’s probably a perfectly innocent reason for that but only a far right islamophobe would need it explained to them.
  18. King Billy

    Dalai Lama

    He’s not a real Lama so it doesn’t matter.
  19. Pen’s very accustomed to ‘lengthy procedures’ (every time he goes for a piss).
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