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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Emin a meeting at the moment but I’ll get back to you at the Hirst opportunity Gypps.
  2. A bit brutal DC tbh, but saatchis life.
  3. It’s just me Eric, always seeing my glass half empty as usual. I mean I rescued those kids when they fell through the ice last winter, ran into the blazing old folks home six times, knocked out twelve Somalians who were about to mug and anally rape a 97 year old war hero’s widow and what does the latest spacker newbie call me, a hero? I’d like to know how he found out about the one time I got things a bit wrong when I was absolutely fucking hammered.
  4. Careful what you say DC or you’ll have a Constable at your door.
  5. Eddie. How long do you think she has left to live? Strange as it may sound but I think I’m going to miss her more than you when she’s gone. If it’s any consolation you can have any 3 of my best brasses (including the annoying ginger one) on the house for half an hour after the wake. After that it’s strictly normal rates though.
  6. Hope is the last bastion of a lost cause Baws.
  7. Apologies Eric. A for missing it and B for thinking you wouldn’t be on the case already. 🙏
  8. And he hasn’t even called you a cocksucker yet Eric.
  9. He actually shat himself Decs, which was probably down to him misreading or getting confused with the scribbled instructions he’s often seen pulling out of his pocket and staring at before he attempts to speak.
  10. Could this be the reason? 🇬🇧REMEMBER 1690🇬🇧
  11. Why not bring Ming along too Frank? I’m sure you’d look just like all the other families there.
  12. He does actually. The wank sock is rather disturbing too.
  13. How long did you lot spend ‘sitting around and thinking’ before choosing a spunk guzzling charwallah? At least we can make the excuse that we didn’t vote for our current charwallah (and as far as I’m aware he prefers the front bottom when he’s relaxing in his pyjamas upstairs at No.10), a fact which in itself makes him something of a rarity among politicians nowadays. Michael Collins was a cunt.
  14. Stefan McAndrew a GP up in your neck of the woods recently attempted to donate blood (which he had done several times previously), but was rejected because he declined to confirm whether he was pregnant, or had recently been pregnant. Strange times indeed Baws.
  15. He’ll need to get Hunters’ bank details quick then, before the Biden Crime Family fuck off in Donald’s plane to meet their next mark.
  16. I’ll raise your Seaman Stains with an Admiral Duncan.
  17. Payroll/Parole DC. Don’t forget Pen went to school before pencils or paper were invented, and his teacher was Cadfael the 13th century monk.
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