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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Pen will be the only winner from this Clown World nonsense, as he’s no doubt rummaging through the ‘clearance’ basket in his local village Nike Store as we speak, grabbing all the unsold sports bras in the hope that his application to compete in the 776 BC Olympic Games will be successful.
  2. It’s King Billy you need to worry about you cunt.
  3. His next character will probably feature a hideously fat ugly white bird called Dawn guzzling on his unfeasibly large stereotypical black cock, and shouting ‘Give me a black baby!’ every time she comes up for air.
  4. And about 3 seconds later The Donald would be laughing at your sudden transformation into radio active dust. 🤣🇱🇷
  5. ‘At a Premier Inn of your choice’
  6. Once upon a time in the rear end.
  7. A fistful of arsehole.
  8. A big hairy arm around them and a load of banana skins on the pillow?
  9. I bet that must have been a relief to them, as they’d probably assumed that was already happening from day one.
  10. As the old saying goes ‘Doesn’t time fly when you’re acting the cunt?’
  11. It really is embarrassingly easy to lure you to the bait, which I honestly thought you would have ignored, but I should have realised your humungous ego would never allow that and I suppose ‘but no worries’ is at least a half hearted attempt to move on and make even more of a fool of yourself than I’ve come to expect. As for your profound explanation of the farcical actions of the George Soros funded ‘Get Trump’ DA Alvin Bragg and his puppet mistress the ‘Get Trump’ State AG Letitia James have embarked upon🤔The alleged misdemeanours which are being mysteriously linked to felonies (which Bragg refuses to identify) are long past the statute of limitations, have been investigated by 2 previous NYC DAs and the FEC who all concluded there was no crime, and that’s without even considering the ‘Michael Cohen’ (convicted perjurer and self confessed man on a mission to get Trump) elephant in the room. To quote Lavrentia Beria, Stalins long serving head of the KGB ‘Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime’. This is sadly the current downhill spiral the US is on and it won’t end well for the country, both Red and Blue. The rest of the world will be severely affected by the consequences of the US Democrats wilful abandonment of the Constitution on many fronts, first and foremost the well defined rule of law which at present the Democrats have weaponised against their opponents and granted themselves immunity from.
  12. Damn you again Eric Cuntman. I’m never going to be taken seriously again.
  13. Make sure to tell the bailiffs not to lean up against anything when they come to evict you and chuck your sleeping bag out in the morning.
  14. Damn you Eric Cuntman. This was a serious question and you’ve made it look all silly now.
  15. Perhaps you should let Federal Election Commissioner James E Trainor know your expert opinion on this matter immediately Mrs Rumpole, as he’s stated today ‘Its not a campaign finance violation. It’s not a reporting violation of any kind. In trying to stretch the law to make it look like a violation DA Alvin Bragg is really trying to make a square peg fit into a round hole’, an analogy which I’d be happy to explain to you so you can then have a basic understanding of the actual subject matter going forward. No need to thank me, a grovelling apology will suffice.
  16. ‘Minces with pooves’ starring Daniel Gay Lewis
  17. Rooster Cockburn in True Shit.
  18. The old bad cop/bad cop thing.
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