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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. What a shame you ever fucking happened.
  2. I’ve had a tip off that the 5G is being switched on next week Eric so don’t be surprised if loads of people drop dead everywhere when their Covid jab microchips pick up the signal. I’m really going to miss The Vulcan but I’m determined to not let that ruin the whole day.
  3. They probably clocked him and thought it was John Bindon incognito on his way to pick up Margaret at the back exit of Buck House.
  4. The House of Commons just isn’t the same without Lembit Opik Eric.
  5. King Billy

    Dr Who

    This would still be fucking boring if it actually even happened. Fuck off.
  6. I bet they downed a lot more than G&Ts in the gents toilets too.
  7. Disgusting. How low can you get?
  8. He’s a cunt, his family are all cunts and anyone who disagrees is even more of a cunt.
  9. The ‘crisis’ in Sudan is just the latest distraction to fill the MSM airwaves now that the sheep are bored shitless with the ‘crisis’ in Ukraine and might start to question the US/NATO proxy war agenda.
  10. Panic ye not WC. I’ve got you pencilled in for a weeks work at my third best Xmas tree site this year. Fuck Ukraine and all the silly little flag waving sheep . You’re a Christmas tree man unless I’ve read you all arse over elbow.
  11. Wouldn’t want to find that in a bag of magic mushrooms ( especially if you’d already eaten some).
  12. Have you sold all the little Ukranian flags I sent you yet DC? Eurovision is almost upon us and this could be our chance to join the super rich elite and hang out at Davos later this year with Klaus and Gatesy etc. I’ll Parcelforce you another twenty flags tomorrow anyway. You know what to do.
  13. Back on topic, the good news is that one of these 200 missing asylum seeker children has been found safe and well (Allah be praised).The reason this unfortunate 17 year old Iraqi child has now been located living at the taxpayers expense in a 3 star hotel, seems to be due to the recent discovery that he’s actually a 42 year old bearded, balding and tattooed adult who’s photo and fingerprints have been on a CIA/ISIS terrorist list which our security services share for more than a decade. A reasonable assumption would be that he’s at the head of the queue to be deported back to Iraq immediately before he misses any more school time, but that assumption would of course be ridiculous in the Clownworld which we used to know as Great Britain, as the 42 year old child in question is currently appealing his deportation back to Iraq (of course paid for with legal aid) on the grounds that he’s suffering from depression and his human rights would be violated if he was sent back. I hope it all works out well for the poor boy.
  14. ‘At home with the Kleftiko’s’.
  15. 200 paracetamol tablets and a large glass of Domestos before bed. And also turning on all the gas appliances and lighting a nice scented candle should help the problem to disappear. Night night.
  16. 🎶Rule Albania. Albania rules the waves.🎶 The dinghy (sorry ‘small boats’) armada that Sir Francis Drake would have hoisted the white flag to and finished his game of bowls.
  17. Will you be claiming your attendance expenses tomorrow at The House of Gaylords?
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