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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. She’s the only thing that stops me getting vaccinated and catching Covid19.
  2. A few years ago I was back home in Ireland and the long drive resulted in me having a bit of a sore arse. I went to the pharmacy and trying to be smart perused the shelves looking for the ointment I wanted. Unable to find it I said to the woman behind the ramp ‘My Dad’s asked me to get him some cream but I don’t know what it’s called exactly. He’s quite old and he’s got a sore bum’. She said ‘Anusol?’ and I replied ‘yeah that’s it I think’. She got me the ointment and as I was leaving she said to me ‘How’s your Mum?, I haven’t seen her since your Dad’s funeral.
  3. Is that when you ‘hump’ your playing partner when he bends down to pick up his ball?
  4. Yes he was, but thankfully he never followed up with his threats to set the online video gaming community on us.
  5. I bet you’re fed up with everyone shouting ‘sand iron’ when you’re playing out of a bunker.
  6. Next years contest will be live from The Vatican presumably?
  7. Much as it pains me to say it, I wholeheartedly agree with you. The whole thing is an abomination and imo is right up there with golf.
  8. If I remember rightly Eric you and I attempted to help him and at one stage it seemed as if he might actually be understanding the advice we were giving him, and then he just disappeared. It must have been too much to take in obviously.
  9. ‘Aaroight my lovely? Hop in the back and oi’ll give you a lift as far the woods.’
  10. Octopi are clearly hugely more intelligent than you judging by this post.
  11. The octopus has eight tentacles, nine brains and you’ll be delighted to know one arsehole.
  12. Fuck off and don’t forget to take that massive organ with you.
  13. The population of Africa is at least 2 billion so that would be a fair estimate.
  14. It’s the only look he’s ever had tbf.
  15. Anyone who admits to having travelled on a commuter train should have their toes removed with a set of boltcutters. Scum of the Earth.
  16. Andrews are probably a lot smaller than the others.
  17. The film was based on Neil but toned down a lot obviously.
  18. It’s not a squirrel, she’s got her growler out again. Lol
  19. 250 years and change of free British education and you still can’t get a six letter word right you fucking imbecile.
  20. His filthy ‘House of Syrups’ establishment in Wigmore St. has been closed since the raid by the Met Police vice squad.
  21. Let’s hope you’re more successful at killing yourself.
  22. Queen Victoria was a proper sort from a distance on a dark night.
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