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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. You drink Bud Lite Frank, don’t you?
  2. There are rumours that Fleetwood has been told to go his own way.
  3. It’s probably the RAF just giving the site a long overdue refurbishment before the crack, top secret ‘Flying Carpet Squadron’ move in. I wonder what their goat mascot will be called? My money’s on ‘Kaffur’.
  4. I’m seriously considering giving the whole thing a miss next year. I’ve just finished counting up the scorecards of all my guests at last nights Eurovision party at my house and most of them were impossible to read as they were all covered in some strange salty tasting sticky substance. Who won anyway? I had far too many Babychams before it even started and passed out with excitement.
  5. That all seems reasonable enough imo, nothing too controversial and I especially liked the ‘euthanise the gingers’ idea. Wales would be the ideal place to roll out that policy, then working Eastwards through The Cotswolds. Just one more thing which I’ve been wondering. Did you vote Leave or Remain in 2016?
  6. At last you’ve realised what everyone here has always known. Feel free to fuck off.
  7. I’ve donated over five million pounds to this site already and I’m still only fourth on the all time leaderboard. Just saying.
  8. First rule of living on Merseyside…. Never ever ever do a days work. You’ll go far lad.
  9. I’m glad I’m not a real person so all I can do is wish you all the best of luck for your time in jail. I’ve got an underground bunker fully stocked with pot noodles and cup a soup to hide out in just in case I’m wrong (very unlikely) and I am a real person.
  10. The scientists would definitely contest the will.
  11. Knife Crime Watch Thats Life (in prison) 24 years in police custody Big Bruvver Two cans of Red Stripe and a packet of weed Geez
  12. Full marks for ‘window licking’ as you appear to have been very observant of the outside world during your yellow bus daily commute in the 90’s.
  13. Ha ha you got censored by The Vulcan before me DC. That means I’m her favourite and she hates you.
  14. The resident spacker might be using it to brush his teeth with, so it might be unavailable rather than ineffective, unless he or she was a flid in which case they probably wouldn’t be able to bend down far enough to pick it up unless they’d fallen of the bog and slithered across the floor towards it covered in their own shit. Its actually quite a difficult question to answer with any certainty given the many factors which could determine the outcome.
  15. ‘I am King Billy’. ‘I am King Billy.’ ‘I am King Billy.’ ‘I am King Billy.’ ’Where the fuck is Spartacus then?’
  16. I will as well if you will as well.
  17. The Toxteth Target Range, I remember it well. Tom O’Connor worked there before he got onto the telly.
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